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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Yikes... just match either and give each one a weight/score.
  2. NO -- we don't. We need to see a database query/statment ONLY.
  3. Not helpful whatsoever... in the same number of characters you could have provided a useful response. Just add "AS derviedTable" after the table.
  4. What are you trying to do again?
  5. Why would you need that? Use "+0" and then sort as a number.
  6. Say what?
  7. fenway


    You probably have to disable the FK constraints durin the import.
  8. Yes, you'll need to match whole words.
  9. TLDR... How do you want the output sorted again?
  10. I think LOAD DATA INFILE has the equivalent on "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE".
  11. Well, if you get a proper db dump, it should be simple enough.
  12. The keys were disabled? I've never heard of that happening "on its own"...
  13. More about this here.
  14. Um... no database queries?
  15. Don't you mean mysql_insert_id?
  16. DISTINCT is not a function. Use group by.
  17. You'll have to use backticks around any identifiers that have spaces in them -- `like this`.
  18. Yikes... use a single statement.
  19. Um, no.... you'll need LIKE '%TEA%'
  20. No, you don't.... format/pad the number on output.
  21. You can check the output of COUNT() in a HAVING clause.
  22. This something that doesn't need to be done by the DB.
  23. you need to sort by both -- LEFT( yourColumn, 1 ) and the the substring to skip the letter.
  24. Update how?
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