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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Is COM a custom class that wraps around ADODB? http://adodb.sourceforge.net/
  2. So what do the examples on that page look like?
  3. You put your or die in the wrong spot. You have it after you declare a string, it needs to be after you try to USE the string. Which you're also not doing correctly. GO look at the examples on mysql_query
  4. You have $message and then $msg, and you send $msg. Change the $message to $msg and you should be good.
  5. I don't follow...
  6. Don't require it more than once, because then you'll be defining the function more than once. Just call the function in header and footer. also you're being redundant, you call echo copyright() but copyright doesn't return anything, it just echos. This is wrong.
  7. try adding $line = trim($line); before the if, and if that does't help do a vardump on $line and see what each line contains. I think it might contain the new line character, and trim should remove it.
  8. I'm partial to Smarty as a templating system. I find a lot of companies use it and it's very easy to use, as well as easy to extend.
  9. on that page, require_once('functions.php');
  10. Barand, you're amazing. The code I'm working on is at home and I'm at work, so I will have to test it out with my code tonight or tomorrow, but it looks exactly like what I was trying to do.
  11. I need some logical help on this one. I have an object which has X settings, which are on/off. It also can have Y settings which each have Z number of options. Given the numbers, I want to figure out how many possible combinations of settings there are. For example, X=2, Y=2, y[0] = 3, y[1] = 4 So there are two on/off settings, 1 setting with 3 options, and 1 setting with 4 options. How would I compute the different settings? I have tried several times to create a recursive function for it, but I can't get it to return the output in a way that makes sense. I think I need something similar to this: www.php.net/manual/en/function.shuffle.php#90615 But going above 0 or 1. is this even possible?
  12. I don't know, it's your code!
  13. Okay, now I really give up. At over 400 posts you should know how to write a basic program and also how to ask intelligent questions and get help. Start over if you don't get it.
  14. What happens BEFORE the insert query?
  15. It's his website, I think he knows he did it in PHP Adam :-P
  16. jQuery is easy to pick up.
  17. I stand corrected, I thought it had to be last. Thanks.
  18. Why do you have a ; after letter? Do you want words that start with the letter or have it anywhere in the name?
  19. Is CKEditor a rich text editor? It's going to convert the < to <
  20. Default should be the last case in the switch.
  21. You can't have more than one value. You can however manipulate the value after it's chosen.
  22. *headdesk* Dude, you've been given several answers, and what you're trying to do is so mind numbingly simple...
  23. http://us2.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php
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