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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. You're trying to put code in a string. Why don't you just put the code there? After the body, put your code, instead of trying to store it in a string and print it.
  2. *burns effigy* HAHAHAH!!!!! Get it?
  3. http://www.google.com/search?q=mod_rewrite
  4. You have to start looking for these yourself. It's probably the line before or after. We're not going to go through and pick out every typo you make, that's up to you.
  5. You might want to look at mod_rewrite for a better way to do this, instead of creating a file for every user.
  6. before you try to use the variable, so before the code you posted you'd add if(isset($_FILES['uploaded']['name'])){
  7. So what's the problem?
  8. echo "<BR><BR>\"; You're escaping one you shouldn't there - of course, if you'd taken my advice, that wouldn't happen, but no, no one's listening to me today.
  9. Before you use a variable you'll want to check if it's set and if not, declare it. if(!isset($uploadedfile)){ $uploadedfile = ''; }
  10. You're opening your strings with ". Then inside them you have more ". If you want to use a quote inside a string you opened with that same quote, you have to escape it with a \. If I were you I'd open the strings with ' so you don't have to escape all your " and then just pop out of it for your one variable. echo '<form name="frmSearch">'; etc. echo '<inout type="text" value="'.$val.'">';
  11. That's not a PHP function. If hits_date is a date or datetime field from mysql, you'd use strtotime() to make it a timestamp. Then you use date() to format it. If it's already a timestamp, use date();
  12. Toon - no, you just need two stylesheets. Why would you have twice as much work? Either way you're creating two stylesheets - you just add a subdomain for mobile and point the DNS to the regular site...
  13. Post your code within code tags.
  14. I'm at UTD too - I'm actually in class right now Feel free to contact me if you need anything.
  15. One thing some places do is have a mobile subdomain, such as m.mysite.com - anyone on a handheld should go there - and then for that subdomain you force a different CSS instead of letting the device pick. I like that idea as well.
  16. Also, don't put the variable in a string in the post if it's just the var. $_POST[$doc] not $_POST["$doc"] - it's extra work for PHP to do that way.
  17. http://justfuckinggoogleit.com I gave you the exact code, and the name of the property. And my name isn't "Josi".
  18. You use the media tag <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/common.css" media="screen, print, projection, handheld" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/screen.css" media="screen, projection" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/print.css" media="print" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/handheld.css" media="handheld" />
  19. If you mean an input, it's the value="". The type is ... well, the type. Text, password, etc. The value is the value of it... A textbox to me means a textarea, which has no value, it has an open and close tag.
  20. strip_tags() or Pear's HTML_Safe
  21. It's $_POST not $POST_
  22. you put it between the two textarea tags.
  23. when you loop through them you just add to a number. Your table is also kind of weird - you had no rows and many open cells. <?PHP $sql="SELECT `clan_name`,`wins`,`losses`,`message`,`clan_id`,`link`,`last_battle` FROM `table` ORDER BY `wins` DESC"; $res=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysqll_error()); $rank = 1; print '<table>'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){ print "<tr><td>Rank: $rank</td><td >".$row["clan_name"]."</td></tr>"; $rank++; } print '</table>'; ?>
  24. You don't need to store another field for rank if it's just based off wins - just rank them in PHP when you select them, order them by wins.
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