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Everything posted by fenway

  1. How are these two tables related?
  2. You can run queries whenever you want -- on a schedule, use the 5.1 event scheduler or cron.
  3. You could have an auto-increment across both columns... but otherwise, yes, get the MAX(line_num) for a given receipt_num, then add one -- this can be done in a single statement
  4. hate to disagree, but this is in fact exactly what happened. some of the dates were changed to 00-00-0000. promise. wouldn't lie to you. I think PFMaBiSmAd meant that it won't STR_TO_DATE() it for you.
  5. Sort of... you can implement a queue using INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE..., triggers, staging tables, etc.
  6. You can't use an aggregate expression in the WHERE clause -- move it to a HAVING clause.
  7. I suppose if you dupe every table, that would work too... but now you need joins.
  8. Files? You need to check the priviledges table.
  9. They should be different rows, not columns...
  10. Wait a sec... did you actually create a multi-column fulltext index? I meant the string, not the result.
  11. What does the query look like after? My guess is you're missing single quotes around $keywords.
  12. They have different precedence, that's all -- if you wrap the RHS of an || in parens, it will be the same as "or". Otherwise, they're the same.
  13. Could you post a few lines from the output?
  14. So you double-posted... that's a no-no.
  15. This will get out of control VERY fast if you have 20 tables with 20 fields each... easier to dupe the records within the table.
  16. I thought it was mysql_fetch_assoc()....
  17. Sounds like there's a missing grant from the other IP.
  18. The way you've set it up, you'll have to JOIN as many levels deep as you want to display -- you may want to look into the list adjacency model too.
  19. It's virtually impossible to implement this feature -- it would make calculating the join plan practically impossible.
  20. Yes, but "how"?
  21. That's right -- you know what day of the week it is now, so you can easily subtract/add the difference to sunday.
  22. Did you run the inner query alone to see if the output makes sense?
  23. First, use an IN clause, or BETWEEN. Second, you never use ic_index_cities -- and you're not joining it properly either -- please clarify.
  24. Which line?
  25. Assuming it's NOT NULL already..... and it should be UNSIGNED, too.
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