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Everything posted by interpim

  1. your php.ini file needs to be edited to allow for larger files... Don't quote me on this because I am going off the top of my head but I think it is Max_upload_size Edit that to what you want your max upload to be.
  2. If the row already exists in the database, change your query to an UPDATE, and in your SQL statement "UPDATE Welcome WHERE Title ='title'" Since it seems like your Title is your primary key, you cannot insert a new row with the same value as an already existant Primary ID. If you need to change the title as well, then I would suggest adding another field to your database and set it as your unique id.
  3. that is correct... with the second page code you have all it does is assign the value entered from your form into the variable $first_name0
  4. sounds like an normal if statement to me... if(condition){ stuff to do; }else{ other stuff; }
  5. http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
  6. your missing a semicolon on both your echo statements.
  7. first you have to build your form... which is simple html, but for the action you want to put the script that will display the next page... for instance say your first page is form.php, you'll have your form code, and it is submitting to display.php form code <form action='display.php' method='post'> <input type='text' name='name'><br> <input type='submit' value='submit'> </form> your display.php will get the data submitted and display it... <?php $name = $_POST['name']; echo $name; ?>
  8. well... the problem is when you use setcookie() it sends a header, so if you are calling it from another script that writes anything else to the screen then it will give that error unless you use output buffering... That script by itself shouldn't give that error, but if you are calling it from another script that you expect output from you will get that error... output buffering can be turned on in the script you call your setcookie from by putting ob_start(); at the beginning of the script and then an ob_end_flush(); at the end. But there are some disadvantages to this primarily concerning security...
  9. are you calling this script from another page?
  10. change it and take out everything except your php code... put your setcookie() on the very first line of code
  11. databases just hold data... not formatted data... if you want it formatted then you need to either write code to do that, or add more fields to your table
  12. try putting the url in quotes.
  13. I believe it actually puts the text of your email like you type it in your script... so I think if you write out the email like you want it seen in your script that may work. I have had a similar issue to this before, but I can't remember exactly how I got it to format correctly
  14. You might try this script here http://mondaybynoon.com/2007/12/17/crop-and-resize-images-with-gd-or-imagemagick-v11/
  15. try var fcontent=new Array(); fcontent[0]= <?php echo $one; ?>; fcontent[1]= <?php echo $two; ?>; fcontent[2]= <?php echo $three; ?>;
  16. will something like this work? if(error){ exit(); }
  17. I've built upload scripts that append a random 5 digit number onto the end of the original filename when you are saving it to the server. I'm sure you could do the same, and save the filename / path in the database record.
  18. run your query to retrieve the row in your database, assign the path of the file to a variable then unlink($file); after that you can delete the row from your database
  19. write everything but the file name to the database, requery the database and update the largest unique ID with the filename.
  20. Im not seeing what type of file you are referring to... Is the db referring to a directory with files in it?
  21. mysql always increments rows in your database even if you delete that row. Only thing I can recommend is build your script to check the database and assign the filename value based on your greatest unique ID and add 1 to it.
  22. build an additional array for the categories you want to give, then when you run through the results of your query, then you can put the information into your arrays around the page such as blue/green/red etc... Or, you could have several queries... one for each box as you put it. Basically just select what you want to use from your database... if you want to display stuff from category green only search for those in your query... but for each box have a seperate query.
  23. many ways... how is your array laid out and what do you want to see?
  24. OK... my bit of code is for paging in a guestbook script. if anyone puts anything into the address bar besides a number it will display it aswell :/ anywho, does anyone know how to prevent this? here is my code snippet. $page = 1; if(isset($_GET['page'])){ $page = $_GET['page']; $x = $page*5-5; }
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