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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. That doesn't explain why you want to change a name of a hidden input. And no my dog is not a rat.
  2. I think you need to explain what your overall goal is, because that sounds like a really weird thing to do.
  3. Your URL says id. Look at the example in the documentation. And think about it. If you go to a URL ending in id=5 and you want to get 5, what would you need to "GET"?
  4. Your url is sending id, not ref. Try to think about it logically instead of simply claiming you don't understand it. If you read the documentation on $_GET it's pretty clear. http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.get.php
  5. Your SQL statement is only selecting id #1 because you explicitly say so.
  6. You should probably just use strpos. Make sure to check if its !== FALSE.
  7. Sounds like your first variable is a string. Do a var_dump on it to see. You can cast it to a float if needed.
  8. You need to check if it's set before trying to use it. isset.
  9. That's what I get for reading so late at night.
  10. Please put your code in the code tags.
  11. One of the actual admins can correct me if I'm wrong but: PHP Freaks isn't a business. The goal is not to make money, and we don't have customers. This isn't a "company" that needs to be represented by PR monkeys. The purpose of PHP Freaks is to spread knowledge - and it's free to the users. The purpose of this forum is to help people solve their problems, and more importantly help them learn how to solve them. We donate our time. No one here makes a cent. You are not a customer. You are asking us to do something for you for free. Most of the people who come here and do that, do it without thinking about what those of us who do help have to do. There are plenty of help vampires, people who want it done for them, people who aren't willing to try on their own. They are more disrespectful to us than Christian asking why you'd complain about a free service is. You didn't suggest 4 things to improve. You criticized two things without offering anything useful, you criticized all of the staff based on one comment by one of the nicest people here, and then criticized our design, again, without anything useful. Your feedback is basically whining. I have to agree with Christian - why are you here? It's an HONEST question. If you think the site is so bad, why are you here? If you can answer it, you might see what is GOOD about PHP Freaks, and start to understand why the rest of us are here.
  12. If it's your final project, you should be able to do the work.
  13. Srsly. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ajax+loading+gif
  14. "num1 . num2" will always be a string, you just wrote a string. That's like asking if "bob . john" is numeric. Never.
  15. The tables don't look *that* bad. It makes me wonder what your guy would have done if he has trouble with understanding the current structure. :/
  16. That doesn't mean $click is not 0 at that point.
  17. You could send the function an array, or use func_get_args
  18. You'll want get_var() I think. Give your count an alias.
  19. http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/wpdb Using the $wpdb Object Methods in the wpdb() class should not be called directly. WordPress provides a global variable, $wpdb, which is an instantiation of the class already set up to talk to the WordPress database. Always use the global $wpdb variable. (Remember to globalize $wpdb before using it in any custom functions.) The $wpdb object can be used to read data from any table in the WordPress database (such as custom plugin tables), not just the standard tables that WordPress creates. For example to SELECT some information from a custom table called "mytable", you can do the following. $myrows = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT id, name FROM mytable" );
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