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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Smarty is a template engine, so the code that creates the variables will be in a separate PHP page. Once again, use code tags on the forum.
  2. There's not enough code for us to work with. What is $type_selected? Are you familiar with Smarty already? You should also use code tags in the future.
  3. After his message at 5:07, I'd have stopped replying and moved on. The poor grammar and way they speak to potential partners makes it clear they are not professional.
  4. You probably need to add a footer div with a clear: both; style on it. It's called "clearing floats". If you google that you should find plenty of info on it.
  5. $area['H1TITLE'] = 'Central Phoenix Condos, Lofts and High Rises.</p> <span style="font-size: 5pt"> Choose a community and get information, pictures and some floor plans.</span>'; This should be closest to the original. Assuming the OP actually wants the </p> closing in there, and is not starting a new <p>. It's not the most correct way to markup the text but it's closest to what he has. What he *should* be doing is having the title and the "summary" in separate variables, and putting them in styled elements. OP: the element is called H1TITLE so that indicates to me it's within <h1></h1> tags. The </p> won't work in there. What are you trying to accomplish?
  6. Please post all code in the forum's code tags. Before any of the processing, add print_r($_POST); And see if the values are what you expect. You should also probably print_r($cansw); and make sure it has the values you expect. You are not checking to see if your query was actually successful, so that could be failing.
  7. Hate to inform ya, but you missed the deadline. There's always another one. It is coming. In only 364 days!
  8. So do it right now, and we won't have to tell him to change it later for the next assignment
  9. Um. Did you change yourtablename to the name of the actual table?
  10. I haven't looked at the site but that sentence seems to be a great description of a site. It's a site full of drinking games, specifically ones to be played while watching movies....
  11. Please use code tags. <?php echo '<a class=\"fancybox fancybox.iframe\" href="'.$result->url.'?'venue_name=$id'"</a>'; ?> You might be able to see the error with the syntax highlighting helping you. Strings are red. You have text that should be within the string that isn't red. You also aren't concatenating the second variable. Also, you don't have to escape a double quote when your string is in single quotes.
  12. a la le facey-book. i mean really, what purpose do anon visitors have going to your index page? think like your users, design for your users. Facebook's index page IS their login page. I can think of cases of websites where users will log out to browse anonymously, though. e.g., Real-estate listing sites - property owners may log out to see how their listing looks to others. Sites like that should provide a "View Your Listing" link, just like LinkedIn does. I can view my profile as if I was anyone else looking at it, so I can see how it looks.
  13. The docs on mysql_query has plenty of examples. When you come to a section you don't understand, research the topics within it you don't understand. It's like reading any book - if you don't know a word, look it up.
  14. You'd need to use ajax to call a separate php script to send the mail. Look into jquery
  15. She asked how wide "physically". I can't think of any other "physcial" way a form field can be described in length then the visual width of it. Especially after she was told not to limit it at all using maxlen.
  16. The same length as the username field. It's visually appealing for them to line up.
  17. This.
  18. Don't use globals. Pass the array to the function.
  19. It's great that you're able to figure it out on your own I've had plenty like that.
  20. Honestly I think this should go in third party since it's Code Igniter. Since I don't know CI, I can only guess. You need to look in the code for CI_Model and see how the database gets loaded. Something is not working there. Your code is expecting db to be an object and it's not, so you need to find the code that creates that $db variable.
  21. So what that says is load is an object with a method of database(). What is in that method?
  22. And now you can see a way in which it's not
  23. THIS is what I was responding to. It's not my fault you said you did something. Forget it, good luck.
  24. Do that, and if it doesn't work show us the contents of your css file
  25. That's probably the worst way you could have handled it. If you keep saying you like the way mikosiko did it why didn't you do it that way? That's what I thought you were trying to do, but you're actually doing the one that no one suggested...
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