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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. is mp3_userid a number? like $m_id perhaps instead of the string 'm_id'?
  2. no. Make the form go to process.php. Otherwise you'll just have the same problem you do now.
  3. You want to get all the transactions from a specific month, but you have them stored with the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD or something like that. You need to use a date formatting function to get the ones you want.
  4. Make your processing a seperate page, with NO html. It just processes. Then when it's DONE, it redirects to your normal page with your HTML.
  5. Are all of those session variables set? Do you have error reporting turned on? ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL);
  6. Then you can't use the include on that page. Header() HAS to be called before any output.
  7. something in the include must be printing to the screen. Or have a space at the beginning or end of the file.
  8. The code for this function: print_standard_redirect - it's not a PHP function, it's defined somewhere in the code.
  9. Why does dental have the $_POST stuff? Once you store something in the session you don't have to keep setting it again. And what die part? Also $SESSION is wrong, it's $_SESSION.
  10. That's CSS. It's not dynamic, it's just set to be in the bottom right corner.
  11. Yes, see how it has the same entries twice? That's why it's putting them in twice...
  12. ...it's basically an empty array ?
  13. This is a third-party question...try posting on Vbulletin's forums or find the code in the Vbulletin files.
  14. Try sending all of the parameters, not just those
  15. What did the print_r() display?
  16. Of course, cookies can be edited, so you'll need to use sessions instead or at least in conjunction with.
  17. You can have code before header(), but not output to the screen.
  18. do a print_r($subnum) and see if it has doubles of the numbers? The form code won't help, it's where you set $subnum and what you do with it before this code that matters. Somewhere you need to have $subnum = $_POST['form field name here'];
  19. Yeah it's more like : if(($month >= $today['mon']) || ($month=$today['mon'] && $day >= $today['mday'])){
  20. What? What do you mean pass back? We need a specific example with code.
  21. That's what I keep asking
  22. Well, use sessions, like you mentioned in the title.
  23. So your input can't have proper grammar? $newArray = str_replace("'", '', $_POST); $newArray = str_replace('"', '', $newArray);
  24. I don't know what lame is but whenever you use PHP to generate an image file or a css you have to use header() to set the content type. Check out the comments on http://php.net/header to see some examples and people have talked about mp3 on there.
  25. str_replace("'", '', $_POST); str_replace('"', '', $_POST); Why do you want to do that? What is wrong with quotes?
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