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Everything posted by fenway

  1. That's not English.
  2. Just so that the same expression doesn't show up multiple times, is all.
  3. That's a cron job.
  4. That's a php question related to entities.
  5. Join twice.
  6. That's because not every OS is case sensitive. But don't ever use mixed case.
  7. Sending how? If it's just another accessible mysql server, then it's a joke.
  8. Oh, so many things. First, where's the column list? Second, what makes you think that pic_id exists?
  9. You could have used user variables to make that simpler to read...
  10. That's just hard to read... so elt me know if you need more help.
  11. That means you need to get both first.
  12. It's because the PK is indexed, and it knows nothing matches. But NEVER use a varchar for a pK.
  13. If you're not disconnecting, then your DB wrapper is -- but that's buried somewhere in php, I presume.
  14. Use: SUBSTRING(columnName,3)
  15. Then why not simply add a second expression to the order by clause?
  16. Then please post that particular query, and the relevant code snippet. What we "love" is not having to read through code to find the problem -- we're here to help solve known problems.
  17. Why RIGHT JOIN? That just makes it hard to read.
  18. Somewhere your DB wrapper specifies a timeout.
  19. You mean how you use PHP to write to a database?
  20. ALTER TABLE? I don't follow.
  21. PASSWORD() is a function -- which means that $pwd already had PASSWORD() applied to it. Of course, you're never supposed to use PASSWORD() for anything. And you never need to send the password, even in hashed state, on the wire.
  22. And again, post the solution.
  23. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=325839.0
  24. Depends on how stable that formatting is. You can split by the slash, remove the first 3 characters, etc.
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