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Everything posted by legohead6

  1. hmm i like that move_uploaded_file() command... so i dont need unlink when using that? $ftc2= explode('/', "$ftc");//break out the current folder name $mm= $ftc2[1]; if(move_uploaded_file ("$dir/$ftc","$dir/$mm")){ echo "File Successfully Moved to Main Folder"; }else{ echo "Unable to move File }
  2. thake the single quotes away value= htmlentities({$row['themeCode']});
  3. how would i do this, its for moving files and i want it so if it was unable to move the file it wont unlink() it. $ftc2= explode('/', "$ftc");//break out the current folder name $mm= $ftc2[1]; @copy("$dir/$ftc","$dir/$mm") OR die("Unable to Move File"); unlink("$dir/$ftc"); echo "File Successfully Moved to Main Folder";
  4. thanks, i ended up breaking into 2 arrays..
  5. anyone? or do i have to live with the folders being random?
  6. if you are new to php start with simpler stuff, first start with form handling, and then database management, then once you figure out those 2, creating a login should be fairly straight forward.
  7. just dont put a taget on the form, make sure its method is post, then use a if(isset($_POST['submitbutton'])){
  8. well, i have a code that manages folders and files, it works perfectly, but the folders appear wherever they lie, i would like the folders to appear at the top, so my question, how do i tell the foreach which to display first... heres the snip of code $dir = "members/$user"; $dh = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) { $files[] = $filename; } $re = array_search('..', $files); $rem = array_search('.', $files); unset($files[$rem], $files[$re]); $totalp = count($files); echo "<div align=center><table><tr><td colspan=2>$uploader</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>$foldermaker<tr><td></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><p align=center><u>Current Folders/Files</u></p></td></tr>"; foreach($files as $id => $file){ $folder=explode('.',"$file"); if(!isset($folder[1])){ $doc=base64_encode($file); echo "<tr><td><p align=center><a href=doc.php?f=$doc><u><b>$file</b></u></a></p></td></tr>"; }else{ $file1 = str_replace(" ", "_", "$file"); $file2 = str_replace(".", ".", "$file1"); $doc=base64_encode($file); echo "<tr><td><p align=center><a href=doc.php?f=$doc>$file2</p></td><td>Select Folder</td></tr>"; $p++; } } echo "</table></div>";
  9. ok, well my bank does not offer an online manager.. so i made one, but now i want to have it automaticaly update when i send funds through paypal... i know there is code for retreving info because i have seen it used for online games.... i am wondering if anyone can send me in the right direction for doing ssomething like this, or if its even posible...
  10. next will be my main site, mattswebpage.com , i just started it, decided to use pictures to make the main page looks, far from done yet. you can view it so far at http://www.mattswebpage.com/index2.php
  11. thanks, any other final suggestions before i take it out into the world and let people know it exists
  12. my learning of php started with same way, with a faint objective to work towards, since i didnt work on it much its taken while but its almost done now, personally i think setting website objectives is the best way to learn. http://www.zelocalz.com
  13. thanks, i was trying to get it to be at the top of the table for so long, i could never get that code right.
  14. oh!, lol its just an affective way to do that, why waste time on something that is already good?
  15. for the most part i used div tags, this site has kinda of been my learning site from basic php and html up untill now, my objective all along was to have just a functional site, it wasnt till recently i decided to go the extra mile and turn it into something that could be usefull to the public. where are these tables your talking about?
  16. If you want you can login and look at the rest of the site, not THAT much more. username: test password: test
  17. ooo, its looks alot better now, wow, i wish i had a screen pic from before i posted this to compare to. i think its almost there.
  18. hmm, i cannot seem to replicate the header problems you talk about.
  19. no thats what i wanted, thanks, i need to copy all the get varibles set over, but there could be different ones set depending on settings and stuff, so i though just explode at the question mark and then add in.
  20. i need to get the address path of my page as a variable, it changes depending on the id and settings of user so i cant make it a fixed one. how do i do this.
  21. "1) Take your name of your site and turn it into something tangible... "geek ammo"... you could go 2 routes with that... find an image that looks nerdy... a guy in glasses with tape holding them together... a pile of ammo boxes with computer hardware in them or sheets of code in them.. or how about a nerdy looking person holding programming commands instead of guns? That wouldn't be too hard to photoshop. " love that idea!
  22. things are looking better, i changed the font, i cant find bettercolor for the font.
  23. take the ads away from the top, it takes too much away from your site.
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