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Everything posted by fenway

  1. --skip-grants is an option to the mysql client.
  2. if you have root access, skip the grants.
  3. DESC is a reserved keyword. What are you trying to do with that subselect????
  4. BLOBs are very useful for sharing files across machines.
  5. I don't see any FK constraints.???
  6. That's a UNION of 4 tables, not a 4-table join.
  7. Don't use @ -- that's just masking any errors. Also, without seeing the table structure, it's hard to guess what field you missed. But I don't' see you getting back a UID to use for a subsequent insert.
  8. That's a phymyadmin thing -- I don't know.
  9. Or, you can use the UID as the filename.
  10. This relates to a phpmyadmin setting that deals with displaying such fields.
  11. Please share your solution.
  12. Why not store a processed date field? Then the ones that are NULL are new.
  13. You'll need a similar JOIN -- you haven't reference the second table.
  14. Then you should pre-process and merge the priorities first, then compare to the table.
  15. Well, you don't mean *, you mean Pid.
  16. fenway


    If you're not familiar with indentation, you have another problem.
  17. select wp.term.name from wp_term inner join wp_term_taxonomy using ( term_id )
  18. Then your field has \xXX characters in it -- which you need to replace with the corresponding UTF-8 characters.
  19. Individual PHP files are individual checkboxes?
  20. Then your code page is wrong -- you're not inserting latin characters.
  21. Escaping never makes it out of the string. You're probably escaping it one extra time -- maybe now magic quotes is on, etc.?
  22. Post the two table structures, and we'll give you a hand.
  23. fenway


    Also, you posted without using code tags-- don't do that again. Also, this would have been a 6-line script with a for() loop.
  24. CSV has no "formatting" other than the comma.
  25. That's single-quote escaping -- but it shouldn't make it into the database.
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