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Everything posted by interpim

  1. what are you asking exactly? Do you want your server to transfer a file from an online download and store it, then provide a link to the user on that server? If so, why not just download the file directly?
  2. php can't do anything after the page is loaded in teh users browser... it can build in javascript or custom meta tags that can redirect the user.
  3. well... it wouldn't let me edit my post, but I wanted to clarify that the blue line to the left of the input boxes etc. is the CSS block where my navigation to the rest of my site is held... I left it out on purpose for the test script.
  4. Hi all... can anyone shoot through my code and give me some pointers on how to improve this guestbook script? http://interpim.com/testme
  5. javascript is what you need for this... you can load a random image in a browser using php and put an auto refresh meta tag to give the illusion it is changing, but I would recommend building it with javascript.
  6. I don't see the invitename() function anywhere in your code... if you want to use that function you have to declare it and build it first.
  7. <a title="Submit" onclick="document.FORM-ID.submit();" id="text_link" href="#">Click here to submit</a>
  8. well... first things first you would need a field in your user table to identify what avatar they are using... I would recommend using a random number to generate a new file name for the files you are allowing the user to upload... have your script upload the file to a folder, then store the location in that field in your database.
  9. Im thinking you could do that with CSS or Javascript... use your database to store information on each image you want, and build your code to show your description.
  10. storing images in a database is not the best way to go about things... You might do better storing the images in a folder and using the database to hold the address and info you want displayed... simple alt text for the images will work for you im sure.
  11. You get the variables into the array by way of the URL say your page address is www.mysite.com/page.php add a ? then a variable name say var, then = and then the value you want to assign that variable... So www.mysite.com/page.php?var=user would be a case of this... now, in your code $orderedby = $_GET['var']; $orderedby will now contain the value "user" or whatever is following the = sign in your url. So, essentially you will want to build the column headers as links. so for each link it will be the same except for the variable at the end. your query will then use that variable in it's order by section to determine what to order the query by. so where you have "ORDER BY messageID" you would make it "ORDER BY $orderedby" and the value of your variable will change the way your data is sorted.
  12. make the column header links... back to the same page. But instead of http://website.com/table.php it will be http://website.com/table.php?var=user Then you can pull the value after var into the GET array, and assign that value to your query.
  13. I would throw the user selected column back into the page as a variable in the GET array. Then you could change your query ORDER BY attribute based on what they select.
  14. add 3600 (secs) for each hour you want to adjust... or subtract if you want to go back from your server timestamp
  15. this is more of an html question, but you would have to escape the html tags
  16. well... my problem is I have been using a web based email in the past, but in the Navy they restrict access to the big ones, since they are sure any virus problems they may have are coming from out private emails (hotmail, Yahoo, etc.) So, I can download my Yahoo email with POP3, but I can't sign in to Yahoo when I at work, so when I go out for a few months at a time, I miss all my email. A page on my own website that can read that email solves my problem
  17. put an if statement to check if the order number exists in your output already, if so, then echo out a blank table cell.
  18. http://us2.php.net/date in your case date("j M Y g A", $row['post_time']);
  19. what do you mean? like a code sent to an email they have to re-enter to verify an email address type code? Or is this a set code that you will only give out to people you want to have access to the site?
  20. Well... my domain is hosted by Yahoo, but I would transfer that of course if I switched hosts.
  21. OK... one question i have, is what should I be looking for if I want to be able to keep my email address as a me@mydomain.com?
  22. Here is the list of PHP functions they have... http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/smallbusiness/webhosting/php/php-33.html I get 5GB of space, 30GB of transfer, 200 Emails, 20 sub-domains... and a few other things...
  23. Im not sure this is in the wrong spot or not, but here goes anyways I have used Yahoo webhosting for the past 6 or 7 years now, and they have been fine for the most part. I have run into a few problems though, and typically it is with how restrictive they are with their servers. I was attempting to build a web based email page for my son to use (I.E. super simple) for when I am away on deployment (military). Well... after some coding I came to find out that my web host doesn't support the PHP Imap functions, and upon further investigation they limit quite a bit from me, and I haven't had a problem up until now because I haven't needed these additional functions. Can anyone reccomend either a solution around my web mail issue, or offer some advice on a good web host... I need at least a 99% up-time, at least 5GB of space, and of course PHP/MySQL. I pay about $14 a month now, and would like to stay under that amount. I have never switched hosts before, so if anyone has any advice or tidbits for when I do that it would be greatly appreciated...
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