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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Did you set the delimiter first?
  2. Yeah, no kidding.
  3. Yes, but it will be very slow.
  4. Why is your query failing? Check mysql_error()
  5. No problem... but don't double-post next time.
  6. Just one or all the time?
  7. Sounds like you're trying to build crystal reports.
  8. I'm sorry, I don't follow... show the current input and desired output.
  9. Are you serious??? How do you intend to work with such a query at all?
  10. I don't see line numbers... show only the relevant portions.
  11. fenway


    Is this not the same as this?
  12. The comma operator is a bad choice... ALWAYS use proper JOIN syntax instead. And you don't need the backticks: SELECT g.groupid,g.gname,g.gaddress,g.gcity FROM banner AS b INNER JOIN contact AS g USING ( groupid ) WHERE b.banner = '1'
  13. But then you'll get a random ID & price.
  14. What do you have so far? Listing "all" usually isn't te problem.
  15. And it's still not working?
  16. Um... why not just post the solution?
  17. File? No idea... wherever that query is being generated.
  18. Oh, it's definitely not going to easier to "fake" a DATE.
  19. fenway


    I would suggest you provide *a lot* more information. All we know is that it doesn't work.
  20. Sounds like someone upgraded to version 5 of mysql without telling you. JOIN and comma precedence changed -- you can't mix them anymore. Use this: select count(p.products_id) as total from products p on inner join products_to_categories p2c on ( p.products_id = p2c.products_id ) inner join products_description pd on (pd.products_id = p2c.products_id ) left join manufacturers m on ( p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id ) left join specials s on ( p.products_id = s.products_id ) where p.products_status = '1' and pd.language_id = '1' and p2c.categories_id = '58' Though you many need to switch LEFT and INNER depending on your needs.
  21. That's now a php issue... but just keep dividing through.
  22. Sphinx is one option....
  23. Well, you don't *need* mysql to convert it back from seconds to "time" -- you can do that quite easily yourself.
  24. Yeah, I can't make any sense of that. Post the table definitions from SHOW CREATE TABLE.
  25. fenway


    That's unfortunate
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