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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Well that's better. The next problem is you don't use $class1 until the end of the while() loop, so you're only ever going to see the last value of it. Edit: You ALSO are only even getting to that point if the new row's class1 is not the same as the previous row, so you can't hide one that is the same as the previous one.
  2. I'm sure it is working, you're just overwriting the variable immediately after it.
  3. You just need to use % or use the Smarty table functionality. http://www.smarty.net/docsv2/en/language.function.html.table.tpl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14455396/smarty-table-even-odd
  4. In any of the time that's passed did you bother to go look at Smarty's site?
  5. You could try using P or HT, if you insist on using Java. Don't forget to use some MyS as well. I personally like jQue and Smar a lot, but it looks like you've got it covered with your Java.
  6. There is no Java code in your posts.
  7. Java != Javascript. Javascript can be easily turned off. There's also no reason to use it for something that HTML does natively.
  8. Way to ensure you won't get my help again. This is why I don't usually write actual code for people. They act like assholes even when you give them what they want. Bite me.
  9. What does it have to do with PHP? I'm moving this to the javascript section. You don't actually have any HTML for a dropdown (select). So you must be doing everything js. Which is probably not the best idea.
  10. Don't use iframes. Put the other pages outside the webroot, and have a master php file that includes them.
  11. So you do have several other users you're following. Try the other query I gave you in place of yours.
  12. Also in the longrun you'll want to switch the order of your JOIN and probably just use INNER. SELECT description, needsusername, datesubmitted FROM needs INNER JOIN follow ON follow.followname = needs.needsusername AND follow.username = 'Your username here'; Is what I think you'll need based on your posts.
  13. You do still need to limit that query to your follows. In phpmyadmin or mysql command line run SELECT * FROM follow WHERE username = 'Put your username here'; - what do you get?
  14. You don't need the table alias when you print the row. Print_r($postrow)
  15. You expect an answer immediately? Geez. I was going to find you the page on the Smarty site that covers it but now I'll just say go find it.
  16. Oh and by the way - I don't come here to "help" ungrateful whiny babies. So stop acting like a child and remember this is a FREE Help forum. (For the record, if someone paying me spoke to me in such an ungrateful manner I'd fire them, so I especially won't put up with it from someone I am donating my time to.) Grow up.
  17. I haven't used it so I can't say for sure, but you shouldn't need to store anything for it. I doubt you're allowed to copy the photos. That's not part of what you're given permission to do.
  18. You can't mix mysqli and mysql. You need to use the mysql version of the error function when you're using a mysql connection instead of mysqli. However, you did actually fix the syntax error, so good job. You still need to specify what column to do your join ON, but otherwise good.
  19. Is that Smarty? The foreach syntax isn't what I've seen.
  20. It has nothing to do with that.
  21. Yeah. You have to close EVERYTHING.
  22. You're the fastest reader I've ever seen! OR there's no way you read the post, implemented proper error checking and got the actual error.
  23. Honestly that's way too much code for most of us to bother reading. Are you asking how to create a table with two columns in HTML? Because that's all your tpl is, a wrapper for HTML.
  24. You have a syntax error in your query. Read the link in my signature on debugging SQL.
  25. You want all the users you follow right? Right now you select all the users in your SQL, but your PHP only pulls the first row. Then you do ANOTHER query to get that users posts. You're doing the same thing you were before. Do only ONE query.
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