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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. You are looking is $path_parts[0] == 'user'. It isn't. So your code says $path_parts[0] must be the username.
  2. This is your code if ($path_parts[0] == 'user') { $user = $path_parts[1]; } else { $user = $path_parts[0]; } This is $path_parts ... http://www.youtube.com/user/MyYouTubeUserName?feature=mhee ... Array ( [0] => [1] => user [2] => MyYouTubeUserName) username: (You also have that section looping in a foreach which is not needed)
  3. Sounds similar to the experiences I've had with Verizon. Any company has the capacity to screw you over. The bigger they are, the more it will happen. The problem is if you avoid every company that anyone has ever had a problem with...who do you use?
  4. So do you see now why your code doesn't work?
  5. index.php/url=$1 Should be index.php?url=$1
  6. When you echo the content, it needs to be nl2br($content); Did you look up the nl2br function?
  7. When you do your SELECT you need to use a WHERE clause, using the logged in user's ID. SELECT * FROM table WHERE userid = 1
  8. Change this $path_parts = explode('/', $url_parts['path']); foreach ($path_parts as $pp) { To $path_parts = explode('/', $url_parts['path']); print_r($path_parts); foreach ($path_parts as $pp) { And tell us what you see.
  9. My experience has been the opposite. Every time I've needed to call them I've gotten immediate help, and I love that it's 24 seven. I have never had my email hacked and my domain stolen however. Maybe because I do fairly high volume business with them, I get better support, I can only speculate. But I've had good support from the first time I used them almost a decade ago and had one domain and the cheapest hosting. Again, I'm not saying you guys haven't had those bad experiences, I just haven't had the same one. I've had stellar service from them. I will probably continue to use them, especially since there's only been one other hosting company recommended here. I've tried a few other hosts, and there was one I actually had to file a small claim against because of their ineptitude. (double billing, refusing to cancel, not providing the actual service). I think it's a lot like cell phone providers. I like AT&T. I would prefer to use Sprint but I have an iPhone. I absolutely refuse to use Verizon because I consider their service abysmal. My dad swears by Verizon and thinks AT&T is the devil. *shrug*
  10. http://css-tricks.com/this-sites-domain-is-stolen/ That's GoDaddy's fault how? The summary ON that page indicates: "This happened to David Airey as well. He attributes a Gmail Security Flaw (this particular flaw has been fixed) as to why he was never notified of the domain transfer. David Walsh received two emails on November 28th from [email protected]. One said: "trust me godady can't help you," the other: "pay 2k to get ur domain back .." This is not isolated to GoDaddy. Original registrants varied, see below."
  11. http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.fgetcsv.php
  12. I have had the exact opposite experience using GoDaddy. The few times I've had to call for support, it's been great. Like the time I registered 3 misspelled domains, and they immediately refunded me and registered the one I *meant* to type. I don't know why they would ask for a CC number, they ask me for the phone PIN. I've also never had trouble with the functionality. I've been using them for various things for over 10 years and not had any of the problems you guys are talking about. (I'm not saying you didn't, I'm just very surprised). I've set several friends up with sites on GoDaddy and had no problems. I guess the only problem was a friend who bought "Website Tonight" when was he needed was Wordpress. We called them at 9pm on a Sunday, they gave him a refund and set up the correct service, and then I installed Wordpress using their functionality. I agree the website is horrible to look at, but after so long I guess I just know to click NO to all the extra add ons. For the price, it works great.
  13. So what sucks about GoDaddy?
  14. If you can't create tables, whats the point of having a MySQL db?
  15. Install Firebug on Firefox to get helpful debugging.
  16. function windowResize(){ var test = $(window).height(); $('#selector').css('height', test); } $(window).resize('windowResize'); windowResize();
  17. A quick fix would be to add the columns to Applicant, then do the copy.
  18. And what do the tables look like?
  19. You probably want to change "username" to root, and "password" to "" or NULL. Typical WAMP setup for the DB is root with no password. You can also change the IP to "localhost" but that shouldn't matter. Edit: I see you say you set up a username and pass - Does the code actually have them or do you have what you've posted here? (Don't post your username and password here regardless )
  20. Usually the page would be something like /user/edit Which would load the UserController and call the edit() method, load the UserModel, and the view template would be edit. An index page would be site.com/user/ which would likely mean the logged in user, and you'd have logic which would say if there is no "action" or method specified, use a main() or index() type function. You'd also need to decide if you're going to do site.com/user/view/12345 (controller/action/parameter) OR site.com/12345 And add in special handling if the second.
  21. You still need to check if the post variables are set first. If you're not doing so, and you don't see errors, you don't have error reporting on and will run into more problems later.
  22. Why would it be named index_model? Name it what it handles. Things like UserModel, NewsModel, CommentModel, etc.
  23. You're still not making any sense. Using MVC, every model should be it's own file, not all in one model file. Some models might extend other models but still be their own file. Every class whether a model or a controller, needs to be it's own file. And that has little to do with autoloading. You can easily autoload the files. In fact you should.
  24. If you change the default it will not change existing rows. You can run an update on them however.
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