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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. www.freelancebusinessman.com I didn't change my design. But I am going to, that one I have up there is just my network site (separate site all together). I am going to be redoing my main site shortly, I only used a template for that, and only temporarily while I got some time to rebuild it. I just replaced the graphics on the network site. After I am done with the netwrok site I am redoing my site, and ppassistant.com to both be custom (like I originally wanted but lacked the time), I am redoing them now. What do you think of the network site now, I have done all the suggested changes.
  2. I also got a shorter domain name, like was suggested. http://www.fbn-network.com/
  3. I validated the CSS (I mistyped a character, so it threw up errors, it was validated before I did that.) I went ahead and tried that background color, your right it does look better than black. I do, dreamweaver when I am typing the colors, it comes up with a pallete and let's me see them. I am not too good visually, so I mostly rely on my graphic designer for the graphics, and I use my best judgement (and advice here) for the rest. I made those changes, I think it looks a lot better. After looking at the gradients, I see the lines you mentioned, I am goign to see if my graphic designer can rework those and make those necessary changes, thanks for all the advice. I also went ahead and decreased the font size, and put in padding, and centered the footer. Thanks for all the advice.
  4. Fire FTP is my favorite for Binary (dreamweavers ftp doesn't support that), other than that I love Dreamweaver built in FTP support.
  5. Thanks for all the advice I did everything but 2 things 1. Replace the gradients (I am asking my graphic designer today) 2. Border around the site (because I can't think of a decent color) Thanks for all the advice.
  6. I can't it's under contract. However I got another CSS person, that mentioned something about IE conditional statements. <!--[if IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ppassistant/projectassets/css/fixie.css" /> <![endif]--> After researching the positives and negatives of various types of IE conditional statements, as well as negative impacts, and positive purposes. I have permanently decided to gear something for fire fox and Opera, after it's perfect try my hardest to get it setup for IE if possible, if not I am throwing this in there and easily adjusting it. I also researched that undohtml.css I am utilizing it at the beginning to reduce other's from the start. I have gotten tired of hard workarounds and hours of debugging, all I care about is remaining doing pure CSS as well as getting things done quicker. These 2 solutions double the time. Allow me to focus more on getting it designed properly, and getting it done, while still retaining doing CSS.
  7. That is very true as well, I made that mistake when I first started. Now I try to quote more reasonably.
  8. Sorry for the third post. What obsidian said here, I think will be very helpful, and very accurate. The happier they are at the end of the first project, the more likely they are to come back later. The idea of giving them a quote, and then if you finish really early, cutting some off, I like the idea and will probably keep that in mind, that was very good advice.
  9. Another thing to keep in mind is what obsidian said is Very IMportant. if you don't have your own goals, and system, then you will be miserable. This is what I faced at first. I basically "restructured" my pricing, and my "process" about 8 times until i got it like it is now. I am about to restructure it again, every time I do, I spend about 8 months seeing where it needs improved. In that, work out a pricing structure, negotiation screen, what to do if something goes wrong (like the client trys to back out before negotiations are thought. Try to decide ahead of time what your limits are on the price, even if the client tries to totally drop it. Set definite minimums. Always look over project details and really, really try to determine all possible situations before going to the client for monetary negotiations IF they are local try to meet in person, or go out to eat with them to get a better setting. If they are far away and have more than 1 partner involved, try to get them all on the phone at the same time, so you acne get strategically get there attention diverted away from budget less, and getting what they want more. THe best advice anyone ever gave me was Andy. "Time is money". When I stopped wasting time, and started making money, things changed. As far as pricing is concerned, if you setup a definite pricing structure for every possible situation (reasonable), you will never be left wondering (is this price too low, or too much). Unless you get something you are unfamiliar with, in that case, work it out, then add it to your base cost plan of how much you generally charge, keep building the list to help you when that same type of work (situation) arises again.
  10. It shouldn't be too hard for you to find higher paying projects. Most of the one's I do aren't really high paid, they normally range between 500-1500 average. Depending on the size. I generally have a 500-700 minimum for an actual standard site creation. I had one yesterday that quoted at 12,000 which was the highest I ever had, and it's a pretty big project. I don't think you will find a lot of high paying projects on freelance site's, because of the intense competition. A lot of the high end project come from something like a random occurrence. Or mostly, what happens is you get a client, you do a project, make them very happy. Generally when you get about 6-7 GOOD clients, that you do great work for, they come back. Over time they start referencing you. The big projects only come around occasionally, unless you specifically advertise in richer areas (you can gear your marketing to wherever you want. For example put an ad out in a paper in las Vegas). Just because you are working where you are, serve nationally and internationally. Other states my have higher living rates, they might be use to getting more, and spending more than where your at. So you have the living costs of where you live, but can get a wage as if you lived in Las Vegas, or California. The price is highly dependent on area. I work all over America, even a few people in great Britain, and a few other countries. All from my own home. At time's, the problem arises, I notice that it varies based on area. Strictly because of this I gear 80% of my marketing straight towards Los Angeles, or surrounding cities in California. Another place I Focus is phoenix Arizona, and only have about 3 local clients. All others are specifically geared toward states where I know people have money. Another tactic could be to gear towards country who's conversion rate is great, (great Britain is a good example). They can pay you 50 of there money, and end up being a little over 100 American. I have one client in particular, I quote him about 85% more than I would an American client (because of the value of the money there), to him it means nothing, because it's what he is used to spending, it's not really a lot over there, but when it gets over here, and gets converted, it's quite a lot more than I would standardly make over here.
  11. I really don't understand this. I spent an hour perfecting a navigation structure in CSS to get rollover affects and IE just blows it. I don't really understand this. The upper navigation is fine in IE, but it sucks ass in Firefox. #toplinks { float:right; margin-top:80px; margin-right:130px; } #toplinks li { list-style:none; display:inline; } a.link1 { /* definition of the "image" class in the <a> tag */ padding:5px 100px 0px 6px; width:97px; height:17px; background-image:url(../images/home_on.jpg); /* source for start image */ background-repeat: no-repeat; } a.link1:hover { /* definition of the "image" class for <a> tag when hovered onto */ background-image: url(../images/home_off.jpg); /* source for target image */ } a.link2 { /* definition of the "image" class in the <a> tag */ padding:5px 100px 0px 6px; width:97px; height:17px; background-image:url(../images/register_on.jpg); /* source for start image */ background-repeat: no-repeat; } a.link2:hover { /* definition of the "image" class for <a> tag when hovered onto */ background-image: url(../images/register_off.jpg); /* source for target image */ } a.link3 { /* definition of the "image" class in the <a> tag */ padding:5px 100px 0px 6px; width:97px; height:17px; background-image:url(../images/####.jpg); /* source for start image */ background-repeat: no-repeat; } a.link3:hover { /* definition of the "image" class for <a> tag when hovered onto */ background-image: url(../images/####.jpg); /* source for target image */ } a.link4 { /* definition of the "image" class in the <a> tag */ padding: 5px 100px 0px 6px; width:97px; height:17px; background-image:url(../images/demo_on.jpg); /* source for start image */ background-repeat: no-repeat; } a.link4:hover { /* definition of the "image" class for <a> tag when hovered onto */ background-image: url(../images/demo_off.jpg); /* source for target image */ } a.link5 { /* definition of the "image" class in the <a> tag */ padding: 5px 100px 0px 6px; width:97px; height:17px; background-image:url(../images/login_on.jpg); /* source for start image */ background-repeat: no-repeat; } a.link5:hover { /* definition of the "image" class for <a> tag when hovered onto */ background-image: url(../images/login_off.jpg); /* source for target image */ } I would like to show the URL but I am under contract on this one. It's just, I am using buttons, they are the same width/height of what is shown there. I have an on version and off. It works fine in IE, it's perfectly aligned. There is a banner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - logo - - - - link 1 link 2 link 3 link 4 link 5 link 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The entire banner is a background in a div, the only actual "elements" inside that div, are the buttons. Here is the html I just don't understand it. I have it floated right, then dropped downwards to the bottom of the div, then to the right enough to make it directly in the center, and it looks 100% like the layout I originally recieved. Then I go to test in IE and it's not even there at all. Another reason is sometimes the images don't load in firefox, so there is a period of a few seconds sometimes where the 2nd image disappears during rollover. It's like it's there (the original image), then they rollover the image flickers away for a second, adn then it appears. Whatever happens, I don't care about the second issue as much as the first, but this is bad. I have to get this layout coded today, and, I finally got the buttons organized, and that happened. Has anyone had this problem, or have any advice. That was my full html file, my FULL css file is below. /* UNDO.CSS (Thanks TanTek) */ /* undohtml.css */ /* (CC) 2004 Tantek Celik. Some Rights Reserved. */ /* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0 */ /* This style sheet is licensed under a Creative Commons License. */ /* Purpose: undo some of the default styling of common (X)HTML browsers */ /* link underlines tend to make hypertext less readable, because underlines obscure the shapes of the lower halves of words */ :link,:visited { text-decoration:none } /* no list-markers by default, since lists are used more often for semantics */ ul,ol { list-style:none } /* avoid browser default inconsistent heading font-sizes */ /* and pre/code too */ h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,code { font-size:1em; } /* remove the inconsistent (among browsers) default ul,ol padding or margin */ /* the default spacing on headings does not match nor align with normal interline spacing at all, so let's get rid of it. */ /* zero out the spacing around pre, form, p, blockquote as well */ /* form elements are oddly inconsistent, and not quite CSS emulatable. */ /* nonetheless strip their margin and padding as well */ ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,form,body,html,p,blockquote,fieldset,input { margin:0; padding:0 } /* whoever thought blue linked image borders were a good idea? */ a img,:link img,:visited img { border:none } /* de-italicize address */ address { font-style:normal } /* more varnish stripping as necessary... */ /* END UNDO.CSS */ body { color: #000000; background-color: #B2C6EB; text-align: center; } #wrap { color:#000000; width:800px; height:800px; background-color:#FFFFFF; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } #header { background: url(../images/banner.gif) no-repeat #FFFFFF; color: #000000; width: 800px; height: 101px; } /* HEADER LINKS */ #toplinks { float:right; margin-top:80px; margin-right:130px; } #toplinks li { list-style:none; display:inline; } a.link1 { /* definition of the "image" class in the <a> tag */ padding:5px 100px 0px 6px; width:97px; height:17px; background-image:url(../images/home_on.jpg); /* source for start image */ background-repeat: no-repeat; } a.link1:hover { /* definition of the "image" class for <a> tag when hovered onto */ background-image: url(../images/home_off.jpg); /* source for target image */ } a.link2 { /* definition of the "image" class in the <a> tag */ padding:5px 100px 0px 6px; width:97px; height:17px; background-image:url(../images/register_on.jpg); /* source for start image */ background-repeat: no-repeat; } a.link2:hover { /* definition of the "image" class for <a> tag when hovered onto */ background-image: url(../images/register_off.jpg); /* source for target image */ } a.link3 { /* definition of the "image" class in the <a> tag */ padding:5px 100px 0px 6px; width:97px; height:17px; background-image:url(../images/####.jpg); /* source for start image */ background-repeat: no-repeat; } a.link3:hover { /* definition of the "image" class for <a> tag when hovered onto */ background-image: url(../images/####.jpg); /* source for target image */ } a.link4 { /* definition of the "image" class in the <a> tag */ padding: 5px 100px 0px 6px; width:97px; height:17px; background-image:url(../images/demo_on.jpg); /* source for start image */ background-repeat: no-repeat; } a.link4:hover { /* definition of the "image" class for <a> tag when hovered onto */ background-image: url(../images/demo_off.jpg); /* source for target image */ } a.link5 { /* definition of the "image" class in the <a> tag */ padding: 5px 100px 0px 6px; width:97px; height:17px; background-image:url(../images/login_on.jpg); /* source for start image */ background-repeat: no-repeat; } a.link5:hover { /* definition of the "image" class for <a> tag when hovered onto */ background-image: url(../images/login_off.jpg); /* source for target image */ } /* END HEADER LINKS */
  12. I like the double it, triple it idea. Obviously the more you can get. However I like markup based on price. If it was originally going to be 300, I like putting it up to 500. If we have to negotiate down from there, but leave the first quote I thought of in my head as the absolute minimum, so if I get above that I am even happier. If it's like 500 I always markup to 7, if it's 1000 then normally I try to throw it up as high in the thousands as I think I can safety get with that client, then cut it down from there. You would be surprised how many times a client was expecting to pay more than that. I have a few times (fairly small project), I went over price with a client and decided on 575. at the end, he said he was expecting to may more like 1400, I lost out on 800 dollars, "because" I didn't prod around trying to get an estimate. Lately I ask questions like "do you have a budget, it might or might not affect the price, but it will give me an idea, so I can tell you if it's even a possibility for that price range." It's more of an excuse to get the price from there hands, then I throw it down 120-40 bucks to make them think I am not just quoting based on there budget, and it's normally rather high. Another thing you can ask is "Is there a budget associated with the project", chances are you will get one. Always base your markup based on deadline. Kick the final price up about 5% for every 2-3 days the deadline is shorter than what you originally intended. That way you can guarantee you are paid for the extra rush as well. NEVER allow them to get around an agreement. Make sure they know that you won't make permanent random changes for free (some people believe once you pay for them a project you are entitled to permanently work for them for small changes, without ever having to pay more. Put a dead stop to this, it's using. If they want to have work done, they need to pay for it, it destroyed my early career, and I was broke all the time, until I reformatted the way I dealt with that. I say always double. Because it's impossible (just about) to get a client who wants something originally done, and will actually get you to do just that. 95% of the time they want to make changes, or they are going to be hard to get along with, or they are going to say, well what about this. Then if you try to quote them again at that stage, they normally freak out, get pissed, and kick you off the project. If you account for a good number of this stuff ahead of time, they never realize that, and you are free to get away with them wanting some changes here and there, before you tell them they have to pay more. If you double it, then you are pretty safe, you get the original amount you needed, plus more, that more can be put towards "freak occurrences of them asking you stuff extra". then in the end if you tripled it, that gives you triple the padding, and you are really safe (however with extremely pissed off clients depending on the original price. If a project is worth 500, and you triple it up to 1500, you won't get it. So be careful when taking htat advice, be smart with it
  13. EXACTLY the kind of thing I was looking for THANKS.
  14. Nevermind, the thing I was using, ifreelance or something there portfolio system automatically generates the pictures for you. I came back and the pictures had already been gather, rather helpful.
  15. Alot of very good points, thus supporting the idea that commenting styles have a wide range of followers. Some people do it, some people don't. Some people love one way, but hate another.
  16. I think I explained it wrong, my apologies. I mean for instance www.google.com Say someone builds google, it's in there portfolio. They want to take a screenshot of google.com's page so they can have it in there portfolio. THey take a screen shot, fine it works. Then they need phpfreaks.com because they built that. However it's longer, a standard screenshot cut's off the whole bottom, so they do (what). At this stage, I also have to ask if they have 57 site's for example in there portfolio. They are building a portfolio and then they need another one (for a freelancing site or something). That is very time consuming taking that many screenshot's, and setting that up. Is there a way that other people do it, that's faster.
  17. Whatever you do don't sell yourself short. I have had too much of that in my career. Be confident above all. If there is something you don't know about ask someone. Get the info, categorize it, make a quote and be confident in it> Quote a little high in case if you have to negotiate. You can charge anywhere from 10-120 dollars an hour and generally get work. I chose 30 but normally go per project. I would quote what you described to me at a flat fee of about 500 dollars. I would devote full time to it, get it knocked out in 2 days, then you made yourself 500 bucks in 2 days. If you think you can up the price slightly you might, but be careful on that kind of system, make sure you don't overshoot.
  18. I noticed a lot of portfolio's have images of the site. Is there a good software to do this. I normally use print screen, pull it in art (old program) and just re save it there. However that is horrible photography. You also don't get a "full" screen shot. Does anyone have a program, or know of a website, where you can just put in the url, it grabs the images and let's you save them. An easier question would be how do you grab images for your site's.
  19. I prefer web development. I don't think I would ever want to do "desktop software" development.  however developing software for the web is what I end up liking as far as software. I am thinking of eventually going into video game development at some point, just depends on where my career takes me at some point.
  20. Yes, I also found a database of cracked versions (the hashes).  You can enter a has into it to see if a collision is present. http://www.stachliu.com/md5coll.c http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5 Here you can see they already have a majority of it's "Algorithm" figured out. I don't understand what about it can't be cracked, but for some reason it can't.
  21. Best on every article I have read. There are many things with "coding quality". I hear people around here passing around the same principles. I wasn't asking a question about commenting. I know the different styles, adn some about there background, I was more expressing opinions about then. However I do feel it's a very important of good programming style is to implement comments. It might be obvious to the person programming what everything does but to someone just starting, or someone who has to modify it, it is. It is a very important aspect of coding/programming. The only thing I don't like commenting much is my CSS (which I do anyway), but that's because of the horrible /* */ which is awkward to type, and slows me down a bit each time. So normally after it's over, I go through and comment sections, with some notes at the end, so I can have everything almost done before then. How someone comments also reflects there overall style. In my opinion, if they comment well you can tell they liked being organized. If they like using // # they generally like things being quicker. In php if you notice /* */ all over the place, they like taking careful time into there comments. You can tell a lot about a person just by there commenting style.
  22. it's wierd how many actually styles of comments there are. Standard html <!-- comments --> PHP # // /* */ However after all these styles it's weird noticing different people pick different one's. For example me personal I love // for single/double line, then I like # for sections, or really important information. it's wierd the background on each one, and what languages they came from. This is one major problem I have with CSS they have /* */ style comments, which from my standpoint is the most annoying except for giant blocks of comments (which aren't really needed if there worded right) In css, that comment style just makes it take longer to write CSS. What are your favorite styles of commenting, what do you end up finding yourself using most of the time.
  23. $biscuit = "random stuff"; $md5 ($biscuit); If you do that, then you can't crack biscuits.
  24. I will do those changes (I was only finished with the first page). I will do that advice, and repost and say when it's complete, plus rework some of the gradients, and see what you think.
  25. <?php ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); ini_set('log_errors', 'Off'); /* ########### CONFIGURE THESE VARIABLES ########### */ $recipient = 'asdfsdfsdf'; // Email Address $domain = ''; // Your domain Address LOWERCASE!!! $description ='Thank you for contacting us'; // Email subject line for person who has applyed $description2 ='New Charity Application'; // Email subject line for admin notification $autoresponder = 'yes'; // yes to use autoresponder or no will skip the autoresponder feature /* ########### FORM VARIABLES ########### */ /* ########### STARTUP ########### $domain = strtolower($domain); $calling_page = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; $matches = strtolower($calling_page); preg_match("/[^\.\/]+\.[^\.\/]+$/", $calling_page, $matches); preg_match("/[^\.\/]+\.[^\.\/]+$/", $domain, $dmatches); if ($matches == $dmatches) {} else { echo "<br><br><br><center><font size=5 color=blue>Invalid Use of Form!</b></font><br><br><b>Please hit your browser's \"back\" button and try again.</b></center><br>"; exit; } */ global $_POST ; $delete = array('*','|','>','<','meta','\\','\"','..', '\''); foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { $value = trim($value); //remove whitespace $value = str_replace($delete, "", $value); $value = htmlspecialchars($value); $value = strip_tags($value); $value = stripslashes($value); $$key = $value; if (strlen($value) > 10000) { echo "<br><br><br><center><font size=5 color=blue>You have exceeded the upload limit!</b></font><br><br><b>Please hit your browser's \"back\" button and try again.</b></center><br>"; exit; } } /* ########### STOP FLOOD ########### */ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; include "sqlconn.php"; $query = 'SELECT * FROM `Application_Form` LIMIT 0, 30 '; $result = mysql_query($query); if (empty($lastname)) { $lastname = NULL; } if (empty($phone)) { $phone = NULL; } if (empty($typerequest)) { $typerequest = NULL; } if (empty($grant)) { $grant = NULL; } if (empty($relate)) { $relate = NULL; } if (empty($t1)) { $t1 = NULL; } if (empty($ftn)) { $ftn = NULL; } if (empty($a1)) { $a1 = NULL; } if (empty($a2)) { $a2 = NULL; } if (empty($error11)) { $error11 = NULL; } if (empty($select1)) { $select1 = NULL; } if (empty($t1)) { $t1 = NULL; } if (empty($tc)) { $tc = NULL; } if (empty($pcs)) { $pcs = NULL; } if (empty($email)) { $email = NULL; } if (empty($error12)) { $error12 = NULL; } if (empty($select4)) { $select4 = NULL; } if (empty($outlinerequest)) { $outlinerequest = NULL; } if (empty($detailsrequest)) { $detailsrequest = NULL; } if (empty($select8)) { $select8 = NULL; } if (empty($t12)) { $t12 = NULL; } if (empty($ftn2)) { $ftn2 = NULL; } if (empty($a12)) { $a12 = NULL; } if (empty($a22)) { $a22 = NULL; } if (empty($email2)) { $email2 = NULL; } if (empty($tc2)) { $ltc2 = NULL; } if (empty($psc2)) { $psc2 = NULL; } if (empty($tl2)) { $tl2 = NULL; } if (empty($ltn2)) { $ltn2 = NULL; } if (empty($tl)) { $tl = NULL; } if (empty($psc)) { $psc = NULL; } if (empty($phone2)) { $phone2 = NULL; } if (empty($tc2)) { $tc2 = NULL; } // here if (empty($error1)) { $error1 = NULL; } if (empty($error2)) { $error2 = NULL; } if (empty($error3)) { $error3 = NULL; } if (empty($error4)) { $error4 = NULL; } if (empty($error5)) { $error5 = NULL; } if (empty($error6)) { $error6 = NULL; } if (empty($error7)) { $error7 = NULL; } if (empty($error8)) { $error8 = NULL; } if (empty($error9)) { $error9 = NULL; } if (empty($error)) { $error = NULL; } if (empty($error13)) { $error13 = NULL; } if (empty($error14)) { $error14 = NULL; } while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $getlastname = $row[3]; if ($getlastname == $lastname) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $spamerror = "We already have your details on file"; } } mysql_close(); /* ########### Field Verification ########### */ if (empty($tl)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error1 = <<<EOD This is a required field! EOD; } if (empty($ftn)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error2 = <<<EOD This is a required field! EOD; } if (empty($lastname)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error3 = <<<EOD This is a required field! EOD; } if (empty($dob)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error4 = <<<EOD This is a required field! EOD; $dob = "dd/mm/yyyy"; } if ($dob == "ddmmyyyy") { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error4 = <<<EOD Enter a valid date! EOD; $dob = "dd/mm/yyyy"; } list($month, $day, $year) = split('[/]', $dob); $pattern = '([0-9]{2})'; // 2 digits $pattern2 = '([0-9]{4})'; // 4 digits $pattern3 = '([0-9]{8})'; // 8 digits if (ereg($pattern, $month, $regs)) {} else { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error4 = <<<EOD Date format incorrect! EOD; } if (ereg($pattern, $day, $regs)) {} else { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error4 = <<<EOD Date format incorrect! EOD; } if (ereg($pattern, $year, $regs)) {} else { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error4 = <<<EOD Date format incorrect! EOD; } if (strlen($dob) != "10") { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error4 = <<<EOD Date format incorrect! EOD; } if (empty($a1)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error5 = <<<EOD This is a required field! EOD; } if (empty($a2)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error6 = <<<EOD This is a required field! EOD; } if (empty($tc)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error7 = <<<EOD This is a required field! EOD; } if (empty($psc)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error8 = <<<EOD This is a required field! EOD; } if (empty($phone)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error9 = <<<EOD This is a required field! EOD; } $pattern5 = '([a-zA-Z])'; if (!ereg($pattern5, $phone, $regs)) {} else { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error9 = <<<EOD Phone format incorrect! EOD; } if (empty($email)) {} else{ $Vemail = ereg ("^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\.[^@ \.]+$", $email ); if (!$Vemail) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error10 = <<<EOD Enter a valid email address! EOD; } } if ($typerequest == "Please Select") { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error11 = <<<EOD This is a required field!<br> EOD; } if ($grant == "Please Select") { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error12 = <<<EOD This is a required field!<br> EOD; } if (empty($outlinerequest)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error13 = <<<EOD This is a required field! EOD; } if (empty($detailsrequest)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error14 = <<<EOD This is a required field! EOD; } if (empty($ftn2)) {} else { if ($relate == "Please Select") { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error15 = <<<EOD This is a required field!<br> EOD; } if (empty($tl2)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error16 = <<<EOD This is a required field!<br> EOD; } if (empty($ftn2)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error17 = <<<EOD This is a required field!<br> EOD; } if (empty($ltn2)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error18 = <<<EOD This is a required field!<br> EOD; } if (empty($a12)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error19 = <<<EOD This is a required field!<br> EOD; } if (empty($a22)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error20 = <<<EOD This is a required field!<br> EOD; } if (empty($tc2)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error21 = <<<EOD This is a required field!<br> EOD; } if (empty($psc2)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error22 = <<<EOD This is a required field!<br> EOD; } if (empty($phone2)) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error23 = <<<EOD This is a required field!<br> EOD; } $pattern6 = '([a-zA-Z])'; if (!ereg($pattern5, $phone2, $regs)) {} else { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error23 = <<<EOD Phone format incorrect!<br> EOD; } if (empty($email2)) {} else{ $Vemail = ereg ("^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\.[^@ \.]+$", $email2 ); if (!$Vemail) { $error = "Please fix the following errors!"; $error24 = <<<EOD Enter a valid email address!<br> EOD; } } } if ($typerequest == "Please Select" ) {$select1 = "selected";} if ($typerequest == "Individual" ) {$select2 = "selected";} if ($typerequest == "Organisation" ) {$select3 = "selected";} if ($grant == "Please Select" ) {$select4 = "selected";} if ($grant == "Up to - £1000" ) {$select5 = "selected";} if ($grant == "Up to - £3000" ) {$select6 = "selected";} if ($grant == "Up to - £5000" ) {$select7 = "selected";} if ($relate == "Please Select" ) {$select8 = "selected";} if ($relate == "Carer" ) {$select9 = "selected";} if ($relate == "Friend" ) {$select10 = "selected";} if ($relate == "Therapist" ) {$select11 = "selected";} if ($relate == "Representative of institution" ) {$select12 = "selected";} if ($relate == "Other" ) {$select13 = "selected";} /* ########### ERROR PAGE ########### */ if (empty($spamerror)) { $spamerror = NULL; } if (empty($error10)) { $error10 = NULL; } if (empty($select2)) { $select2 = NULL; } if (empty($select3)) { $select3 = NULL; } if (empty($select5)) { $select5 = NULL; } if (empty($select6)) { $select6 = NULL; } if (empty($select7)) { $select7 = NULL; } if (empty($error15)) { $error15 = NULL; } if (empty($select9)) { $select9 = NULL; } if (empty($select10)) { $select10 = NULL; } if (empty($select11)) { $select11 = NULL; } if (empty($select12)) { $select12 = NULL; } if (empty($select13)) { $select13 = NULL; } if (empty($error16)) { $error16 = NULL; } if (empty($error17)) { $error17 = NULL; } if (empty($error18)) { $error18 = NULL; } if (empty($error19)) { $error19 = NULL; } if (empty($error20)) { $error20 = NULL; } if (empty($error21)) { $error21 = NULL; } if (empty($error22)) { $error22 = NULL; } if (empty($error23)) { $error23 = NULL; } if (empty($error24)) { $error24 = NULL; } $errorpage = <<<EOD <html> <head> <script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- function wipe (obj) { obj.value = ""; } //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function clickclear(thisfield, defaulttext) { if (thisfield.value == defaulttext) { thisfield.value = ""; } } function clickrecall(thisfield, defaulttext) { if (thisfield.value == "") { thisfield.value = defaulttext; } } </script> <title>sf group | Application Form </title> <link href="main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link href="app.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body background="images/gradient.jpg"> <table id='f_t' border="1" align="center"><!-- t1--> <tr> <td id='f_hc'> <a href='index.htm'> <img src="images/banner.jpg" border='0' title='sf group - charity website' alt='image missing'> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='body_c' align='center'> <table width="100%" height="270" border="0" style='border: 0 solid'><!-- t2--> <tr> <td id='menu_c'> <div id="menu5"> <p id='home'><a id='t' href="index.htm" title="Home">Home</a></p> <p id='news'><a id='t' href="news.php" title="News">News</a></p> <p id='about'><a id='t' href="about.htm" title="About Us">About Us</a></p> <p id='application_sel'><a id='t' href="application.htm" title="Application Form">Application Form</a></p> <p id='contact'><a id='t' href="contact.htm" title="Contact Us">Contact Us</a></p> <p id='faq'><a id='t' href="faq.htm" title="FAQ's">FAQ's</a></p> <p id='info'><a id='t' href="financialinfo.php" title="Financial Information">Financial Information</a></p> <p id='donations'><a id='t' href="previousdonations.htm" title="Funded Items">Funded Items</a></p> <p id='company'><a id='t' href="http://www.sfgroup.com" target="_blank" title="sf group company website">sf group</a></p> </div> </td> <td id='content_c' align="left" valign="top"> <form name="form1" method="post" action="formapplication.php"> <table width="100%" height="270" border="0"> <!-- t3--> <tr> <td id='image'> <img src="images/form.jpg" title='Application Form' alt='image missing' width="102" height="99" align="left"> </td> <td id='txt' valign='top'> <b>Application Form</b> <p style='width: 340'> On this page you will be able to apply for support by using the form below and filling in the appropriate sections. </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='txt' colspan='2'> <hr size="1" noshade> <table height="270" border="0"> <tr> <td id='txt' colspan='2'> <div align="left"> <p>If you are the person for whom help is being sought, please fill in section 1 only. If you are applying on behalf of someone else, please fill in sections 1 & 2.<br> <br> Supporting documentation is welcomed; please send to our <a href='contact.htm'>freepost address.</a> <br> If estimates are being sent, please send more than one if possible.<br> <br> <b>Please ensure all relevant fields are completed.</b><br> <br> <b>Section 1</b> <br> Details of person/people for whom help is being sought.<br> </p> <p align="center"><font color="#FF0000">* Please fix the following errors! <br>$spamerror</font><br> </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">Title:</td> <td style='' width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error1</font> <input type="text" name="tl" value="$tl"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">First Name:</td> <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error2</font> <input type="text" name="ftn" value="$ftn"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">Last Name:</td> <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error3</font> <input type="text" name="lastname" value="$lastname"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">Date of Birth: </td> <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error4</font> <input onclick="clickclear(this, 'dd/mm/yyyy')" onblur="clickrecall(this,'dd/mm/yyyy')" type="text" name="dob" value="$dob"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">Address 1:</td> <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error5</font> <input type="text" name="a1" value="$a1"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">Address 2:</td> <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error6</font> <input type="text" name="a2" value="$a2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">Town/City:</td> <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error7</font> <input type="text" name="tc" value="$tc"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">Postcode:</td> <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error8</font> <input type="text" name="psc" value="$psc"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">Phone:</td> <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error9</font> <input type="text" name="phone" value="$phone"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">Email:</td> <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error10</font> <input type="text" name="email" value="$email"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">Type of request:</td> <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error11</font> <select name="typerequest"> <option $select1>Please Select <option $select2>Individual <option $select3>Organisation </select> <br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">Amount of grant required:</td> <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error12</font> <select name="grant"> <option $select4>Please Select <option $select5>Up to - £1000 <option $select6>Up to - £3000 <option $select7>Up to - £5000 </select> <br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">Brief outline of disability:</td> <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error13</font> <textarea name="outlinerequest">$outlinerequest</textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt' width="228">Details of request:</td> <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error14</font> <textarea name="detailsrequest">$detailsrequest</textarea> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" height="270" border="0"> <tr> <td id='qtxt' colspan='2'><b>Section 2</b><br> Relationship to person/people above <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error15</font> <select name="relate"> <option $select8>Please Select <option $select9>Carer <option $select10>Friend <option $select11>Therapist <option $select12>Representative of institution <option $select13>Other </select> <br> <br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt'>Title:</td> <td style=''> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error16</font> <input type="text" name="tl2" value="$tl2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt'>First Name:</td> <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error17</font> <input type="text" name="ftn2" value="$ftn2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt'>Last Name:</td> <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error18</font> <input type="text" name="ltn2" value="$ltn2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt'>Address 1:</td> <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error19</font> <input type="text" name="a12" value="$a12"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt'>Address 2:</td> <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error20</font> <input type="text" name="a22" value="$a22"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt'>Town/City:</td> <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error21</font> <input type="text" name="tc2" value="$tc2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt'>Postcode:</td> <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error22</font> <input type="text" name="psc2" value="$psc2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt'>Phone:</td> <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error23</font> <input type="text" name="phone2" value="$phone2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='ptxt'>Email:</td> <td><font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error24</font> <input type="text" name="email2" value="$email2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='2' id='but'> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='txt' colspan='2'> If you have any questions regarding this form or it does not meet your needs, please feel free to email dhdfhg <hr size="1" noshade> </td> </tr> </table> </table> <!-- 3 --> </form> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- 2 --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="images/footer.jpg" width="790" height="70"></td> </tr> </table> <!-- t1 --> </body> </html> EOD; /* ########### END OF ERROR PAGE ########### */ if ($error == "Please fix the following errors!") { echo "$errorpage"; exit; } /* ########### ADMIN EMAIL ########### */ $to = "$recipient"; $from = "$email"; $subject = "$description2"; $message = <<<EOD ------------------------------ <br><br> <br>SECTION 1 <br><br> Title: $tl <br> First Name: $ftn <br> Last Name: $lastname <br> Date of Birth: $dob <br> Address 1: $a1 <br> Address 2: $a2 <br> Town/City: $tc <br> Postcode: $psc <br> Phone: $phone <br> Email: $email <br> Type of request:: $typerequest <br> Amount of grant required: $grant <br> Brief outline of disability: $outlinerequest <br> Details of request: $detailsrequest <br> <br>SECTION 2 <br><br> Relationship to person/people above: $relate <br> Title: $tl2 <br> First Name: $ftn2 <br> Last Name: $ltn2 <br> Address 1: $a12 <br> Address 2: $a22 <br> Town/City: $tc2 <br> Postcode: $psc2 <br> Phone: $phone2 <br> Email: $email2 <br> EOD; $headers = "From: $from\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; $success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); /* ########### AUTORESPONDER 1 ########### */ if ($email != "") { $to = "$email"; $from = "$recipient"; $subject = "$description"; $message = <<<EOD <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> Thank you for submitting the Application Form, the Fund Manager will be in <br> touch within two weeks to discuss your request in more detail. dfghdfgh <p>Reg. Charity No. 1104927</p> <p>m 07711 985 758</p> dfghdfgh </p> </body> </html> EOD; $headers = "From: $from\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; $success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); } /* ########### AUTORESPONDER 2 ########### */ if ($email2 != "") { $to = "$email2"; $from = "$recipient"; $subject = "$description"; $message = <<<EOD <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> Thank you for submitting the Application Form, the Fund Manager will be in <br> touch within two weeks to discuss your request in more detail. <p> </p> <p>Regards,</p> <p>Brenda Yong</p> <p>Fund Manager</p> <p>dfghdfgh</p> <p>Reg. Charity No. 1104927</p> <p>m 07711 985 758</p> <p><a href="mailto:dfghdfgh">dfghdfgh</a></p> <p><a href="gfhfgh">dfghdfgh</a><br> </p> </body> </html> EOD; $headers = "From: $from\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; $success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); } /* ########### RESULTS PAGE ########### */ $resultspage = <<<EOD <html> <head> <title>sf group | Form Submitted </title> <link href="main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body background="images/gradient.jpg"> <table id='f_t' border="1" align="center"><!-- t1--> <tr> <td id='f_hc'> <a href='index.htm'> <img src="images/banner.jpg" border='0' title='sf group - charity website' alt='image missing'> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='body_c' align='center'> <table width="100%" height="270" border="0" style='border: 0 solid'><!-- t2--> <tr> <td id='menu_c' height="271"> <div id="menu5"> <p id='home'><a id='t' href="index.htm" title="Home">Home</a></p> <p id='news'><a id='t' href="news.php" title="News">News</a></p> <p id='about'><a id='t' href="about.htm" title="About Us">About Us</a></p> <p id='application_sel'><a id='t' href="application.htm" title="Application Form">Application Form</a></p> <p id='contact'><a id='t' href="contact.htm" title="Contact Us">Contact Us</a></p> <p id='faq'><a id='t' href="faq.htm" title="FAQ's">FAQ's</a></p> <p id='info'><a id='t' href="financialinfo.php" title="Financial Information">Financial Information</a></p> <p id='donations'><a id='t' href="previousdonations.htm" title="Funded Items">Funded Items</a></p> <p id='company'><a id='t' href="uuu" target="_blank" title="sf group company website">sf group</a></p> </div> </td> <td id='content_c' height="271"> <table width="100%" height="175" border="0"><!-- t3--> <tr> <td id='image'> <img src="images/form.jpg" title='Application Form' alt='image missing' width="102" height="99" align="left"> </td> <td id='txt' valign='top'> <b>Application Form</b> <p style='width: 400'> Thank for for submitting your application form. We will get back to you as soon as possible. </td> </tr> <tr> <td id='txt' colspan='2'> <hr size="1" noshade> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table><!-- t2--> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="images/footer.jpg" width="790" height="70"></td> </tr> </table><!-- t1--> </body> </html> EOD; echo "$resultspage"; /* ########### END OF RESULTS PAGE ########### */ /* ########### DATABASE ########### */ include "sqlconn.php"; $query = "INSERT INTO Application_Form VALUES ('','$tl','$ftn','".$lastname."','$dob','$a1','$a2','$tc','$psc','$phone','$email','$typerequest','$grant','$outlinerequest','$detailsrequest','$relate','$tl2','$ftn2','$ltn2','$a12','$a22','$tc2','$psc2','$phone2','$email2')"; //echo $query; $go = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); ?> For some reason there is a syntax error, the line is if ($typerequest == "Please Select" ) {$select1 = "selected";} if ($typerequest == "Individual" ) {$select2 = "selected";} if ($typerequest == "Organisation" ) {$select3 = "selected";} I just don't understand how this error is coming about.
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