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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. You can try stripping out the quotes using str_replace $desc str_replace('"', "'", $desc);
  2. I think this: if(($o-$c)>=0){$fim .= "<a href=\"?offset=".$o."&count=".$c."\">< Fyrri síða</a> "; } Needs to be this: if(($o-$c)>=0){ $fim .= "<a href=\"?offset=".($o-$c)."&count=".$c."\">< Fyrri síða</a> "; }
  3. http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.timezone-identifiers-list.php http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.timezone-abbreviations-list.php
  4. ...That doesn't make any sense
  5. I dunno this is really weird.
  6. If you post the code you already have, we can edit it. If you don't have any code written, you need to start there.
  7. Before you display them, loop through and pick out the heaviest. Then when you are displaying them, check to see if that's the one, and if it is, apply the style to the cell.
  8. try $descfin = stripslashes(stripslashes(nl2br($_POST['desc'])));
  9. When you have an if, it needs to have open and close {} if you want it to apply to more than one line. Put your new statements each on their own line.
  10. Are you adding slashes anywhere via mysql_real_escape_string or addslashes()? Change the if statement I wrote to just this: $descfin = stripslashes(nl2br($_POST['desc'])); I know it's what you had before, but since we changed the quotes on the email maybe that helped... *shrug*
  11. Do you know how to get data out of MySQL into PHP? If not, go read some of the tutorials in the beginner's section. If so, add this to your query: " ORDER BY (xoname) DESC, (abcname) DESC,"
  12. Okay try this and let me know what you get: $to = '[email protected]'; $subject = 'NEW SIGN UP'; if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $descfin = stripslashes(nl2br($_POST['desc'])); }else{ $descfin = nl2br($_POST['desc']); } $message = "<html><body>$descfin</body></html>"; $from = '[email protected]'; $headers = "From: $from\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion() . "\r\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n\r\n"; mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
  13. check out the array sorting functions php. http://us3.php.net/array_multisort Without seeing how the data is stored we can't help much.
  14. Neither are we, unless you tell us what the problem is. Your quotes are funky. Are you using a normal text-editor? The quotes at the end are a weird character, not normal quotes. You also have closing } brackets before opening ones. if( $o < 0 ){ $o = 0; $fim .= '<a href="?offset="'.($o-$c).'&count='.$c.'">Previous</a>'; } You have several quote issues - make sure if you use quotes inside a string they are escaped, or the opposite kind.
  15. redarrow's code has several mistakes in it - can we see the actual code you're using?
  16. Then you're not only setting the session - what's on line 56 of login.php?
  17. The includes file isn't being included. Use require() to make sure.
  18. run stripslashes() on it. It's not replacing ' with \, it's putting \ in front of ', (magic quotes) then you're stripping the 's.
  19. That doesn't make sense. If test is going to be an array, check the count(); if(count($test)){ }
  20. What's wrong with it?
  21. It's considered rude to use Caps Lock - you're shouting. If you need the font bigger you can fix it on your browser. put ini_set("upload_max_filesize", "8M"); at the top of the script http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.upload-max-filesize
  22. I dunno, with mail it could be a billion things :/ Best of luck.
  23. Is it possible people are using it and not filling in those fields?
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