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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Looks like TIME to me.
  2. Can't possibly debug that until I see actual mysql queries. And why aren't the PKs auto-increment?
  3. Seriously, stop -- you're new at this -- don't even start to playing with NoSQL at this stage.
  4. I wasn't kidding -- don't even start to try. Non-relational databases are quite a different beast.
  5. My guess is that you didn't alias your expression, and you're asking for the value back from a hash.
  6. Since you don't know the answer, you can't determine which pieces of information are relevant or not. What makes you think you can even make a hash index? Why do you think you need to care about block size? You haven't even explained what this table is for.
  7. Don't even bother trying to emulate anything of that scale.
  8. That's not helpful -- what column, and what value?
  9. That's not a problem per se. Add a column labeled "type" to your output, and then in php you can format it however you desire. Alternatively, I suppose you can use each one a scalar subquery, too.
  10. You can use ORDER BY FIELD() if you know the order your want.
  11. You will have, or you do have? How are you querying this table?
  12. Oh, I see know -- that's a strange query. Easiest way is to switch your WHERE to an OR, and then use IFs to check the boolean condition. SELECT SUM( IF( em.email = '123.hotmail.com', 1, 0 ) ) AS email, SUM( IF( us.user = 'jay', 1, 0 ) ) AS users FROM members em LEFT JOIN members us ON em.email = '[email protected]' OR us.user = 'jay1' But that's not ideal for index usage -- why not just UNION the results?
  13. Well, that depends what data you'd like to delete.
  14. That's a ridiculously large topic -- and there is no right answer. What are you planning on searching?
  15. That's all well and good -- but until you post the equivalent select statements, and their EXPLAIN output, I can't help you.
  16. How much of it don't you understand?
  17. If you're asking how to write php script to do this, you're in the wrong forum.
  18. FULLTEXT is the best internal way to go...
  19. You need to use last_insert_id() to get the newly created member's uid, then simply pass it through.
  20. That's not the correct syntax -- check the refman. No -- why separate two intricately related pieces of information?
  21. You can, with magical TIMESTAMPs.
  22. 3 tables, then?
  23. Are you certain? Post explain output for the equivalent selects.
  24. And you can't just join in those tables?
  25. Why e-mail = 2? They are different users.
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