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Everything posted by fenway

  1. there's nothing "new" -- just escape special characters.
  2. Depends on you're able to connect to the former.
  3. I don't see the suggested code in your sample.
  4. Why corrupt the imdb database? Can't you just use those table locally?
  5. "Parameters"?
  6. Yeah, you have two commas there... but if WP is to blame, yell at them!
  7. Why not join the tables?
  8. Huh? Just have your script check against a "magic value" and switch the flag.
  9. Try: select * from groups as g inner join members as m on ( m.group_field = g.name )
  10. Not so simple... mysql has some great dev articles, that's a good place to start.
  11. Rmove the word "TYPE".
  12. MySQL has an INTERVAL for use with DATETIME fields. e.g. yourDateField - INTERVAL 1 HOUR
  13. How about posting the solution for the rest of us.
  14. I was confused by your query which has variables for the table names. You want to start with something like this: SELECT * FROM cases AS c INNER JOIN case_procedure AS cp ON ( c.id = cp.case_id ) INNER JOIN procedures AS p ON ( p.id = cp.procedure_id ) WHERE cp.procedure_id = '12' As you can see, your query was missing a join condition on what you call table "3", which likely resulted in duplicate records -- why was it there?
  15. Check the EXPLAIN of each and you'll see.
  16. JOIN syntax is a mysql issue... how are your three tables related?
  17. Sounds like a concat might have worked...whatever.
  18. Re-write that query with proper JOIN syntax and we'll take it from there.
  19. Post INSERT statements here... don't take this topic offline.
  20. You can use INSERT IGNORE.
  21. You have some quoting issues.
  22. Start with a hello world PHP script.
  23. Lots of resources available on the stickies.
  24. And LEFT JOIN ... IS NULL would be better, but your syntax is correct.
  25. Convert from what?
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