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Everything posted by taith

  1. if you put em into an array, and natsort() them... the bottom one'd be your highest #
  2. yup! md5() is "not" decyrptable... well... not in any standard method... lol
  3. how bout this? <?php $fdeck = array("2-H","3-H","4-H","5-H","6-H","7-H","8-H","9-H","10-H","11-H","12-H","13-H","14-H","2-D","3-D","4-D","5-D","6-D","7-D","8-D","9-D","10-D","11-D","12-D","13-D","14-D","2-S","3-S","4-S","5-S","6-S","7-S","8-S","9-S","10-S","11-S","12-S","13-S","14-S","2-C","3-C","4-C","5-C","6-C","7-C","8-C","9-C","10-C","11-C","12-C","13-C","14-C"); $drawn=array(); for($i=0; $i<=4; $i++){ $new=$fdeck[array_rand($fdeck)]; if(!in_array($new,$drawn)) $drawn[]=$new; else $i--; } ?>
  4. agreed... thats tripple posting there! calm down... bump your other post if it gets lost and unsolved...
  5. really? musta missed that... THANKS!
  6. $arr = file('data/symbols.dat'); foreach($arr as $k=>$v){ $arr[$k]=trim($v); } $sym = implode('+', $arr);
  7. well... if you highlight_string() it automatically outputs it to the browser, so you have to ob_start()/ob_get_contents()/ob_end_clean() to get it into a string... i just want a function that does that without being tempermental... lol
  8. with $_POST/$_GET variables... you almost always want to make them more safe... so... i subscribe to this school of thought <?php $go = htmlentities($_POST['the']); if ($go==1){ ...code to excute } ?> in the long run... its really down to the programmer...what works for you... and including the ()'s on print/echo... really arnt necessary... people use em... but i dont see a point in em... just making your code harder to read :-)
  9. also... you need your exit; command after the header...
  10. anyone know/have a function lik highlight_string(), that doesnt require/need you to ob_start() to get the info into a string?
  11. cURL(), file_get_contents(), http://ca.php.net/manual/en/ref.xml.php
  12. you'd need to shuffle the arrays... as is... it only grabs the first matching pair...
  13. personally... i just switched from notepad... to notepad++... was a good change... havent found any faults with it as of yet :-) but you wouldnt catch me dead using other programs(dreamweaver, etc...)
  14. as stated before... since it is on a random based principal... it may time out before it finds it... i uploaded the same on my server... finds in FAR less then a second... (if you want to see http://www.divinedesigns.ca/test/)
  15. unless... if you grab all 5 variables at the same time <?php $array1=array("67","134","46","82","39"); $array2=array("88","165","50","79","190","146"); $array3=array("109","100","70","103","54","52","150","81"); $array4=array("61","118","55","97","112","138","85","124","73","127"); $array5=array("147","106","37","155","43","115","130"); while($all!=484){ $numbers[1]=$array1[array_rand($array1)]; $numbers[2]=$array2[array_rand($array2)]; $numbers[3]=$array3[array_rand($array3)]; $numbers[4]=$array4[array_rand($array4)]; $numbers[5]=$array5[array_rand($array5)]; $all=array_sum($numbers); } print_r($numbers); ?> that'll prolly speed it up a bit...?
  16. more then likely... thats not your issue... put exit; after it... it'll prolly stop... then continue down the file again...
  17. yes... however, since it grabs them sequentially, it'd be next to impossible to blacklist em...
  18. that is of course assuming it doesnt try the same combination twice... lol
  19. did you print_r($numbers);? whats the error?
  20. i can garantee your parser engine wont like you very much... but how bout somin like this? $array1=array("67","134","46","82","39"); $array2=array("88","165","50","79","190","146"); $array3=array("109","100","70","103","54","52","150","81"); $array4=array("61","118","55","97","112","138","85","124","73","127"); $array5=array("147","106","37","155","43","115","130"); $numbers=array(); while($all!=484 && count($numbers)!=5){ if(count($numbers)==0){ $numbers[]=$array1[array_rand($array1)]; $all+=$array1[array_rand($array1)]; }elseif(count($numbers)==1){ $numbers[]=$array2[array_rand($array2)]; $all+=$array2[array_rand($array2)]; }elseif(count($numbers)==2){ $numbers[]=$array3[array_rand($array3)]; $all+=$array3[array_rand($array3)]; }elseif(count($numbers)==4){ $numbers[]=$array4[array_rand($array4)]; $all+=$array4[array_rand($array4)]; }elseif(count($numbers)==5){ $numbers[]=$array5[array_rand($array5)]; $all+=$array5[array_rand($array5)]; } if(count($numbers)==5 && $all!=484){ $numbers=array(); $all=0; } } not tested...
  21. if(!function_exists(makecomma)){ function makecomma($input){ if(strlen($input)<=3) return $input; $length=substr($input,0,strlen($input)-3); $formatted_input = makecomma($length).",".substr($input,-3); return $formatted_input; } }
  22. nope... makecomma() function is defined in the body of that page...
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