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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. www.freelancebusinessmannetwork.com www.joyels-network.com www.thefreelancebusinessmannetwork.com www.fbn-network.com Those are the domains I have, I am going to start using the fbn-network.com which I just got, once it's cleared I will start using that, that will shorten the domain name. I will go ahead and try all the other suggestions here, and see what you think.
  2. My design sucks. That's what my graphic designer is for. MY design sucks, my coding doesn't. She gives me layouts, I code them. This one I told her very plain. You all made very valid points, I will fix all of those, and post again.
  3. http://www.freelancebusinessmannetwork.com/ What do you think of the design?
  4. I actually found it by a freak accident. Some things I like too. For example the image borders already taken care of, the varying ul, li styles are stripped preventing cross browser issues with those. The thing automatically flushes above, with no extra work. I am happy I ran across this, it is the only one like it on the Internet, I searched everywhere for another version after it, this was the only one. If you go through his file's and logs he presents other file's for debugging. HE has debugging structures, and scallops to help debug CSS issues, the stuff I found there is going to be very helpful. It has already saved me hours worth of changing around (no more using borders to get the top to snap into place).
  5. Oh, basically I wanted some feedback on this method, is it a good idea is it safe.
  6. http://tantek.com/log/2004/undohtml.css nevermind, this fixed it.
  7. I had to share this. http://tantek.com/log/2004/undohtml.css I tested this, I use to have lot's of cross browser issues. This successfully removes about 90% of all issues. If you built a site, and if you are trying to get some stuff working, and you have having cross browser issues, then go for it. Try this at the top of your CSS file, chances are those issues will simply disappear.
  8. Actually if I go to disable browser default styles, then it works fine. So there is some style firefox is applying to this, I am unsure of. If I can find out what that is, I can get it working properly. Any advice.
  9. I don't understand one thing. lately I take a page, I give it a background color (body). I then create a div, and center it. The full centering in all browsers is done with body { text-align:center; } #wrap { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } ok, all of that is done. Awhile back I use to be able to get the upper part of the div, flush with the top of the browser. lately firefox hasn't been listening to me (I guess since I upgraded versions), is there a surefire way to get a center div, that is centered, to go flush with the top, a way that works effectively, and correctly in all browsers (I tried removing all padding, and margin from there. I want to do this "without" continuously having to use a border up there to get it to snap into place, any advice?
  10. Very interesting. Someone I never have seen post before, comes on here and gives me a line of code for each issue. Both issue fix instantly. I am very impressed, very. I am about to PM you an offer. Perfect, thanks.
  11. IE 6 (windows) looks fine. Firefox (newest version/windows) doesn't. I just added what you said, no affect. Normally fire fox doesn't give me problems, normally it's IE, but this time, it's the opposite. I get fire fox right first then check in IE, I like fire fox more, and this time it's giving me problems. The content as well is giving me problems, I have no idea why IE is adding another 120 pixels in there somehow, only IE knows the answer to that.
  12. #1 is definitely horrible. As far as the footer, I have made some decent progress, in getting it even with the top (using a border of the same color to remove the space). That fixed that issue. That last issue now with just the footer, is in Fire Fox, the text is way down low. In Ie it's up high, I just need to get it right aligned (which it is in both), and in the middle of the footer. Which isn't seeming to happen. I have tried everything. I tried alignment, absolute positioning, relative positioning, borders, removing margins and paddings all over the place, adding margins and paddings all over the place, nothing is seeming to get it aligned right.
  13. are there any negatives to using borders of the same background color to fix major alignment issues in IE or fire fox.
  14. Still having some problems with this. Anyone?
  15. http://www.freelancebusinessmannetwork.com/ I am having a few issues with this. I coded most of it but some of these issues aren't fixing. 1. In ie the content is way over to the right. instead of in the right position like on fire fox. 2. The footer is messed up quite a bit in both of them. Can someone (if you have time, and notice anything) let me know how some of these issues can be fixed?
  16. http://www.freelancebusinessmannetwork.com/ The content is in the perfect spot in firefox. However it's not right in IE, can someone tell why IE is throwing in like 50 pixels of left padding on the element, when I tried removing it, it's not working right.
  17. border-top:thin solid #FFFFFF; That fixed it, I added that to the top, it was a quick fix, don't feel like screwing with it long, thanks. If anyone comes back and see's a more straightforward solution then go for, in the meantime. solved.
  18. body { background-color: #FFFFFF; text-align:center; margin-top:0px; padding-top:0px; } #wrap { background:url(../images/background.gif) repeat-y; padding-top:0px; margin-top:0px; width:759px; height:564px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } I tried everything as you can tell, it works in IE, but not Fire Fox. Anymore advice?
  19. http://www.freelancebusinessmannetwork.com/ How do I get the upper part, above the middle element to have "no" padding?
  20. Perfect, that's what I meant, thanks.
  21. Well it actually takes an insert handler, so in theory if you provide that handler, with the resource of the insert, then it is infallible, right?
  22. I wanted a quicker way to retrieve the id, without doing it the long way. I am trying to do stuff lately that cuts down on time. Originally you insert something into the database, then you sometimes need to get the id for various purposes. In this situation, I need to enter the data, get the id and have it available for the review form. I wanted to see (since I end up needing to do that a lot) if there was a better way than a full select statement, query, and variable. I always do <?php $selectid = "SELECT id FROM table WHERE whatever here to show it's the right one;"; $queryid = mysql_query($selectid); if ($rowid = mysql_fetch_array($queryid)) { $id = $rowid['id']; } ?> This is something I do quite often. So in essence, if I want the id retrieval to work on that one. I will probably end up having to do it the long way, if so Oh well, but I saw about this id. I had someone on here recommend me to go ahead and use that instead, but if it's unreliable, I am not taking any chances.
  23. Say for example, I enter a data into a form. This form is going into a database. Upon submittal I have <?php // validate material // show errors // if clear clean variables // database variables // review form $id = mysql_insert_id(); // id = last inserted value. ?> What I am concerned about is this. 1. 2 people go to the form. Both submit at the same time Can the id on one persons script pickup the id on the record from the other guy if he submitted seconds earlier, I guess that's what I want to know. Or does it ALWAYS refer to the value entered into THAT SPECIFIC script. I just want to make sure it's reliable, before I use it.
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