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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. check out the mail function on PHP.net http://php.net/mail Specifically, the additional parameters after headers like '-f'.'your email addy here'
  2. This is a good way to get banned, and definitely not helped. I'm glad your organization is "free" but that doesn't mean they get free services. You get what you pay for in this world.
  3. You need to add $id = $_GET['id'] for this instance. You'll want to "clean" it by making it $id = intval($_GET['id']); (if you're only ever expecting a number. Otherwise users can inject SQL (google: SQL injection) or XSS attacks.
  4. You'll probably need to contact them to see how to get it switched to PHP5 for all your pages. This is how I force PHP5 on my server on MT. It may/may not work for you, but it's worth a shot. Save this code as simply .htaccess and upload it to your site: AddHandler php5-script .php
  5. I think it means you need to do some research on ssl certs. and possibly contact web host.com.
  6. You could store it in the session, but if you really want it in the form (and therefore, editable by users) try this: print '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">";
  7. Are you using PHP4? get_headers is a PHP5 function only. http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.get-headers.php If you scroll down through the comments it looks like someone has posted a function to emulate it, that will work in 4.
  8. In the editor. Hit the button next to the quote button. It looks like a #. Or type [.code]code here[/.code] without the .
  9. Sessions are also affected by if the user has cookies enabled. Did the other computer have cookies enabled? If you wanted the changes (counting up I guess) you saw on your computer to be seen by other users, sessions is not what you'll use, you need to store the changes on your server.
  10. Use code tags please! $number in the last line will be the last value $number in the loop. If you want it to change dynamically when the user changes the drop down menu, you need to use javascript. PHP is done before the page loads. Do some googleing on "client-side" and "server-side" and you'll see the difference.
  11. Go to https://YOUR DOMAIN HERE and see what happens?
  12. Well, he has errors supressed, so there is no way to tell if the connection is working. I think the @ should be banned
  13. Take out the error supression sybmol: @ everywhere. The file: http://www.xspand.ca/77.avi Doesn't exist there either. Do you have an example of a url that actually exists?
  14. Take out the www. Look at the URL you're trying to access. www.seajist.100webspace.net/77.avi Actually go to it in your browser. Is anything there? No. Google "subdomains". Your site is not www.seajist.100webspace.net/ it is http://seajist.100webspace.net/ http://seajist.100webspace.net/77.avi HAS a file.
  15. Did you add the error_reporting code? You should see errors if you're not getting the mail. Also, have you looked at the mail() function's other arguments? I have to use '[email protected]' in order to avoid spam filtering on the outgoing server.
  16. The @ symbol suppresses errors.
  17. Is the images folder in the same directory as this file? It cannot find this file: "images/uploads/20070823085742_explicit.jpeg" You might need to look at the relative path from your php file and the image file. Or is your image .jpg not .jpeg? Look at each error and find the line of code which it tells you to, that will give you a good place to start. Not many of us are going to try to find the xxxth line in such a huge file.
  18. Did you try it with http://www...I think it has to be http:// not just www.
  19. Hm, try looking into : http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.imagealphablending.php The comments contain some helpful info as well.
  20. "Currently it not be opaque but just a different shade of red, like a pink almost.. and it covers the text, nothing shows through the color." That's what opaque means... http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3A+opaque The text won't show through an opaque shape.
  21. Where is 'total' coming from? If you want SUM to be stored as 'total', you need to tell it so: $sql= "SELECT SUM(CONSIDER) AS total FROM DentalVisionHearing DV JOIN MASTERL2 M2 ON M2.[EMPNO]=DV.EmpNo WHERE DV.[FY] = '$fiscal'" ; $result= mssql_query($sql); $row = mssql_fetch_array($result); echo $row['total '] ;
  22. trim() does not remove HTML, it removes extra spaces! http://us.php.net/trim Read this page on PHP&HTML: http://us.php.net/manual/en/faq.html.php strip_tags() removes HTML (and PHP) http://us2.php.net/strip_tags You can also look into PEAR's HTML Safe, which I use and like a lot: http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_Safe
  23. $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n"; $headers .= $headersfrom; mail($to, $subject, $customermail, $headers); Where does $headersfrom come to? Try changing mail to this to the top of every page: ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); Then change the mail() line to: if(mail($to, $subject, $customermail, $headers)){ headers('Location: packages.php'); }else{ print "$to - $subject - $customeremail - $headers"; die(); } Your page might not redirect to packages.php but you will be able to debug.
  24. Show us all of the code
  25. You've forgotten to post the code. We can't help if we can't see the code.
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