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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Can you post the sql-mode of each server?
  2. Please post the solution, even it's not mysql.
  3. FULLTEXT search as handled natively by mysql is basically broken... sphinx is much, much better.
  4. Make a third table linking the two...
  5. If you read the refman page on FULLTEXT, you'll see that it doesn't always return "everything" you would expect. If you don't have a large record set, of if your query matches too many records, you'll get unexpected output.
  6. SQL-99 date format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
  7. That's a wildly misformated date.
  8. Did you make a single fulltext index on all 3 columns, of a fulltext index on each column? You need the former, not the latter.
  9. Then take a quite peek at the refman....
  10. What about the second thought... about the spaces?
  11. I'm fairly sure the information_schema has a "routines" table.... EDIT: wait, are you sure you didn't have a space between the function name and the open paren? There's an sql mode that buggers that up....
  12. I'm saying don't use ZEROFILL... use LPAD() whenever you want to format your ID.
  13. I mean that maybe someone has made a UDF that's broken. That error message you're getting is funny.
  14. You can, but you don't want to... simply format the ID however you'd like on output.
  15. Well, are they "related" to each other or just "duplicates"?
  16. That's a VERY BAD idea.
  17. What if you just try a simple ATAN2() call? Like the one from the refman? Also, please dump the existing list of function that you've created as mysql 5 objects.
  18. Well, you need to get back LAST_INSERT_ID() from each of these inserts, and then insert it into the link table.
  19. Also, if you're not using transactions, you statement isn't thread safe.
  20. Also, don't ever actually send the password in the query... you can always check this in application code. Especially if you're not hashing your passwords...
  21. Prepared statements aren't great for performance, though... they're per-connection. Also, if you properly escape special characters -- with mysql_real_escape_string() or your own personal function -- it doesn't get any *safer*.
  22. How are you calling this? ATAN2() is an internal function....
  23. Well, you don't have the SUPER privilege, apparently....
  24. Why wouldn't the content be in mysql anyway?
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