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Everything posted by fenway

  1. You'll take your server down easily with that kind of unnecessary workload.
  2. It *is* inefficient -- it's lazy storage in 99% of the use cases.
  3. You can use an UNIQUE index constraint.
  4. That's not EXPLAIN output.
  5. Who is going to read through 30K rows?
  6. fenway


    Actually, they're not the same thing with invalid dates.
  7. That depends on the kind of queries you write.
  8. fenway


    You want: SELECT id FROM idtrack WHERE timestamp >= NOW() - INTERVAL 30 SECOND
  9. Show your CREATE TABLE otuput.
  10. Yup -- a 3 table join, then pre-process the results for pretty output.
  11. Don't use great circle distance -- it's just unnecessarily slow.
  12. I don't follow.
  13. This is the wrong forum for parsing errors.
  14. You're supposed to do both -- (2) leave the data intact, where you expect it to be, properly related and normalized; (1) is your summary table.
  15. See here.
  16. Even better is to pre-process the result, build a hash based on cat_name, push onto an array, and then output it. Much cleaner that way.
  17. I don't see any INSERT statements.
  18. Looks good to me.
  19. That's because you included a field in your where clause that from a table that is LEFT JOIN'ed. Move "g.game_abbreviation = 'CSS'" into the on clause for the games table and you're set.
  20. You can't have mysql do BOTH a LEFT & RIGHT JOIN at the same time.
  21. You don't want to optimize ALL of them. You wan't to optimize the slowest & most frequently executed ones.
  22. Maybe the ANALYZE TABLE stats are off. Or maybe that matches more the 30% of the table.
  23. Don't dump into the target table -- make one up. Then you can SELECT using whatever criteria you want, and then use an INSERT to transfer them over to the target table.
  24. I don't understand.
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