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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. border-bottom-width: border-top-width: border-left-width: border-right-width border-bottom-color: border-top-color: border-right-color: border-left-color: border-top-style: border-bottom-style: border-left-style: border-right-style: these are the tags in css to manipulate and control borders. to set page width it's margin-bottom: margin-top: margin-right: margin-left:
  2. i copied this to my local drive saved it as test.css, and tested it, and as I thought go to the url. [a href=\"http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator\" target=\"_blank\"]http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator[/a] anytime your css has errors it can cause problems in some browsers, fix those errors, and revalidate it, do it until it passes, if you still have the same issue, then you might have to set the width or height tags in the external css file so it knows what to set them at automatically when the browser loads the website.
  3. thanks for the posting, and I will post less. Thanks again.
  4. I know in javascript you simply use there preset date functions, I think php has those 2. at www.php.net, and I am reading that book on www.hudzilla.com it will help alot, as you can learn all of php off that, or go to the functions section and look around through the ones about dates.
  5. Oh so then I will just replace the old deprecated tags for the newer versions. Thanks,
  6. sounds good, I like following standards and I know in xhtml I stay away from deprecated tags, I was just checking to make sure I should do the same with php, thanks.
  7. I didn't realize this until today, but in php there is one superglobal in the whole language, that was a typo and people use it everyday and it is always mispelled, but they haven't changed it. HTTP_REFERER the actual true spelling is HTTP_REFERRER but you have to use it as referer, I read in hudzilla.com that it was a mispelling, very fascinating.
  8. thanks that might be very helpful. Thanks.
  9. this first Name Functionality $GLOBALS Contains all global variables in your script, including other superglobals. This is not generally recommended for use, unless you are, for some reason, not sure where a variable will be stored. $GLOBALS has been available since PHP 3, and its operation has not changed. $_GET Contains all variables sent via a HTTP GET request. That is, sent by way of the URL. Users of older PHP versions will recognise this as being the same as $HTTP_GET_VARS array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. $_POST Contains all variables sent via a HTTP POST request. This is similar to the old $HTTP_POST_VARS array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. $_FILES Contains all variables sent via a HTTP POST file upload. This is similar to the old $HTTP_POST_FILES array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. $_COOKIE Contains all variables sent via HTTP cookies. This is similar to the old $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. $_REQUEST Contains all variables sent via HTTP GET, HTTP POST, and HTTP cookies. This is basically the equivalent of combining $_GET, $_POST, and $_COOKIE, and is less dangerous than using $GLOBALS. However, as it does contain all variables from untrusted sources (that is, your visitors), you should still try to steer clear unless you have very good reason to use it. There's no equivalent to $_REQUEST in versions of PHP before v4.1. $_SESSION Contains all variables stored in a user's session. This is similar to the old $HTTP_SESSION_VARS array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. $_SERVER Contains all variables set by the web server you are using, or other sources that directly relate to the execution of your script. This is similar to the old $HTTP_SERVER_VARS array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. $_ENV Contains all environment variables set by your system or shell for the script. This is similar to the old $HTTP_ENV_VARS array, which, although deprecated, is still available for use. BACK TO ME-Some of these are deprecated so I don't care about those, but with these specifically, does this mean that every variable under those sections are all stored in that information
  10. is it good to use deprecated tags, and functions in php, or should I always try to use the newest version of those deprecated, and if I find myself using deprecated tags at one point or another are they considered bad programming practice or against some specific standards.
  11. one more quick question then, that helps alot, but should I ALWAYS type cast, for any specific purpose, or just for specific reasons, if so what reasons.
  12. ok so I can safetly say that (int) is the same as (integer) which is the proper usage.
  13. "Although most numbers in PHP are entered in using decimal (base 10), you may also specify them in hexadecimal (base 16) or octal (base 8)." what does that mean specifically.
  14. is it best to typecast each and every variable you use, like to make it a habit of always and every single time you create a variable you typecast it to what you want it to be set too.
  15. <?php $bool = true; print "Bool is set to $bool\n"; $bool = false; print "Bool is set to "; print (int)$bool; ?> I was wondering about one thing in this script. what is the (int) mean. I know bool is just a variable create which is short fo boolean, and it's set to the booleon true, here is the website it came off of the exact page actually I was just wondering if int was a preset something in php or something he named himself or what, and what it does. [a href=\"http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/3_3_0\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/3_3_0[/a]
  16. I will keep this in mind and consider turning him down, or atleast relaying him that I want to do a number of smaller projects before I take on this one, thanks for the advice.
  17. ok my first major project will be underway in 3 weeks. I wanted some advice here if possible. I already know css, Xhtml, javascript(a bit atleast). and a lot of other skills relating to web design in general. Someone wants a clone basically of www.autotrader.com but they are going to be a rival of autotrader. I am building it with php as server side, xhtml, css, some javascript, sql(mysql). Now I already know some I have to better my javascript, learn php, sql, mysql(variation) and general databasing. and better website content writing, overall website layout, graphic design(logo's banners, picture manipulation, and more with photoshop I have coming in about a week and a half the newest version. On top of that for my new career, I have had dreamweaver mx2004 for a long time, and rebuilt my own business website 4 times. Rebuilding it again after I learn php and sql, but I have order studio 8. This will me a lot as well, is there anythign else I need to study, learn, or do, before I start tackling my first, big portfolio project, for only 300 I might add, but it's basically "charity work" he doesn't have much money. It's www.autotrader.com and what I am building is something like autorid, is the name of what he wants done later or something, any advice ideas on this.
  18. Thanks for the in depth explanation, I understand isset() a lot better than i did when i first posted.
  19. After I dig deeper into php I am learning sql, and it's variations including mysql, but I was also told by numerous people, including people on this board, that you shoudl validate forms with javascript, and process them with php, if this is true then I would have no need for the isset() function in the forms right.
  20. What is the purpose and reasoning behind the isset() function. If you set a variable to something you should already know 100% that it is already set, why would you need isset() to tell you what you already know, what are the purposes and reasons behind this, I already read over www.php.net manuals a few times, under that section, but I still don't grasp this concept, I know unset() takes a variable off I guess you use that when you have a variable, and want to cut that variable off so you can use the same variable name later in the script, but isset() makes absolutely nosense to me, I know for debugging you could check your variables to make sure they are set, but I thought if you set them they were set, no if's ands or buts, the more help I get on this the better, and thank you in advance.
  21. I understood all that already, but I saw somethign somewhere, actually [a href=\"http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/forms/javascript.html\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/forms/javascript.html[/a] and somewhere else said specifically "javascript" and had a sub heading that said it could be used for server side scripting, was this false, or is it possible, that is could have meant something else.
  22. I know this is about javascript but it is direct correlation with the topic of php. specifically relating to the idea of server side scripting. Browser side scripting I know what is, server side scripting I know what is. Here is the problem Javascript I thought was browser side scripting, I read somewhere that it is in fact possible to use it for 3 different things. 1. Browser side scripting as it is normally used for 2.desktop applications(but that is wasn't reliable) 3.Server side scripting I am thinking how it this possible, if it is, how do I learn to use it as server side scripting, and if so is it worth it, and does anything with it go better than with php.
  23. now the comparison to javascript and css external files really cleared that up, because I always use external css, and have started learning javascript with external files, so that does help a lot, thank you.
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