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Everything posted by legohead6

  1. heres mine... just change $dir to your directory.. $dir = "members/$userfolder"; $dh = @opendir($dir); //get files in the folder while (false !== ($filename = @readdir($dh))) { $files[] = $filename; } $re = array_search('..', $files); $rem = array_search('.', $files); unset($files[$rem], $files[$re]); $totalp = count($files); //if not in a folder, the show upload and creat folder stuff if(empty($_GET['f'])){ echo "<div align=center><table><tr><td colspan=4>$uploader</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3>$foldermaker<tr><td colspan=3><hr></td></tr><tr><td colspan=3><p align=center><u>Current Folders</u></p></td></tr>"; }else{ //show link to get back to main folder echo "<div align=center><table><tr><Td colspan=4><p align=center><a href=account.php>Up One Level</a></p></td></tr>"; }
  2. THANKS, that worked like a charm, i always forget about google, i was trying to search php.net, but its hopeless
  3. ok, i need a peice of code that gets the size of a folder on page load. (the folder size may change well browsing), Also the folder could be anywhere from 0mb to 10gigs, so it would need to read correctly no matter what... also it would be nice if it was in mb form not in bytes, so 1000mb or 324.44mb..etc i have tried filesize() but it doesnt seem to work... could someone please help me out!
  4. if they look at the source and see the XXXreturn link XXX they can go directly to it and skip the payment...
  5. the only problem is i can only send and recieve GET variables from paypal. it cant create sessions or anything... also anything i recieve back has to be created before it links to paypal
  6. ok, i have a paypal payment system, and to comfirm they have acutally paid i send a random number with paypal that is created before hand with rand(), the problem is if someone is wise and veiws the source it shows in the code for paypal that number and they can copy the link and skip paying. My question is how do i incript code so you cant view it from the source..... heres the code <form action="XXXLINKXXX" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="legohead6@shaw.ca"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Filepile Extended Size"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="5.00"> <input type="hidden" name="page_style" value="Primary"> <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="return" value=<? echo "XXXLINKXXX"; ?>> <input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="XXXLINKXXX"> <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="CAD"> <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="CA"> <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-BuyNowBF"> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_paynow_SM.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Click here to Pay with Paypal"> <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"> </form>
  7. put an @ symbol infront of the function cauzing the error so @mysql_query(blah) would stop that query error from showing
  8. $dir = "members/$user/$f3"; $dh = opendir($dir); //get files in the folder while (false !== ($filename = @readdir($dh))) { $files[] = $filename; } $re = array_search('..', $files); $rem = array_search('.', $files); unset($files[$rem], $files[$re]); $totalp = count($files); echo "<tr><Td colspan=3><hr></td></tr><tr><td colspan=4><p align=center><u>Current Files In $folders11 Folder</u></p></td></tr>"; foreach($files as $id => $file){ $folder1=explode('.',"$file"); if(isset($folder1[1])){ $file1 = str_replace(" ", "_", "$file"); $file2 = str_replace(".", ".", "$file1"); if(empty($_GET['f'])){//to find out which directory link to use $doc=@base64_encode($file); $file3 = @str_replace("_"," ", "$file"); echo "<tr><td bgcolor=#B4B4B4><p align=center><a href=\"#\" onClick=\"poptastic('doc.php?f=$doc');\">$file3</p></td><td bgcolor=#B4B4B4>"; echo "<a href=move.php?f=$doc&fo=$folde>Move File</a></td><td bgcolor=#B4B4B4><a href=move.php?f=$doc&d=1>Delete File</a></td><td bgcolor=#B4B4B4><a href=sfile.php?f=$doc>Send File</a></td></tr>"; }[code] heres a code directly from my site that does just that... change the variables and try it[/code]
  9. forum itself, catagorys, pm system, profile, signature, post count, user group(relative to post count), replying(duh!) similies.... etc i could go on forever, a forum is a major job that some people dont realize... if you want a quick job use phpbb or some simular, they are good forums and only take afew minutes to setup.
  10. are your sure your connect page is connecting? are you getting errors? is it saying proccess failed? is there only 3 spots in the users table? if not you need to make blanks for each other spot.. also that null might have been messing it try this(note 2 single quotes, not 1 double) $myQuery = "INSERT INTO users VALUES ('', '$name', '$age')";
  11. or there putting a piece of code in your page via a form that is opening the doc to edit, like fopen... what are your permissions on index?
  12. its gotta be either your webserver, or your hosts mail server. you code looks nearly identical to mine and mine works fine...
  13. hmm, is there anything i can put inpage? the pages before is hectic already! lol, and would prefer not to add to it if possible
  14. ok, heres my code if(isset($_POST['esong'])){ $song1=$_POST['song']; $song="$folder[0]/$song1"; }else{ $song=$fileto; } Echo "<tr><td bgcolor=#666666><p align=center><b>$song1</b></p></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><p align=center> <span id=music1><embed type='application/x-mplayer2' id=music1 pluginspage='http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/' src=members/$user2/$song name='MediaPlayer1' width='300' height='70' controltype='2' showcontrols='TRUE' showstatusbar='TRUE' AutoStart='TRUE' bgcolor=#B4B4B4> </embed></span> </div></td></tr></p></table></div>"; i want the next song button to work, all the songs are in folder $folder[0] Please help
  15. fix the grey, i will get my friend who made the logo to fix that pile
  16. opera works, but it takes along time to load on a white page wel you wait, i would suspect it would have frozen, either put a loading bar on when searching or put up some message... cuz i cant tell if its stil trying to load search results or if it has frozen
  17. cross site scripting is entering code into input boxes to access other areas of the site..
  18. i think i fixed the firefox issue, i will test it next time i get on a comp with firefox.
  19. i get a blank white page.. IE 6, on a slave at work.. windows 2000 at a guess... this thing is a pos
  20. looks good, but on a lower resoultion screen i cant see all the lines, it was very hard to tell where the searchbox is..... maybe use a slightly darker color, or make the border abit thicker.
  21. oh, you want to hid it in the source?
  22. ok, i have a script that finds out a file name in a directory, then it echos it to the user, but the file may be in different sub directories or in the root, so i exploded it by / now i just need a function to get the last value of the array(which would be the direct file name). is there such a function? or do i need to use if emptys?
  23. your database connection include looks pretty dodgy, i would put one more local..
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