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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. I would assume it would wait until the next time it was scheduled for. I bet you could find out from some of those tutorials tho. edit: Why would you be turning the server off though?
  2. [quote author=PC Nerd link=topic=123244.msg509336#msg509336 date=1169340563] like would it skip a particular task if the computer wasnt turned on, or would it wait [/quote] Usually computers can only function if they are on.
  3. I'm proud of my weight, I've lost 16 lbs in less than two months. I also know how to use a fucking search button, and the manual.
  4. This already exists, from digg.com. It's in their tools section.
  5. Switch to Linux :) Googling Windows Cron Job turned up a lot of results.
  6. ini_get
  7. Did you try it yet? It would be $o = fopen('211612151419/'.$_POST['flashname'].'9182.php', "w");
  8. php.net/trim will take off spaces in the end. php.net/substr-count will tell you the number of a substr in a string. http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ref.strings.php
  9. So see how picture 2 has no tmp_name? That's why you're getting an error. There is no picture 2. Check the logic - make sure your code is indented so you can follow it easily.
  10. sasa: Does that check for leap years?
  11. Change your $insertSQL to just the SQL, not execute_query(). Just the STRING. if ($_POST['checkbox']) {       $insertSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_table1 (review_type) VALUES ('tests')"; } if ($_POST['checkbox2']) {       $insertSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_table1 (review_type) VALUES ('ispsdjfsdf')"; } And to ensure no errors, surround the call of this in a check. if($insertSQL){   $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $MySQL_tick) or die(mysql_error()); }
  12. Change: define ("$uploaddir", "/home/townsfin/public_html/business_images/"); to $uploaddir = "/home/townsfin/public_html/business_images/"; add this to the top and show what it displays: print '<pre>'; print_r($_FILES); print_r($_POST); print '</pre>';
  13. php.net/mail
  14. I doubt it's working on the other scripts.
  15. when a form is submitted, the values are stored in $_POST. If checkbox1 is named "foo" then $_POST['foo'] will contain the value of the checkbox when checked. So make the value="1" in your HTML. In your processing page, check the six boxes and see which are checked. Then run the SQL accordingly.
  16. So move the processing which is on the page with the form, to the page with the REST of the processing.
  17. Isn't that what I posted? Why do you have a form with no action? Put all of your processing on one page. As I said, sometimes the approach is not right.
  18. You don't do DELETE * FROM, just DELETE FROM.
  19. No problems. It was probably a syntax error or something. My favorite way to practice is to make games - much funner than math.  Here's a list of great games fit for programming: http://www.atariarchives.org/basicgames/index.php
  20. What isn't working correctly? I'd do[code] $sum = 0; foreach (range(0, 100) as $range)   $sum = $sum+($range*$range); //If you wanted to check each one as it goes // print $sum.'<br />'; } //or possibly $nums = array(); for($i=0, $i<=100; $i++){   $nums[] = $i*$i; } print array_sum($nums); [/code] Are we doing math homework? :-P
  21. [quote author=peranha link=topic=122745.msg507465#msg507465 date=1169083955] echo "<select name=\"facilities\" value=''>Facilities Name</option>"; echo "<select name=\"cameras\" value=''>Cameras model</option>"; echo "<select name=\"misc\" value=''>misc building</option>"; [/quote] 1 .The name of a select is what's inside of name="". 2. Select doesn't have a value="". The value goes on the <option>s only. 3. You should use single quotes on strings which do not have variables. These lines and many of your others should be changed: [code]echo '<select name="facilities">Facilities Name</option>';[/code] When you do print_r($_POST) you should see keys of facilities, cameras, and misc. THOSE are the posted variables.
  22. $_POST is an array. The KEYs in it are the NAMES of your INPUTS. None of your inputs have name="n1" so you can't see $_POST['n1'] because it doesn't EXIST. When you did print_r($_POST) it showed you the KEYS and VALUES. The KEYS are the names of your inputs. I don't know how to make it clearer. <input type="text" name="foo" value="bar" /> Will result in $_POST['foo'] being = to "bar"; You can't access a variable that doesn't exist.
  23. cron job or advertise more and get more than 10 users ;) I started my game with only a few and it grew pretty quickly.
  24. php.net/array_sum or: [code]$sum = 0; foreach (range(0, 100) as $range) {   $sum = $sum+$range; } print $sum;[/code] ps: good use of range.
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