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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. What is index.php line 11? The session_start() needs to be the VERY first thing on your page.
  2. yes, that would make much more sense.
  3. My favorite part is when she starts singing. I'm using Windows, Windows 386 So all my applications are running at once!
  4. If it's something like id=5, then you use $_GET, not what you have, that's all.
  5. Are they varchar instead of int? If so, you need to put the results in an array in PHP and then sort it after converting them to ints. Or fix the column to be an INT
  6. There are several similar things already. I use freshbooks.com to bill my clients.
  7. If the values are empty, it will update the record to an empty value. Why do you say it's not updated? How are you viewing the record?
  8. That's why I reccomended you PRINT out $sql so you can SEE what it says and find out if there is a problem there. If you don't get an error, and the SQL is fine, then you're in an 9th dimension and we can't help.
  9. If they are all named the same it won't work unless they're named something like button[] <-- you need the []. That will make the posted var an array;
  10. I didn't write it, how should I know? Probably to keep newbies from using it.
  11. The code has been obfuscated. I think that's octal.
  12. $username = trim($_POST['username']); $query = "insert login(username,password,level)VALUES('$username','$password','$level')"; You should also do some research on SQL injection.
  13. The same way you did in your other script...
  14. print $sql before inserting it to make sure it says what you think it should. You can also do print_r($_POST); at the top to see if the post vars are what you're expecting.
  15. Wow, I think you may be the first person EVER to say I have a good attitude I've found the best way to learn is to code as much as possible, so just keep working on it. Find fun projects to do.
  16. That's not in your ADD script though, you just access $username, without getting it from the $_POST, so it's using the preexisting $username.
  17. Can there be a ThoMas and a thomas? If not, just make the code convert the name to lowercase in all instances to check for equality. It seems like this is something that should be handled with mod_rewrite, not actual directories - that might make it easier in the long run.
  18. I don't understand what the problem is then. Your email looks just like whats in the textbox. Explain the problem more specifically. What is wrong?
  19. If you're only going to read half of my post each time this is going to take forever. Your original post doesn't have session_start(); When you add your HTML, add it AFTER your session_start(); Try it then. Where does $cart get defined?
  20. $query = "insert login(username,password,level)VALUES('$username','$password','$level')"; You're using the variable $username without ever defining it. This indicates you have register_globals on, which is a security no-no. This also means if you have $_SESSION['username'], that will overwrite the $_POST['username']. Are you administrator? That's where it's getting that from. Instead of using variables without declaring them, you need to do $username = $_POST['username']; You also need to read up on PHP security, things like SQL injection, and how to code without R_G.
  21. Where is the code where it adds up the items? That is the part you'll need to edit to get rid of these empty ones.
  22. Your original post doesn't have session_start() on the top. Please use the code tags! Highlight your code and hit the # button.
  23. So...don't use htmlentities.
  24. Change $email_message = "Visitor mail \r Messsage: \r $visitor_message \r Visior IP: $ip \r Email $visitor_email\r Messsage: \r $visitor_comments "; to $email_message = "Visitor mail \r\n Messsage: \r\n $visitor_message \r\n Visior IP: $ip \r\n Email $visitor_email\r\n Messsage: \r\n $visitor_comments "; And it will be formatted nicer.
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