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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. Perfect, I will check into that. So pretty much different things have to be turned on/turned off in order to allow it to be physically affected by HtAccess.
  2. I already turned off the indexes earlier. I just tried what you said about server signatures, and it didn't work, is there something else I need to add in there.
  3. Also I have full access to any files (Apache config file's, or whatever else.)
  4. If you have a server, and it has directory listings on, the obvious thing to do is bring in HTAccess and fix that. I did that, then when the directory doesn't come up this come's up. Either way that is a hell of a lot of information, is there a way to remove all of that, and just have the "Access Forbidden" text that is above this, thanks.
  5. Yep, we ruled out the client. we ruled out the server. we started talking about it being the machine, he mentioned he had a router. He went ahead and tried a few more machines and hooked them to the router, same problem. He is 100% sure it was now caused by the router, he is going to try upgrading the firmware, if not then he's going to get another one. Either way problem solved, thanks.
  6. Yes, I walked him through it 3-4 times. He had done it many time's before. The first thing I did was walk him through checking for a firewall, and windows firewall. He has done it before (He gets into them a lot. Recently, it hasn't been letting him in. He said he redid his system and every since them it stopped working. he said some work, some don't. He said it started happening a few years back and it's been happening ever since This is the same log he gets with his system. If it's not workin gin that, it doesn't work in IE. It's only happening with some hosts, but it's causing him major problems with his business. Can someone help me track down the possibilities of what could be causing it, using this FTP log.
  7. I have a client who's ftp doesn't work on his "computer". He doesn't have a firewall, and he only had windows firewall on, he turned it off to test it. He can't get into anything through windows ftp, or through cute ftp (or something else). I tried through windows on some of the one's he was trying to get into, it let me right in. This is happening with him on multiple different hosts. Is there something generally that could cause this type of problem.
  8. Perfect, thanks for all the help.
  9. Has anyone ever had a news system (not news aggregator, or news feed), but a program that you can use for news. For instance they can enter in News articles, and a few pictures, and have it setup like an FAQ system. Something along the lines of, have all the article names at the top, then when they are clicked, drop them down into the area with that article. Any advice on what I need to be looking for.
  10. How do you turn off directory browsing on a windows server, I don't think HTAccess can be used in a windows enviroment (can it?)
  11. http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-insert-id.php That's what I was thinking of. It didn't do what I thought it did. Topic solved.
  12. Is there a reliable way in php to grab an id from something using information. For instance if there is a table with 10 fields. If you want to pull the id's of any of the data in the form that matched 3 different things. Like if the username equaled joyel, the password equaled david, and the username = businessman Say that for example, you can setup a query to retrieve all the id's of queries matching that. I see mysql_id or something which function is it, and is it reliable.
  13. That's why. at the end of the foreach loop (inside it but right before the closing bracket), unset each one of the variables, so they are clean when the loop starts over again. That's should fix it.
  14. There is no way to really quickly explain this. So here is the code. <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo $row['username']; $selectpermissions = "SELECT * FROM permissions WHERE projectid = '$projectid' AND clientid = '{$row[id]}';"; $querypermissions = mysql_query($selectpermissions); if ($rowpermissions = mysql_fetch_array($querypermissions)) { echo "<input name=\"level[]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$row[id]}.Enabled\" checked=\"checked\" />"; }else { echo "<input name=\"level[]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$row[id]}.Disabled\" />"; } ?> Basically pulling this information from teh database, it's either already enabled or disabled. That's fine. They alter this data on this page (however they end up altering it). In the end they sent it to another page, it resets the per missions. I need a way to tell which one's are enabled, and which ones are disabled. I tried to just set this array, but I have no way to tell which are enabled,a nd which are enabled. because they are coming fresh, I have no way to tell. I can't name one enabled and one disabled, because I have no way of knowing ahead of time which is which. Any advice?
  15. I could but I try to only use arrays on larger amounts of data. Either way in between the both of you I received enough input to get the fix for what I needed. Thank you both for the feedback.
  16. Well for print R, all you need to do is print_r($_POST); it will do it for you (no foreach, no while's, it does it naturally)
  17. Turn it into a timestamp (run it through the strtotime function), and then add "UTC days are mostly 86400 s long, but are occasionally 86401 s and could be 86399 s long" - referenced from <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time">HERE</a> to it
  18. Basically part of what you showed would have worked $test = 8.Enabled list ($num, $state) = explode('.', $test, 2); That would basically work, but I have had bad experiences with list, if I can't think of another way, that will work. is there another way, or is that pretty much the only logical way.
  19. I need a more universal way to get it. it's always the same, I am formatting the information myself from a pre-determined data structure so they are always going to be the same. I am going to need to do it in a foreach Basically I have an array called $id This id array simply has values (no keys that have actually been set). It's a bunch of numbers formatted like that. I am going to need to go through and check all that are enabled, and use them. I need to basically cycle through an array. Say OK id number 3 is disabled so ignore it. number 4 is disabled (ignore it). number 5 is enabled (ok pull it aside, database it properly and move forward), number 6 is disabled (ignore it) number 7 is enabled (ok pull it aside, database it properly and move forward). That is basically the situation I need to get, so right now, I need a way to take the 8.Enabled, and simply get 2 variables (one for the number, one for the status), then do something with it, unset the 2 variables, and repeat the process. Right now I just need to get the 2 variables.
  20. That means magic quotes was enabled on the old system and is not on the new. I am not actually sure whether magic quotes run strip slashes as well. It might, but I always do that myself anyway, whether it does or not. What you are going to want to do, is disable the magic quotes. You can "in theory (I have never done it)". Setup a small script above the page that will "automatically" run strip slashes on everything. Basically you could run that on the $row variable before using it, and strip slashes can be performed, for example, when you get it. Well either way you have a long workaround. Paste a page of code your having problems with, and let's see if we can get you a quick fix solution for all the pages. (If you can't just enable magic quotes which would be the easiest). It's always best to "not" use magic quotes, because you run into these kind of problems often when you do.
  21. If you want "specific help" then find out the section of code you are having problems with, and show it here, tell exactly what you are wanting. Above you have asked for in-depth help finishing a system. if you want that go to the freelance forum and put "Need MMORPG (UNPAID) help". You should get responses either way, the way you are asking seems like you are just simply asking for all out help. Division by 0 is a problem that can sometimes be hard to spot, it has something to do with your math calculations. Somewhere your system is trying to divide something by zero, and depending on how much code there is it could take awhile to debug.
  22. I have a string like this 5.Enabled or it could be 5.Disabled It's a number, with a status beside it as shown. If the number was 8 it would be either 8.Enabled 8.Disabled. How can I (in all of these situations), split the id, and the wording on the right. That way I know what number it is in one variable, and whether it's Enabled or Disabled in another variable. I want to trap for instance 8.enabled. I want it take that string and get $number = 8; $status = "Enabled"; basically that type of setup, how would I go about doing that.
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