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Everything posted by taith

  1. somewhere in your code, you have the makecomma() function defined twice... a) delete one of em... or b) encase them in if(!function_exists(makecomma)){}
  2. the "only" way... would be to make the links on that other page, non relative... so... instead of index.php... http://www.domain.com/index.php
  3. sorry... havent looked at the source in ages... dont know offhand :-)
  4. http://www.php.net/downloads.php
  5. aah... so... no prebuilt way... i made this one hwile i was waiting... lol $array[]='1'; $array[]='2'; $array[]='3'; $array[]='4'; $array[]='5'; $array[]='6'; $array[]='7'; function array_resort($array, $value, $key){ $out=array(); for($i=0; $i<count($array); $i++){ if($i<$key) $out[$i]=$array[$i]; elseif($i==$key&&!$done){ $done=true; $out[$key]=$value; $i--; }else $out[$i+1]=$array[$i]; } return $out; } $array=array_resort($array,'test','2'); print_r($array);
  6. yes... but then it doesnt work in ie... scratch that... it does work still THANKS!
  7. anybody know an efficient way of appending to an array? $array[]='test'; $array[]='test'; $array[]='test'; $array[]='test6'; $array[]='test'; say... i want to move test6 to the #2 position... and increase the other keys under it... by 1...? i know i could make a function to do this... just didnt know if php had a built in function like that :-)
  8. http://www.evergreengolfcentre.ca/ the scrolling bar at the top, it works perfectly in ie, but in ff, it doesnt hide the excess... any ideas?
  9. made this just now... <?php function mode($array){ foreach($array as $k=>$v){ $mode[trim($v)]++; } foreach($mode as $k=>$v){ if($v>$highest[num]){ $highest[num]=$v; $highest[word]=$k; } } return $highest[word]; } $string='word, test, word, test2, word'; $array=explode(',',$string); echo mode($array); ?>
  10. lol... cant say i've ever really liked that editor... i use tinymce... autoadapts to any/all textarea's on a page
  11. <?php if(isset($_SESSION["customerID"]) && $_SESSION["customerID"] != "0") { ?> <form action="<?php echo($cartweaver->thisPageName . "?cartid=" . $_SESSION["CartId"]);?>" method="post" name="addToCart"> <?php cw3ProductOptions($productId, $taxRate);?> <input name="prodId" type="hidden" value="<?php //echo($productId);?>"> <input name="submit" type="submit" class="formButton" value="Add to Cart"> </form> <?php } ?>
  12. anybody know a way of getting an image's width?
  13. if you do it the css way... you can not only get it static by php... if you really want... you can make it move via javascript... css makes the world go round... lol
  14. you img src="" to it just like a normal image, but to a php file, in which you use php to build your image...
  15. you cant... you have to <img src="img.php"> then in that page, build your image :-)
  16. personally... i always start with the usermanager... so you have access to all of everyones relevant information from the getgo :-)
  17. i disagree with #2... md5() and sha1() are not secure... you can take the value, drop it into google search and you got a 80% chance of getting the answer out... if its a standard word... personally... i created my own 3base encrypter... so your sha1() md5() and a few other encryptions throwing the same value into itself, a dozen different ways thats just me tho
  18. user manager ? module manager ? product manager ? cms ? ... for starters...
  19. LOL! agreed... filter any/all input's... on inputs add_slashes() strip_tags() htmlentities() are your friends...
  20. unless... you were to store the sessid into the database... you login one browser, it inserts into database, then if you loginto another browser it invalidates the prior session...
  21. wow... theres the long way of doing it... echo '<div style="background:blue;width:200px;"><span style="background:green;width:20px;"></div>'; #2-1 scale... 20px=10%
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