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Everything posted by fenway

  1. That's correct, if you want to find multiple http://, you'll have to find out how many there are first, and then do this for each one.
  3. I tried this but it gaves me an error, then I tried this and it gave me a date but not the date that was in the database, seems to be some date that was already set. $datetime = strtotime('$entrydate'); echo date("l, jS F, Y h:i:s a", $datetime); This is a MYSQL function, not a php function.
  4. You want one query for each user, and left join them....
  5. Or you you mean using LEFT( yourColumn, 1 )
  6. I'm quite confused... you'd have all of the letters regardless.
  7. Then backticks are in order.
  8. I don't know, since you're not giving us (a) the expected results or (b) the current results.
  9. fenway

    php myadmin

    Check the refman on innodb settings...
  10. fenway


    That's the definition of what truncate does.
  11. Why not use DATE_FORMAT( entry_date, <your desired format> )?
  12. fenway


    That's hard to believe.
  13. select id, count(id) as total_count from table_name group by id
  14. Then you'd have to to pull all the track for each user in seperate select statements, and left join them in mysql.
  15. fenway

    php myadmin

    Well, ibdata files have a fixed size unless you allow them to grow.
  16. You mean replication?
  17. You could join with user & track if both were known....
  18. I can't find such a post.
  19. Define "wrong".
  20. "displayed in phpmyadmin"? so it's not an sql issue at all?
  21. You can UNION DISTINCT as long as you keep the columns consistent.
  22. DELETE doesn't work that way... depending on how you write it, it can delete all matching records from the tables you specify.
  23. "another table"?
  24. Be careful, COUNT doesn't count nulls.
  25. Format the time correct, then use str_to_date() to make it a true mysql TIME field, and only then case you do date math on it.
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