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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. thank you.
  2. Then I get the output of 1145415854 this is confusing. In javascript you just throw down a few variables ina function, and you can get the time, is it better doing this with javascript. Or is it really complicated with php.
  3. <?php print time(); $foo = time(); print $foo; ?> umm why did this give me 11454150731145415073 that updates every time I hit refresh, is there a better way to do this, htis may be the time, but I don't understand this language of time, I am use to 10:30, 12:20 or so so, military time, gmt +- theories, What is this number here for that autoupdated everytime I hit the refresh button.
  4. [a href=\"http://www.meandeviation.com/tutorials/learnphp/php-syntax-check/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.meandeviation.com/tutorials/lea...p-syntax-check/[/a] it will check your php syntax for errors, so possibly, if you are having lots of problems this will check and see where the errors are for you/.
  5. How do I fully understand the concept of "function prototypes" I have learnt all the basics and I am starting learning to use functions, but before I get too far, I want a thourough understanding of the concept of "Function Prototypes" I appreciate the help, thanks. less-important question. With me being strictly an obsessed web developer that cares about nothing but everything web design and wants to learn all languages, that benefit the world of web design, how can C+, C++, and C# benefit me directly and indirectly relating to web design, coding, programming, promotion adn hosting. Or are these for other purposes.
  6. I got it from www.hudzilla.com, but thanks for the clear up< atleast we have the full story now.
  7. where I was studying I found this out. "Internally to PHP, the scope resolution operator is called "paamayim nekudotayim", which is Hebrew for "double colon". " Something interesting anyway.
  8. thanks I got it off. [a href=\"http://www.hudzilla.org\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.hudzilla.org[/a]
  9. thanks for the help.
  10. where do I find about superglobals in the manual at [a href=\"http://www.php.net\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.php.net[/a] the following Name Functionality $GLOBALS Contains all global variables in your script, including other superglobals. This is not generally recommended for use, unless you are, for some reason, not sure where a variable will be stored. $GLOBALS has been available since PHP 3, and its operation has not changed. $_GET Contains all variables sent via a HTTP GET request. That is, sent by way of the URL. Users of older PHP versions will recognise this as being the same as $HTTP_GET_VARS array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. $_POST Contains all variables sent via a HTTP POST request. This is similar to the old $HTTP_POST_VARS array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. $_FILES Contains all variables sent via a HTTP POST file upload. This is similar to the old $HTTP_POST_FILES array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. $_COOKIE Contains all variables sent via HTTP cookies. This is similar to the old $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. $_REQUEST Contains all variables sent via HTTP GET, HTTP POST, and HTTP cookies. This is basically the equivalent of combining $_GET, $_POST, and $_COOKIE, and is less dangerous than using $GLOBALS. However, as it does contain all variables from untrusted sources (that is, your visitors), you should still try to steer clear unless you have very good reason to use it. There's no equivalent to $_REQUEST in versions of PHP before v4.1. $_SESSION Contains all variables stored in a user's session. This is similar to the old $HTTP_SESSION_VARS array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. $_SERVER Contains all variables set by the web server you are using, or other sources that directly relate to the execution of your script. This is similar to the old $HTTP_SERVER_VARS array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. $_ENV Contains all environment variables set by your system or shell for the script. This is similar to the old $HTTP_ENV_VARS array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. Not sure where to find those at in the manual, thanks.
  11. perfect thanks for the help
  12. I have a question about typecasting, forcing a variable to have a specific type. should I get in the habit of typecasting every single variable I create in working with php to what I want it to be no matter what, or is there a bad reason for doing this. I was thinking of every single time I create a variable, I should typecast it, or is that going to make it hard to change variables on teh fly when I decide to change them some as I go, basically either way when are the best reasons, or purposes where typecasting should be used.
  13. thanks for clearing that up.
  14. I will read these tomorrow, but I also don't know arrays, yet or anything liket hat I am building up to those currently.
  15. ??
  16. use css to style it, and set everything.
  17. only xhtml, and css, I am working on javascript, php, sql(it's variations, web content, design, layout, and graphic design, but those are going to take a while to finish learning. I like self teaching, so it sometimes takes shorter time or longer depending.
  18. depends on the type of javascript. if you have a javascript drop down menu you can do that better with just css and xhtml in my opinion, if it's something else, it can be styled with css, the same way that xhtml is. google something like "styling javascipt with css" or "javascript and css" or something like that.
  19. I sent this to another post earlier maybe it will help. at [a href=\"http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/3_1_0\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/3_1_0[/a] under the mathimatical chapters, there is a lot there that might help you figure those answers out.
  20. I apologize for another question. I backtracked and found somethign I didn't understand, I have tried fighting with these for awhile, the switch case statements, I am not sure how or when to supplement these, I wrote my own script, basic script to test, and mastered if statements(atleast the basics). if <?php $grade = 70; $mark = 97; $david = 53; $jim = 63; $walton = 96; $jessy = 63; $dave = 93; $parker = 63; if ($mark ?> well whatever you get the picture I can't retype all that right now, but I created it to where if you compare someones grade, with teh grade value, for instance, if there grade is above 70 or equal to, it says you passed, sort of, or if it didn't they failed. So I set all that up, and when I tried to run it to a switch case statement, THere's no way possible switch statements, are not meant to be used like that, so how are they used.
  21. also this might help I found it. [a href=\"http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/4_0_0\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/4_0_0[/a] specifically what you would need are chapters 4.5. Working with Date and Time 4.5.1. Reading the current time: time() and microtime() 4.5.2. Converting from a string: strtotime() 4.5.3. Converting to a string: date() 4.5.4. Converting from components: mktime() hope that helps.
  22. I have been studying php from. [a href=\"http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/index.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/index.php[/a] previously I studied php for 1 full week, but not any week, I was working exactly 16 hours per day monday through friday, totally 80 hours for the entire week of nothing but studying, then I go to this site, and learn more in half a night and 1 day which is today than I did in that entire book. atleast when I was going through chapter 1 and 2 completely. But now I have entered chapter 3. as soon as I hit types of data I was confused, I went on like I was doing well through all the way to 3.11 or so when I got into operators, and looked back and realized I didn't know anything about what I had read, or didn't understand any of it, the first 2 chapters, I completely mastered. Like if statements, else, if else, while, for loops, utilizing infinite loops properly, wrote a few basic scripts excetera. And it comes down to this and I am totally lost, what do I do now, I don't understand any of this, or how to utilize each section into my own scripts and play with them like I did with the if statements and things to learn, I am totally lost here, any advice, or ideas.
  23. are there any other mispelled words in programming languages.
  24. probably a stupid blank guess here, but is it possible, that you are trying to get the file to access your root directory, and the file is in a sub directory if so you will probably have to add some more commands, to get it to find the sub directory?? just a guess.
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