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Everything posted by interpim

  1. maybe you could build a table of common visitors... essentially you could add them to each persons authorized visitor list the same way you would anyone else, but to save time, you could have a special link to go to a page full of your common visitors much like your pool cleaner example. If you are going to change the people on a regular basis, I would say have a database table that has the following fields... unique_id, house_num, resident, visitor, date_start, date_end, time_start, time_end, reason basically each row of your database could be for each visitor expected. so you could have several rows for a certain house_num to reflect several visitors. the database you are using will be able to extract them individually based on any of the fields. to add your common visitor, you would already have the info.
  2. try this on a test page to begin with <?php $variable = 5; sprintf("%10,2f", $variable); ?> it should spit out 5.00 on the page
  3. It looks like you have a decent start... I didn't see any forms for data entry or editing, but I wouldn't add that unless you have a login method to prevent vandalism.
  4. I would recommend you google for some beginner PHP tutorials, a lot of them will go over how to insert and remove things from a database. As far as your requirements go for the software goes, I don't know if you are going to need that many tables. If you have any specific questions in the development process post back with those specific questions. We can help you with code here, but we will not write it for you.
  5. sorry.... i miss typed earlier sprintf("%10,2f", $variable); I left out the f
  6. have you looked into levenshtein method? http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.levenshtein.php
  7. sprintf("%10,2", $variable);
  8. I found this great website. It allows you to post a URL for your site, and it will give you screenshots of lots of different browser/OS combos. http://browsershots.org/
  9. I have a fairly weird problem, I am not quite sure what may be causing it. I have a wordpress blog installed and when I go to the page initially it is blank, but a refresh brings the page up fine. Has anyone ever seen this problem? and if so, what do I need to do to fix it? bah... here is the link http://interpim.com/blog/
  10. there are websites out there that will allow you to do a remote cron... some are free, some have a small fee... I would google search it and see if that will fit your bill.
  11. this is how you would search for an id based on the username. SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username = '$username' it will select the user_id only, you then have to pull the resulting number and display/use it in your script. How are you storing 'user_id' in your database?
  12. is your server started I shut mine down once and couldn't figure out why my scripts weren't running for about 20 minutes until I realized I had stopped the server the day before.
  13. use sessions... check at the beginning of the file if a session exists for that user, if not display the login form.
  14. I don't understand the problem? Array ( [line1] => Array ( [0] => a [1] => b [2] => c [3] => d [4] => e [5] => f ) [line2] => Array ( [0] => h [1] => i [2] => j [3] => k [4] => l [5] => m ) [line3] => Array ( [0] => n [1] => o [2] => p [3] => q [4] => r [5] => s ) );
  15. In the future put your code between tags. It makes it easier to read. For your username issue. Search your database with the requested username. If you get a positive match, kick the user back with a duplicate name error. otherwise, create the new username. As far as the link for your profile2.php the method looks correct at first glance... what type of output are you getting?
  16. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/board,6.0.html
  17. I would recommend javascript
  18. you need to assign the data in the tables to variables and echo those variables to the page. All you are doing is returning the row from your table with the code you have shown
  19. $var = "Text you want to add to your email. it gets formatted how you type it in your code."; $message = $message . $var;
  20. And I assume you are retrieving the phone number based off of the username field? It looks good to me... can I see your query to pull up the phone number?
  21. We would need to see how you are storing the numbers first... what are the fields in your database etc...
  22. You could include it where you want it. <?php $hello="yo"; echo "sending message<br>"; include(receiverPHP.php?hi=$hello); echo "done sending message<br>"; ?>
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