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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. My question is not whether or not md5 can be decrypted, because I know it's the answer no. BUt what I instead want to ask. Based on knowing the algorith behind md5. If you put in a word, using md5($variable); whatever is in the variable will be the exact same everytime you md5 it. Then if you use 2 vague variables like book nook the hash's turn out totally different, almost at random, but still, if you rehash the things again, then it comes out the same. So it seems the algorithm isn't based on how many letter's are in the word(s), or what letter is before what alphabetically, but I don't see(using php), why someone couldn't decrypt it if they could discover how it works. Just a thought, now a question With md5, I have started thinking about double(triple) hashing, but it might be a waste of time. But I was thinking, if you have a password $password = "dave"; $password = md5($dave); $password = md5($password); $password = md5$password); As you can see you hash the password dave 3 times. I was thinking then when someone log's in to test for the hash like this $password = "dave"; $password = md5($dave); $password = md5($password); $password = md5$password); $userpassword = $_POST['password']; // This is what they entered in the form) if (md5(md5(md5($_POST['password']))) == $password) { // correct password }else { // incorrect password } won't this be the same as only doing it once, just more secure?
  2. Debugging is an art, you ask a wierd question. It depends on which variable you are trying to debug, and what's wrong with it. If it's a session and you want to see if it's set if (isset($_SESSION['variable'])) { echo "it's set"; }else { echo "it's not set"; } then again if you are wanting to test the session to see what's in it echo $_SESSION['variable'] if you were wanting to test a post or get variable same way, just with post or get. THen agian it might be something coming in, or something overwriting the variable, so then you have to find out what's causing that. Sometimes it might not even reveal anything there are multiple techniques to debugging, be a little more specific.
  3. http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/ here is the final copy but if anyone has any advice on changes to css that would be helpful.  Let me know,
  4. I recently realized that, I picked up those skills recently.  I started using curvy corner's where I could as you suggested, and I learnt how to use images as borders, to help me with the issue of having it work like that, I am still exploring some of those options, but thanks, I am on the right track for that currently.
  5. Ok http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/new/maintemplate.php I did a lot of what was suggested, I removed the borders, center aligned the footer information. Any more advice, does this fix all the problems. I am almost calling the coding stage complete, but I don't want to call it complete unless it looks good, I have tried to incorporate everything, everyone has told me.  Does this final copy, or is there something I am missing, something else I should be doing to it? The content is almost done, after that, i am cutting up my includes, putting in my content, and working up the backend, I want to make sure this final copy looks good. Sidenote- you mentioned a good green color for the links, do you mean the basic link color and the hover, can you recommend 2 good color's for that. Thanks for all the advice, any last minute advice, or changes would be appreciated.  I want to go ahead and complete coding phase, and start putting in content later today, things are coming along rather well.
  6. Right now, I don't want to keep it anyway necessarily. I am open to all advice, I am just trying to understand the advice now, ok You, you suggested that I remove the borders totally, adn see how that looks right? you also said something about the links, at the bottom, would they look better, in the middle or on the left, the link color I will put in there in a minute, as soon as I finish writing some more content. Now what about the size of the footer itself, is it good/bad. It is bigger in firefox, but in ie, it's really thin, is there something wrong or is the footer ok in general. Any other advice, I am trying to understand everything that is being said, and trying to correct it all, or ateast try it all and see what response I get for the changes.
  7. I will try removing of the border's could this be what mark meant when he said that about the footer, and the logo looking huddled.?
  8. Just simply set it as an attachment. http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/130/0.php
  9. [code]Try dropping the borders on your header and your nav menu. Same for your content area if you have it set there also. Add the same light green background to your content area. Just think it may give it a more fluid appearance. Decrease the width of your nav menu, it does not appear you need the width you have now. That would give you more room for content. Maybe with your CSS, have the links on hover change to a dark green with a slightly larger font so they pop out. Just some thoughts.[/code] I reduced the borders, let me get a few more opinions before I remove the borders totally. I decreased the width of the left nav some.I will do that with the link color's when I put in the link's and see how it goes. Also for the content area background color I have to get a few more opinions on that as well. Thanks, anybody else. This time I am listening to almost everyone's advice, even if it is just getting second opinions, on some of it however, I can't do, like the stuff mark mentioned earlier, the footer/header, I didnd't understand, and when I mess with height/width, it seems to add a scrollbar, and the footer, in firefox, it is bigger, in internet explorer it's extremely small.
  10. http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/new/maintemplate.php What do you think about that. I redid the links, and I am going to limit most of the content, I changed the bottom term to the best thing I could think of. I tried, there is absolutely nothing I can do about the header and footer and it still be fluid, if there's advice about that before I end up starting to put in content I would love to hear it, any other advice/ideas/comments about hte layout, that I can work on. I tried changing the percentages on the header/footer, but it's either making a scrollbar at the bottom, or not working out properly.  Also if you see hte bottom of the left nav, if the content in the right div, goes down a ways there is a constantly growing white space in between the left nav and the bottom footer, but I would rather keep things as they are, then mess it up, but if someone knows of some tweaks or changes I can make to the css to get some of that stuff to work as you suggested it's always worth a try. Any other opinions about the layout?
  11. I deleted the one's that people didn't like, to focus on one's people thought were good, and picked just one.
  12. [quote]1) still feel that too many options in your navigation - admittedly not as many as in your current site, but i reckon you could trim that down a bit. 2) nav still not good. have a look at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news - look at their nav. plain/simple, but effective - just to give you an idea. 3) bottom banner is too prominent, making things look a little bottom heavy. try lightening it up to something more like your logo, and reducing the size of the text. 4) in some ways (possibly due to the footer as mentioned above) your logo now looks kinda 'huddled' in the corner, whilst the rest of the width of the screen is plain empty. maybe pulling this across the full width of the screen maybe better? 5) "Client Legalities" worries me. maybe you should choose a better term. 6) Thoughts and Guidelines sounds like it's gonna be an excuse for a page of waffle. It's probably not necessary. 7) do you need an 'About' me link when there are so many other links that are 'about you'? alternatively, try putting some of the other links WITHIN the 'About Me' section what i'm trying to get at - don't let it get overblown with content like your current site is. Keep it simple and to the point.[/quote] 1, 2, 6, 7 - I will think about what you said as far as link amounts and content amounts.  I will have to think awhile about that, I will keep that in mind. 3 - I know but look at it in ie. This time I have a fluid layout almost perfect, it's way to small in ie, and alittle too big in the other's any advice on how to fix this and keep it fluid, I would love to fix that. This was my first fluid layout and it took 20 minutes. But when it was done, if I messed with hardly anything it wasn't fluid anymore. 4 - What do you mean if you mean header/footer being 100% width, I tried that and it starting showing a scroll bar at the bottom for some reason. 5 - I am trying to come up with a term that sum's up privacy policy, copyright notice, and legal concerns when someone hires me all under one term, have any advice? [b]Edit after some thinking I listened to what you said.  I have cut down the number of links considerably.  I have also decided to limit some of the content, but some pages (not one's linked to the left nav), might still have a considerable amount of information. As far as the other numbers up there if you have any advice I would appreciate it.[/b]
  13. Good idea I will do that. http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/new/maintemplate.php That is the coded version. I coded the website. I am not rewriting(recreating), all the content for the pages. THen I will work up some ideas for color's of links, and form styles, and things like that. Then start putting everything together.
  14. I forgot about that part, that's true but just so you know, let me know, if you ever need anything.,
  15. Whatever you do with the site, was not really the point. I was simply saying, if there is anything in the future, you have someone right here, that will program for free, let me know if you  need anything phpfreaks.com related.
  16. That will work str_replace() just trap all the incoming content in a variable, run it through string replace, replace <br /> with notags or something
  17. It looks to me like the script is analyzing your server information, and including a file that hte guy wants included based on your server information. There is no user input coming from anywhere, but of course he would be able to do something with it if he wanted on his end obviously.  Never trust a script from someone you don't know.
  18. regular expressions.
  19. NO, you are looking at it the wrong way I had that problem too. FOr the attributes in javascript now with xhtml, most of them use all lowercase. onSubmit onLoad use to work not it's onsubmit onload it's the same thing, they are still there, they just wanted them to all be lowercase, try it like that. But he is right as well, it's easier using css instead of javasript that way they work even if the browser has javascript disabled, or it doesn't handle them.
  20. You can't do what you are wanting from the database. THe way you see people being able to right click on a file, and save file as, is when the file is on the server, that way the server can recognize the file type naturally and allow there browser to do that. As I said as long as you are doing it that way you are stuck, there are a lot of reasons you don't want to put images/files into a database. Even text files. I would rewrite your system, it would allow a lot more functionality in the future, and also get you what you are trying to do naturally just by displaying a link to the path location of the file directly through the html.
  21. Keep it simple. FIrst get your php down, then get your javascript down. Normally javascript won't interfere with the php after the php is working properly. Now you have the form [code]<?php if ($_POST['status'] == "yes") { $errorhandler = ""; if ($_POST['firstname'] == "") { $errorhandler .= "Firstname was left blank.<br />"; } if ($_POST['lastname'] == "") { $errorhandler .= "Lastname was left blank.<br />"; } if ($_POST['email'] == "") { $errorhandler .= "The email was left blank.<br />"; } if ($_POST['email'] != $_POST['verifyemail']) { $errorhandler .= "The emails don't match.<br />"; } // then validate email dns, and email with regex if you want if ($errorhandler != "") { echo "<span style=\"color:red;\">"; echo $errorhandler; echo "</span>"; } if ($errorhandler == "") { $show = "no"; // do database work and everything else } } if ($show != "no") { ?> <form name="register" id="register" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <label for="firstname">First Name</label> <input name="firstname" id="firstname" type="text" maxlength="120" /> <label for="lastname">Last Name</label> <input name="lastname" id="lastname" type="text" maxlength="120" /> <label for="email">Email</label> <input name="email" id="email" type="text" maxlength="120" /> <label for="verifyemail">Verify Email</label> <input name="verifyemail" id="verifyemail" type="text" maxlength="120" /> <input type="hidden" name="status" value="yes" /> </form> <?php }[/code] after your php is totally working, go back and put in the javascript, if you know javascript you shouldn't have a problem.
  22. target is used in html to specify whether a new window, or the same window. Here are the things you can use with the target attribute., target  _blank _parent _self _top Where to open the target URL.     * _blank - the target URL will open in a new window     * _self - the target URL will open in the same frame as it was clicked     * _parent - the target URL will open in the parent frameset     * _top - the target URL will open in the full body of the window
  23. That's only for the admin panel. It's just for what I see when I am in the administration panel.
  24. Don't store the images in the database. Store the images in a folder on the server, reference that with the name of the image, and hte path. It's a lot easier, cleaner, and a whole lot better on performance.
  25. You create a select <form name="op" id="op" action="webpage.php" method="post"> <option name="select1" id="select1"> <select>Yes</select> <select>No</select> </option> </form> then in your php page you can read hte variables like $select1 = $_POST['select1']; then you can have more options on one page. Don't forget to clean variables before messing with db
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