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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. you can use intval() to get the integer value, or is_numeric to check if it is.
  2. Create a config file and include it on all pages, and define those variables or constants there. Edit: If you're saying this data will be changed by one user, and all users should then see the changes, use a database.
  3. You need to use a client side language such as javascript, or let the user enter their timezone on your site.
  4. Hence, why you use LIMIT and OFFSET. So you don't get confused. The MySQL site seems to be down right now.
  5. Using LIMIT and OFFSET.
  6. As I said, it's obviously bullet proof Something had to have changed, computers are not like people - they don't forget things they've done or how to do them, unless something actually happens. So if you didn't change it, something on your host changed - that doesn't excuse all the actual string errors, so I think you may be suffering from memory loss. Upgrade your RAM.
  7. Just because something works on one server doesn't mean it will on another. You're depending on several INI settings that can easily vary server to server.
  8. $protect_string = $_GET['protect_string']; You have to $_GET a variable from the URL, you can't depend on Register_globals being on.
  9. I think Tom's method might be more reliable.
  10. $width = strlen($protect_string) * ImageFontWidth($font); Where's $protect_string defined? If it's not, that will give you 0*# = 0, so you get a 0 width.
  11. That means nothing was entered for $_POST['date_clear'], because that's the time for 0.
  12. try print $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; on the file and see what it outputs.
  13. $time = $_POST['date_clear']; $time = strtotime($time); $time = date("Y-m-d", $time); Then insert $time in your query instead of the POST var.
  14. Yes, only there is probably even more to it - you know when you get an error message and it says in file.... and there's a really long path? That's the whole path.
  15. That's a url not a path. File exists won't work with a URL, it needs the path.
  16. It's more likely the error reporting levels are different on the servers, and you only see the warnings on some. You're surpressing the error that actually matters: $im = @imagecreate ($width,$height); Needs to be : $im = imagecreate ($width,$height); In order to get an error that will help.
  17. You didn't change what JBS posted...
  18. It will help if you post the code you have and the errors you got.
  19. And apparently your method is bullet proof. I'm done here. Fix the syntax errors then worry about whether or not it works.
  20. True. False. Not really complicated... But I think JBS solved it
  21. You need to get yourself a editor with syntax highlighting. "?=>q SAME PROBLEM. You're still not doing your strings correctly. This should be '?'=>'q' " " strings are for strings that have variables in them, ' ' are for literal strings. Download textpad and use the syntax highlighting. Also, md5() dude. Reinventing the wheel, shoddily, is never a good idea.
  22. You'll need to fix all of them. It's also on 0, 2, 7. and still others.
  23. You need to use the full path for file_exists You might even use a boolean in the Database for default - if it's 1, show the default, if 0, they have an image - that might work easier.
  24. You never fixed the first error I pointed out - that you have unclosed strings. Fix that and that will likely fix it. After the t=>"? you need ANOTHER " to CLOSE the string. If you don't believe me, you've got bigger problems. That missing " means that PHP thinks the string ends at the next ", and the next char after that is ? which doesn't make sense to PHP. It's on t, 8, 9 and probably others.
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