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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Well, to address the actual ERROR: the int in the manual is telling you what type of variable to send. You don't type int in your code. You just send the variable. ncurses_refresh($ch); However, use one of the other methods provided here to do what you want.
  2. Or you could get a job.
  3. That will work. Did you do $id = $_GET['id']; on your second page?
  4. What exactly are you trying to do? Did you look at the comments on the imagettfbbox page? There are a ton of helpful functions posted.
  5. file() returns an array, or you could explode the text returned by fopen
  6. My husband wanted to add this: "The short answer (or what I thought was going to be a short answer) is that you are asking about something on the client side (i.e. the browser). The browser works with the operating system, which in turn works with the client system's configured DNS server(s) to provide the IP address(es) associated with the hostname entered in the browser. All the web server will see is the client system's browser making the connection and requesting the page. The web server (and in turn PHP) will never "see" the DNS request the client makes. PHP has no part in this process."
  7. What "does not work"? What are you expecting and what do you get?
  8. For AJAX check out Mootools.net
  9. Try adding some debugging code. Such as: <?php $addresses = file("data/lista.lst"); print_r($addresses); for ($index=0; $index < count($addresses); $index++) { if(mail($addresses[$index],"Welcome...","text here","From: IN21\nReply-To: [email protected]")){ print 'mailed to '.$addresses[$index]; }else{ print 'not mailed to '.$addresses[$index]; } } ?>
  10. I think people who don't know what they're talking about shouldn't answer. I sat for a minute and thought, can I answer this insane question in a way that will make sense? And I said to myself, no. I even asked my husband who much smarter than I and more experienced with this sort of thing, how would you answer that? And he said "I wouldn't". How does DNS work? I don't know, but I'm sure someone out there has written information on it that you could find through Google. DNS has nothing to do with PHP, that much I am sure of.
  11. That doesn't matter - either is correct. else if is easy to read IMO, since they are two words.
  12. I think it's called CURL. Why can't you just make two cron jobs? Or include?
  13. Error reporting should have caught that :/
  14. To expand on what mcmuney said: So if the search variable is $search it would be WHERE column = '%$search%'
  15. Well $_POST['submit'] is never set. You have it as "Submit" not 'submit'
  16. You can make the name column an index, or you can search by the auto-incrementing field.
  17. Add error reporting to the top of your pages: ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); Do you see any errors now?
  18. $sql = "SELECT table1.*, table2.*, table3.* FROM table1, table2, table3 WHERE table1.brand = 'brand here' AND table2.brand' = 'brand here' AND table3.brand = 'brand here'"
  19. Either hire a programmer, or start smaller. Read tutorials on PHP/MySQL. You can't jump into the deep end without a swimming lesson (HAHA I made a metaphor. Sweet.)
  20. You're using || which means Or. You want && which means And. This: elseif (($hour >= 10) || ($hour <= 30)){ Means if it's greater than or equal to ten OR less than or equal to 30. 34 is >= 10.
  21. It sounds like nothing is being posted for those fields.
  22. So $last needs to be defined by: $last = $_POST['last']; Also, you need to validate it. If someone puts in "O'Hara" it could break your code. It's open to SQL injection and a bunch of other stuff.
  23. Congratulations? For being born a certain gender? k... Women are statistically better at Math and Logic (including programming) than Men. If anything, congratulations to all the men who overcome their genetically poorer disposition. (Sarcasm, chillax.) PS: Thanks anyway
  24. Okay, same as before - you need to figure out where these variables you're using are supposed to be coming from.
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