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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. You posted the same code for both.
  2. In the future, indent your code properly and use descriptive variable names. This is a bitch to read.
  3. I don't think it matters. If it matches once, it'll match no matter how many times it's in there. No, implode() does not remove duplicates.
  4. Try putting "root" as the user maybe instead of just ""?
  5. That database probably allows the root user to have access, while this one doesn't.
  6. Look at mysql_query and mysql_error And quit concatenating strings when you don't need to, thats a PITA to read. Lastly, use the syntax INSERT INTO table(column, column) VALUES(value, value).
  7. In the if(), you're assigning, not comparing. So it will always evaluate to true.
  8. Also, the if() statement will ALWAYS return true.
  9. ... what? $resultArray[] = $row;
  10. He doesn't need to do any of that, he just needs to use the Wordpress functionality to edit it.
  11. Is that your entire index? It is very clear, it says on line 1, the variable $bras is undefined. Which it is. Where do you expect the information to come from?
  12. Agreed. I remember in high school there was a popular game about drugs and pimps. If one of the kids got caught playing it they got in trouble. And that was just PLAYING it. Make it school friendly. Next, post code and an exact problem, and we can help debug. But if you're just asking "how should I program this part of my game", well you're the programmer.
  13. In Wordpress, you can edit your theme's CSS file. Look under Appearances or wherever it is you pick a theme.
  14. Yes it is, you're being quite vague with your question though. Look. INSERT INTO table (link, name) VALUES('reception-room', 'Reception Room'); That will work just fine. Where are you stuck?
  15. That is not what you've said in your other two posts. You need to explain the problem clearly. You've been given solutions for two possible interpretations of this.
  16. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=37442.0
  17. I thought about making a new table, but I was hoping to avoid it if I could. It does seem to be the easiest way to do it though. Hopefully I won't come across this situation again but if I do, I'll probably just do that
  18. I fixed the table to make the name column unique, this was just a cleanup. I know I can't delete the grouped result, I just want to use the information FROM it to determine what to delete. I eventually just got the list of IDs I wanted to delete and put them in the IN() on the delete.
  19. If you run the query at command line or through phpMyAdmin what do you get?
  20. You know he's going to do more later on :-P
  21. You searched for one of those three that you added? In your original code you called the input "postcode_area" now you have "postal_code"
  22. So it's in a text file? Put it in an array, and use in_array. Or import it into a database.
  23. Why would you want to add extra database calls? You realize you'd be making your program use twice the resources by doing that, right?
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