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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. In the future, use the code tags. No one wants to scroll that far through a bunch of html.
  2. Also, to make them show/hide, you'll have to use javascript. (Or a css hack which doesn't work on all browsers)
  3. We'd have to see the code.
  4. It's my cat when he was a kitten. Everyone always asks that, I guess I'm just used to seeing teeny pixel as kitten Here is a better pic and some of him, his brother, and my rats too: http://jesirose.com/about/my-pets/
  5. It's not a constructor, it's a function in the class. If I have already created an instance of it, it will have values for those class variables, as set in the constructor. If I want to call the function and use those values, I don't want to pass it anything. If I want to pass it values, they might not need to overwrite the existing class values. So it's the same as wanting to use any other function that has default values.
  6. Use PHP and date() to create a variable that is one month ago. Then use WHERE date > $monthAgo or something.
  7. you'll need to use the ORDER BY and LIMIT clause. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/select.html
  8. only if you're needing alpha transparency. Png is fine except for that in ie6
  9. That IS emailing them one at a time. Why don't you look into an existing mass email script
  10. Since tiff is not widely supported by web browsers, it makes sense that PHP would not be used to make tiff images. why not use png or gif?
  11. There are tons of free CMS out there. Joomla, Wordpress, etc.
  12. This is a help site, not a do it for me please site. If you want it done for you, post in freelancing. Otherwise, you can work on the script and we'll help you. A good place to start is the manual. http://php.net/mail
  13. What about it is not working?
  14. Perhaps you have two entries which meet that query.
  15. How do you check if they are logged in or not? If they can view those pages when not logged in, you have a bigger problem. Instead of using if statements, write functions. Then when you edit that one function, it will affect all pages.
  16. You must be checking to see if they are logged in on each page. Why not just add the check if they are locked into that function?
  17. also, not how you use fopen. You need to assign the resource it creates to a variable in order to use it.
  18. look at line 25. You haven't escaped your quotes in your string properly.
  19. Again, not what I was asking, but thanks for trying.
  20. Jessica


    Why? Sorting the whole thing would effectively sort the first three characters as well.
  21. You need to worry about injection in ANY query. If not properly escaped, a SELECT can be ended and turned into an INSERT.
  22. I think most people who are using RoR on sites have their own dedicated server and can put whatever they want on it.
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