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Everything posted by interpim

  1. ok... i pulled that snippet of code from the php manual, google is my friend LOL
  2. <?php // Get the first character of a string $str = 'This is a test.'; $first = $str[0];
  3. you will have to create a database for your times... if you want timestamps for say when a user logs in, create a hidden field in the login form, and submit to a "time database" the timestamp that is returned at that time. You could also add what user etc... Can you explain more of what you need this time database to do or keep track of, maybe we can help if we have more info or code to work from.
  4. look at your login page for phpbb and determine what it is setting, (i believe phpbb uses sessions) and basically set the same session as logged in for phpbb
  5. in your table add another field for a link like Revraz has mentioned... write it with the id# as the link. such as echo "<a href='editpage.php?id=$id'>EDIT THIS RECORD</a>"; // $id will be your variable assigned the sql unique id your table gives it. on your editpage.php just have a form for the fields you want to edit, then use the submit script to update the database for that ID#
  6. Hi all... Im not sure this can be done, but I don't even know where to start. What I am trying to do is create a program that will let folks create a signature picture online using their own images etc. I have gotten so far as the upload, cropping, and resizing of the original image complete... But what I want to do now is have it so that the user can type some text into a form, select the font and text color they want to use, then position that text where they want on that image, and output the final image for them to download. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and Merry Christmas
  7. Thanks for your help... I'll toy around with it to get it to do what I want... I appreciate your help.
  8. Ok... that does work... but, it also erases anything that exists in the form already. What i want to do is leave any text the user has typed still in the box, but add the link which I will create with PHP inside bbcode for images. For instance... I'm typing a reply on a forum. I want to add a picture. I click the link at the bottom of the form, it opens a popup with an upload dialog. The user searches for the image, clicks upload, and once the upload is complete. The path to the image is returned to the original form where the users cursor was when they were typing. Leaving everything that they had typed out already. Is this possible with Javascript? Or do I have to pass that text somehow?
  9. Hello all, I want to start with the fact I have Very Little knowledge of javascript but am willing to learn. What I am trying to do I think requires javascript, but I don't know how to implement it. Basically, I have a phpbb that I run. I am trying to create a plug-in that will allow my forum users to click a link when they are writing a post that when clicked will pull up a pop-up window. The pop-up will process an upload of an image via PHP, but the thing I want it to do is when that form is submitted, I want the image path/name of the uploaded image to be put into the forum text field with the bbcode tags around it automatically. This is to basically make picture posting dummy proof for my users. Any recommendations are appreciated.
  10. Im looking for something like this... http://www.bmk.com.au/cgi-bin/colors.php When i drop $jump in your code, some of the numbers are dropping some of the trailing 0's and basically only showing the "short" number
  11. is radiobutton the name of the radio field? for instance in the form... <input type='radio' name='radiobutton' value='value_1'> <input type='radio' name='radiobutton' value='value_2'> <input type='radio' name='radiobutton' value='value_3'> if the user selects say, value_2... the $_POST['radiobutton'] variable will be value_2. You should be able to echo that value from that variable.
  12. I know how to convert from decimal to hex... i want to do math in hex
  13. Im trying to create a simple script to display EVERY hexadecimal color code in a table then make the background of each table cell that color, basically to give myself a reference to look at when I am looking for a particular color. I have the idea how I want to do it, but... I don't know how to get PHP to count in hexadecimal. for instance, how do i declare a number as being Hex, and how do i force all of the mathematical functions to add in Hex?
  14. <a href="http://url.com" target="_self">
  15. echo the value of the radiobutton post... if i remember correctly radiobuttons are written to an array. And you would have to pull that value out of that array.
  16. I've noticed problems with Firefox sometimes when trying to reload pages... where changes I've made don't show up until I clear the cache... even changing the name of files etc... Not sure how it happens.
  17. use an onclick() in javascript to run your code maybe
  18. that is what kenrbnsn is saying... Find a new host to use... you can't use PHP if your host doesn't support it.
  19. your echo before all the html... change it from echo' to echo ' note the space.
  20. it should only run when called...
  21. http://www.mandarindesign.com/opacity.html
  22. maybe pass something through the $_GET array? $refer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $url = $refer . '?var=' .$var; header("Location: $url"); might have to check my syntax though.
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