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Everything posted by taith

  1. or make a splash screen... and have javascript set a cookie... retrieve it when you go to your index page... if cookie exists, its enabled... else... nope!
  2. yup! just find the ones that are past the expirey dates, pull them into the loop, delete all relevent information from all your tables/files, delete user, can even send em an email if you want :-) telling them the account has gone poof :-)
  3. personally... i'd only allow files to last for 1 day... so... $day=date(z); $query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `files` WHERE day!='$day'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ unlink($row[filepath]); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `files` WHERE `id`='$row[id]' LIMIT 1"); }
  4. http://www.m-software.de/thumbshots-simple.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com anybody know how to make a image like that? its obviousally created via php... as far as i can tell... it uses somin like file_get_contents() to grab the source of the page... but how do you tell an image, to process html code?
  5. i jus made this... you can scrap the text outta that string too with this... <?php function strip_text($string){ $tag=false; $strlen=strlen($string); for($i=0; $i<$strlen; $i++){ if($string{$i}=='<') $tag=true; elseif($string{$i}=='>'){ $out.=$string{$i}; $tag=false; } if($tag==true) $out.=$string{$i}; } return $out; } ?> so.... $file=file_get_contents('url.html'); $inputs=strip_tags(strip_text($file),'<input>'); echo $inputs; #may contain '<input type=textbox name="" value=""><input type=submit><input type=file name="">'
  6. sorry... by file i mean string... $file=file_get_contents('url.html'); $inputs=strip_tags($file,'<input>'); echo $inputs; #may contain '<input type=textbox name="" value="">asdfasdf<input type=submit>there could be a paragraph or two in here...<input type=file name="">asdfadf'
  7. well... gotta start somewhere... $file=file_get_contents('url.html'); $inputs=strip_tags($file,'<input>'); that'd give you all the input tags... then you gotta filter them somehow... prolly regex...
  8. nono... you action="" to one php page, on that page, do you query/updates/unsets/ect, then redirect to the homepage...
  9. i... think thats what you mean? need the enctype... else we need the code that moves the file to whatever directory you'v set :-) <form method=post name="form" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
  10. i JUST made this... enjoy :-) <?php function array_flatten($array){ $out=array(); foreach($array as $k=>$v){ if(is_array($array[$k])){ $out=array_merge($out,array_flatten($array[$k])); }else{ $out[]=$v; } } return $out; } $array[]=array('test','test2'); $array[]='test5'; $array[][]='test3'; $array[][][]='test4'; print_r(array_flatten($array)); ?>
  11. just at the top of your pages... put a... <noscript><span style="font-size:24px;color:red;">You need to have javascript on to view this page</span><div style="display:none; visible:hidden;"></noscript>
  12. besides... text is sent through the mail($text...) field... files are sent through headers ;-)
  13. ... not... exactly... you create a boundary... so it knows that part of the email is file, other part is text/html
  14. ya... but it doesnt keep the same hash every time you refresh... which is 100% useless for testing passwords... lol ok... think i found a use for it... perhapss... licencing? so you install on one server, goes to your sever, checks to make sure licence is valid, then will install... but not for passwords...
  15. ya.... i wish... lol just use a program like notepad++ which autocolours your text... makes debuging a breeze!
  16. on the popup... do your query, if it finds the id... show it, else, error... showing on the page would require refreshing the page, making the popup pointless...
  17. ya... thats... not md5... every time you refresh it, it gives you a new hash... and it doesnt work, if you dont put the origional text in...
  18. um... pregmatch only checks if the string is typed in properly... it wouldnt check if the server is up or down...
  19. it means that it expected another )... but hit a { first... and said... "HEY! thats not supposed to be there!"
  20. if($ext !== (".gif") { you have an extra ( in there... drat! chocopi beat me to it! lol
  21. $header.="Content-Type: text/html\n";
  22. that is assuming that you dont skip any numbers
  23. if you print_r($files); after the natsort... how's it sorting it?
  24. if you glob() the folder... you can easily grab all the files into an array... $files=glob('path/file*.png'); natsort($files); $high=$files[count($files)-1]; chigley - my way's faster ;-)
  25. sure its possible... http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.func-get-args.php
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