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Everything posted by fenway

  1. What's a & b? use table aliases.
  2. Why no where clauses?
  3. What on earth are you talking about.
  4. Are you capturing errors? Obviously, this isn't a transaction.
  5. show us your query
  6. where is the join condition????
  7. Unless you know the distribution in advance, you can't do this very easily -- you can kludge it, but it's not great. And lat/long is a completely different issue.
  8. Anything specific?
  9. If you want to do this, use ENUMs.
  10. If the list of values is fixed, then SET would be fine... otherwise, use a separate table.
  11. I see ALLs and FILESORTs...
  12. I'm not sure what you mean... but can we see the error?
  13. Listen buddy, watch the language... I told you before, you have to figure out why your table is corrupt. It's that simple -- and if you can't REPAIR it (and there are 5 version of REPAIR), you can have to restore it from backup.
  14. Could you post the EXPLAIN of that query? Also, why not JOIN this dervied tables?
  15. Be careful about magic_quotes, too... there was a nice clean() function floating around somewhere.
  16. A primary key is simply a unique identifier of a record -- for example, if you had records with SSNs, you might not need to add a UID field (a.k.a. a surrogate key). As for the 2nd question, you simply need to join by following the *_id fields.
  17. That depends how word interfaces with ODBC.
  18. And if that doesn't work, show us the actual error.
  19. The 2nd method also makes it possible to use multi-valued insert statements.
  20. You can arbitrarily group things however you'd like, as long as you can come up with an expression that assigns each group a different value.
  21. You mean like SELECT MAX(priceField) AS 'highest_price', MIN(price_field) AS 'lowest_price' FROM products
  22. 1 - you need to loop through all of the results in php, and then display an appropriate html block -- with substitution for the invoice #, etc. -- accordingly with variables. 2 - I'm not sure what you mean -- sounds like you need an invoice UID in the DB. 3 - Again, I'm not sure what you mean -- if you store your dates in YYYY-MM-DD (SQL-99) format, you'll have no issue whatsoever.
  23. Are you using mysql_*, or mysqli_*?
  24. Post the query you run vs. the query from phpmyadmin.
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