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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. I don't think the OP is american.
  2. You're using count wrong - that is how you might do it in Java. In PHP you need to pass the array you want to count as an argument to count. Also, in PHP variable names have $ in front. These are correct: $menu_footer_array $this->text
  3. Make sure you print out the SQL, you will be able to see the errors then. Also, I think you are not escaping your data. Check out mysql_real_escape_string and google SQL injection.
  4. You have to set it on in the php.ini file. http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php It's short_open_tag
  5. So for instance, change these lines: <?php $sql = "UPDATE members SET id='$id', cnnation='$cnnation', cnruler='$cnruler', acdcuser='$acdcuser', positions='$positions', nationlink='$nationlink' WHERE id=$id"; $result = mysql_query($sql); ?> To this: <?php $sql = "UPDATE members SET id='$id', cnnation='$cnnation', cnruler='$cnruler', acdcuser='$acdcuser', positions='$positions', nationlink='$nationlink' WHERE id=$id"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error().' SQL: '.$sql); ?>
  6. ?????? omg I can use smilies too. Check it out. :D :D :o :o ;D ;D After rereading the OP, I think you would have to write your own function that would loop through the array and use strstr().
  7. To debug your mysql/php code, after any line that has a mysql function in it, make it say or die(mysql_error()); So change your code to this: (PS: did you update the mysql_connect line to have your login info?) <?php mysql_connect("localhost","username","password") or die(mysql_error()); ?> ETC. All of the mysql lines, add that error bit. Okay? Also, check into this function: http://php.net/mysql_num_rows So you don't have a while loop that won't work.
  8. That's rich. If you want help with something, you should ask for what you want help with. If you assume we won't understand why would we be able to help in the first place? You should divide by 10, use floor, multiply by 10. That is your 30. then ADD 9 and that is your 39.
  9. Adam, before you said you wanted it rounded to even 10s, now you say to the next 9...you're not being clear.
  10. The field names might be reserved words. Without seeing the code we can't help much.
  11. Use mysql_real_escape_string and google "sql injection"
  12. You'll have to have something else calling the PHP script, it can't call itself. There are ways to make desktop apps with PHP but it's not really worth it for this. You could open the page on your browser and use refreshEvery (firefox extenstion) as a hack until you get your own linux server You could switch to MT which gives you cron jobs. Unless you're using ASP or windows only stuff, I'd use linux hosting over windows in the future.
  13. Because those are integers, which is the intended result. If you pass it 2.4 you will see something...The floor and ceil of 2 are both 2, that is correct.
  14. you can use a cron job.
  15. It's post like Daniel's that make me wish we had a thumbs up sort of thing "It just happened a week ago when i went to give interview for PHP developer and in the interview "they" asked me, Tell your expertise in PHP in Percentage , just don't guess tell !!!" Uhm, before giving a lowball percentage like 20, I would have asked for further explanation. Maybe they wanted to know what your strong points were, IE, 50% of my php experience has been with OOP projects, etc. But I'm inclined to think it was a trick question, and you failed the test. I had a previous employer ask me to rank my skills in different languages on 1-10, and we did some little examples on the whiteboard, that was actually pretty easy.
  16. Divide by ten, then use floor or ceil (depending on if you want up or down). Then multiply by 10.
  17. You could write one
  18. Obviously not...You know, Firefox 2 has a built-in spelling checker.
  19. I get what it's supposed to do but why didn't you just test it yourself? What is the problem? And wtf is "aligancy"?
  20. It doesn't matter what you said, your CSS was not valid code.
  21. The correct CSS for a background image is background: url('image url'); no img src, that is html.
  22. You can do that with GD. If you start working on it, we can help with specific questions. Or you could google it.
  23. Volunteers own no stake in the company they volunteer for.
  24. use mysql_real_escape_string if you are using MySQL, not addslashes!
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