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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. What does it echo for $a? If it's 0, then your file isn't being written correctly.
  2. Is your mysql actually localhost? It's a connection error, so you need to verify your connection information. We can't help with that.
  3. That made no sense whatsoever, but as you said it's connected, it seems the problem has been fixed.
  4. Well now the page has compiled. You have "localghost" I assume you meant "localhost"
  5. if ($result { needs to be if ($result){/
  6. $_POST is slightly more secure than GET, as less random users will know how to edit post data. Plus it looks nicer to the user than having all that junk in the URL. But to answer the original question, you'd have to make forms, and use javascript to give that link a submit function onclick. In this case, it'll be easier to use the URL and get the data with GET
  7. If you see sites which have ads, you need better ad-filtering. I haven't seen ads on a website since 2000 dude. Just accept the fact that your visitors don't want to be forced to boost your revenue, and offer them a better way to help out. If the site is worth it, they'll contribute.
  8. mysql_fetch_array selects the current row and moves the pointer forward. To do what you're trying you need to loop through it. There are examples of how to use that function on the php.net page for it http://php.net/mysql_fetch_array. If you just want their number, use SELECT count(*) FROM ... Or use your current query and use mysql_num_rows()
  9. under that line I just fixed, add $section = $_GET['section']; It's telling you section is undefined, so you need to define it.
  10. Change this line: <?php if (isset($section) && $section != "") To this: <?php if (isset($_GET['section']) && $_GET['section'] != "")
  11. It brings the variable into the scope of that page. *shrug*
  12. So will just $array[] = "E"; You don't need to pass a key.
  13. Send it as Text-Only if it's AOL.
  14. I had similar problems with this recently, so I'm interested to see if anyone has an answer.
  15. To correct the actual problem: <input type="hidden" name="price" value="$price"> <input type="hidden" name="price" value="<?=$price?>"> or <input type="hidden" name="price" value="<?php print $price; ?>">
  16. I think the error handler function needs to be more like the ones here: http://us2.php.net/set_error_handler Try starting with what they have and then just add HTML.
  17. $num = rand(1,6)
  18. !== checks the type as well as the value, that's fine.
  19. I have had this happen before when working with images and when I used the nocache headers it still didn't work, so what I did was add the timestamp to the end of the image url <img src="image.php?<?=time()?>" />
  20. http://us2.php.net/array_unique will remove any duplicates
  21. So what you'd need to do then is just get all of the members, then get all of the pictures where primary != 'y' AND active != y. So you'll end up with 1 or 0 pictures per member, right? So when getting the pics out, save them in an array using the member's ID as the key. Then when you loop through your members, you can easily check if they have a picture in the array.
  22. "My only complaint is that there customer service number is not toll free." Wait, you get charged for long distance? This is 2007, not 1997. :-P
  23. redarrow, I know you know how to write a for loop, as I've seen you write code more advanced than this for other people. Why don't you try something, and then we can help you edit it. btherl suggested a way to do it that will work with your existing code, so just plug it in.
  24. This is something that really should be in a database. :/ What happens when you print $pull? Is the value what you expect? Are all these user folders in the same directory as this file? You may need to adjust the path. So right after you include it, if you print $pass, it is empty?
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