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Everything posted by fenway

  1. DISTINCT is *NOT* a function.
  2. There are plenty of excellent tutorials on this site, and in this board's stickies. As for the "daily" part, use a cron job.
  3. I'm so very confused... how can your group by be getting any people with no votes? There wouldn't be any records in the table???
  4. Wait, so now there is no error?
  5. Yes, of course, because aliasing is done at the last step.
  6. Sorry, joining in late here... where do things stand?
  7. That's nice... please post the revised query.
  8. Next time, please share your solution -- in this case, you where using a reserved keyword, so backticks was the answer.
  9. You can use IF() or IFNULL() as appropraite.
  10. So is this "solved"?
  11. fenway


    That's not what NULL is for.
  12. AGAIN, that's because you're not retrieving the value from the recordset correctly -- see my earlier post.
  13. Perhaps some error output would help?
  14. You'll need to combine the results either before or after.
  15. The only other option is a stored procedure.
  16. LOAD INFILE can handle optinally enclosed fields... did you try this?
  17. I'm not sure what you mean.
  18. Not expensive with a proper index... you don't need distinct, group by will take care of that. And note that not using '*' in the count() treats NULLs different.
  19. That's in fact the only legible way to do it.
  20. Unless you index silly columns, particular ENUMs with poor distribution.
  21. Hope this will be marked solved, or it's in danger of being moved to the more appropriate PHP thread.
  22. Unless you're actually running queries without WHERE clauses, or using indexes with poor cardinality.
  23. You can start by using DECIMAL and not FLOAT.
  24. That's not a mysql error.
  25. Wait, the select doesn't work either? Post that query first... left join should allow this.
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