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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/mydomain.com/index.php:2)" Okay the error is on index.php, line 2. We need to see index.php.
  2. Mrph...what happens with \r\n? What happens if at the end of the lines, you add .' '; Like actually hit the enter key in your code? I'm just tossing out random stuff...good luck.
  3. ....yeah. Did ya try it?
  4. I offered two options. You said you'll do one, but said No to me. Wait, is this the tri-state boolean? Research AJAX and do it yourself...then when you need help, post for help in the AJAX forum. Thus...LEARNING it yourself. People are more than willing to help, you got several helpful answers, and you brought up the for-sale software and your problem with paying for it. I was bashing you attitude towards pirating software, mp3s, etc. The only piracy I enjoy involves doubloons and men in eyeliner. Lastly, I am not your dear.
  5. You might consider making a function so you don't have the same thing posted over and over. Here is a simpler version. Waist is around your tummy, waste is a verb more appropriate. [code] for($i=1; $i<=100; $i++){   printStuff($modify_row[$i]); } function printStuff($value){     print '<option value=" "></option>     <option value="1"';     if(!$value){         print ' selected ';     }     print '>Active</option>     <option value="0"';     if($value){         print ' selected ';     }     print '>In-Active</option>'; } [/code]
  6. It's a text file, not html. Use \n not br
  7. That's not your index.php file is it.
  8. Well from what you said, my idea will work.
  9. yeah but if if they all have different items, aren't these items going to be stored in the DB? Then you need to be able to tell which store it is, so you need store ids or something.
  10. Are the ids numbers? Uhm...addition and subtraction? if the id is 4, the next is 5, and the previous is 3....
  11. It depends on how you're doing your "store" now. You need to think about the structure. Is the store a table in the database? You need to make 'stores' and give each an ID and normalize the data. I'd do some research on database design and structure. I don't think filesystem is the way to go with this.
  12. add "\n" to break the line. Or send it as HTML. Lookup the mail function at php.net/mail
  13. So you're not willing to pay for a product you want? Why is software not worth buying, but clothes and food are? Or do you think clothing should be free too. If you can make your own clothing, awesome, if not you should buy it and support the people who can. Get it? Good. Buy the software if it's what you want, or research AJAX and do it your self and value the freaking time it takes.
  14. That's what I was trying to say.
  15. Well we can't help you then. If you want to post all the relevant files, someone might be willing to look through them, or you could post on the freelancers forum for more advanced help.
  16. HELP YOURSELF. You need to use the additional headers as outlined here. http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php Specifically MIME type and these: $headers = 'From: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .   'Reply-To: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .   'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); Read the documentation and TRY to understand.
  17. Wrong forum - this is HTML/CSS, not PHP.
  18. session_register is deprecated. Where are you calling session_start()? Go through and check for whitespace like I said.
  19. wtf? On the page where you are trying to show an image, just do html like you always would. No meta crap, no headers. if you don't know basic html read a tutorial. On the PHP page where you call this function, that is your image file. so make that page the src="" not an include.
  20. so you can't use $_POST['nt'] because it doesn't exist. You need to check your variable names and the form.
  21. You need to end it with the same syntax you end any statement with, a ;
  22. If you're willing to pay, you can post on freelancers, or I can write it for you for a fee. Feel free to contact me ;)
  23. You need to set some additional headers in order for hotmail to work I think. Checkout the mail() function in the manual.
  24. try this: [code]$body = "(your other stuff here) The best days for them are "; foreach($_POST['best_days'] AS $day=>$on){   $body .= $day.' '; } $body .= ". The best times are (more here)";[/code] Then do the mail() command with $body
  25. Did you check your junkmail? What email service are you using? Try other addresses on other servers.
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