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Everything posted by fenway

  1. This seems like the 3rd separate thread you've posted on the same topic...
  2. Incidentally, paddyhaig, I asked you to post the PM here -- and you didn't. So clearly, you're not really all that good at following instructions. But you're really good at insulting people at will. I'm sure these skills will serve you well.
  3. What kind of error? From what?
  4. Being mean in private is different than being mean in public. If you have an issue with Thorpe's PMs, then you need to resolve that with him. If you don't think that's possible -- and you'd be incorrect to assume so -- then feel free to post the offensive material so that we can judge for ourselves.
  5. I've read through a few exchanges, and I don't see it.
  6. fenway

    Quick help!

    That's php code, not a mysql query. Echo the actual query.
  7. Well, does that query use an index?
  8. Don't double post.
  9. That's a permission thing.
  10. You need to sort out if it's mysql or php that's not working.
  11. TEXT is not particuarly efficient -- probably a VARCHAR of appropriate length.
  12. fenway

    memory usage

    I'm guess 2 would be preferable.
  13. That's probably because they share a pointer. Never use mysql_result(), and you'll be just fine.
  14. Really? No strange bugs?
  15. You'll need to inspect the type of each column in the schema.
  16. 1) You have no WHERE clause with your UPDATE statement -- hope you had a backup. 2) You can do this with a single query.
  17. Don't post your scripts unless you're asked to -- and you never will be. "Not displaying a page" is php, not mysql.
  18. You're not using any indexes -- ever -- why not?
  19. You should be just fine -- don't worry,.
  20. You really don't need anything fancy -- trust me. If you want fast indexing, roll your own, or use Sphinx.
  21. You need LIKE, not =
  22. Well -- are you closing the connection at the end of your script?
  23. That's because you're using a reserved keyword as a field name -- don't do that.
  24. MySQL doesn't do any formatting -- that's up to you in php code.
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