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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. [code]<?php // this simple retrieves the name of your server. $SERVER_NAME=$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; // retrieves the name of the server, with the current page $urlx=$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // This stuff below works with your name to prepare it to recieve hte information coming to it $ref=str_replace(" ",null,$HTTP_USER_AGENT); $URL="http://www.etc.com/etc/etc.php?urlx=".$urlx."&site=".$SERVER_NAME."&ref=".$ref; // opens the website, and prepares it. $file = @fopen("$URL", "r"); // set's r to blank variable $r = ""; reading data into a file, do {   $data = @fread($file, 8192);   if (strlen($data) == 0) {       break;   }   $r .= $data; } while (true); fclose ($file); echo $r; ?>[/code] It looks safe. I might have missed something but it looks pretty safe to me.
  2. Ah. You could probably have a bot hit the who-is database and do a search for it, and see what you can find, and then extract that piece of data.  However the who-is might not allow that, so you might want to check there terms of service, or be careful or they could block your ip.
  3. Yes, the idea behind include is. If you have an include like <?php include './includes/general.inc.php'; ?> Inside it says. <h3>Hello</h3> <p>Hello how are you today.</p> Then you include that into a page like this <html> <head> <title>Hi</title> </head> <body> <?php include './includes/general.inc.php'; ?> </body> </html> If you go to the browser, and look at hte source you see [code]<html> <head> <title>Hi</title> </head> <body> <h3>Hello</h3> <p>Hello how are you today.</p> </body> </html> [/code] See it simply cut's it into the text. Include is the same thing for every language roughly. It is just a way to insert text from another page. That is the general idea.
  4. I think that with all the php programmers, maybe some people could build some new features into the forum. Just to let you know, if there is anything I can do for phpfreaks.com itself, or anything related to the programming/backend, like building in new features, or adding new sections, I will do it all for free in my spare time, it's one way I can offer to give back. Another thing, if you had a huge to-do list of programming related stuff needing done to the site, you can pass the list onto me, what you want me to do, and in my spare time I can program on it, for free.  Just let me know if you need anything.
  5. http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/temp The one with mech in the title. I am thinking of using that one as my admin, but using css, is there a way to code that type of layout, and still allow content to go downwards, I never thought about coding something like this, any advice. The main thing I was looking for are some tips to help me bring it together where I can still have text that can expand, instead of being restricted by the layout, I had that problem with www.hasbadservice.com/useradmin/admintemplate.php  That one was restricted, the layout can't expand because of the brorders, but it's going to be even worse on the mech one? Any advice?
  6. Some more are being worked up, and those suggestions are being put into action on those templates. Here though it's an admin template what do you think. http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/temp it's the mech one.
  7. Ok no offence, but this was rather sad. You needed help and tom set here and created you an entire damn application, took him well over 6-9 hours.  For free at that, and you didn't even say thanks to him once, I read this whole thread 3-4 times to make sure I wasn't wrong, you should have atleast said thank you towards him for building it for you.
  8. actually a couple of them you didn't list, and I am going to try. i already got them, I am just hoping the ie one still let's me develop my css in menu. That is what has gotten me better at making them look perfect in firefox, if I had that for ie, one less problem to deal with.
  9. Here is what I came up with for my actual framework. I use the same master folder for every site I build. Within the function pages, I have a function I have built, or I am building, that checks for the location it's present at.  Every site that I have approved it to work on is listed there, the one's that are not, are not. I ahve the list actually on my own website I have the list setup in a javascript file. So the php, will open that javascript file off my server(so no-one can mess with it), with a list of domains I know are suppose to have my master folder on there server. I spread this function throughout my pages, so when someone visit's the site, it run's that function, which checks the javascript file on my server, and pulls out the list of accepted domains. It checks the domains to make sure it matches, if it's not, it deletes my configuration folder from there website, it run's an uninstaller, with that it checks and chmod's the directories', and files, then it deletes all the files, then the folders associated with my website. Thsi is how my program works.  Or will work, I have been working on that lately.  Then anytime I know a new domain is getting it put in, or I am, I put that domain into my javascript file, and that's it.
  10. The navigation, was just showing text as an example.  When I actually code the layout he created, then I am going to cut down on the text, I am going to relay some of these messages to him, and see if he can work on some of that, get me a few more designs together, and see what you think about those.
  11. You would have to have a go-between table, that records what id's have been used, and what has not, so you can assign id's according to that.  Rather complicated process.  I don't see the point, there probably are other solutions, other than the way you are trying to do it, what are you trying to do exactly overall.
  12. 1. [quote]    * Line: 93 Context : img.xhtml       Property opacity doesn't exist : 0.5     * Line: 94 Context : img.xhtml       Parse Error - opacity=50)     * Line: 95 Context : img.xhtml       Parse Error - -moz-opacity: 0.5;     * Line: 96 Context : img.xhtml       Parse error - Unrecognized : }     * Line: 99 Context : img.xhtml:hover       Property opacity doesn't exist : 0.1     * Line: 100 Context : img.xhtml:hover       Parse Error - opacity=100)     * Line: 101 Context : img.xhtml:hover       Parse Error - -moz-opacity: 1.0;     * Line: 102 Context : img.xhtml:hover       Parse error - Unrecognized : }     * Line: 105 Context : img.css       Property opacity doesn't exist : 0.5     * Line: 106 Context : img.css       Parse Error - opacity=50)     * Line: 107 Context : img.css       Parse Error - -moz-opacity: 0.5;     * Line: 108 Context : img.css       Parse error - Unrecognized : }     * Line: 111 Context : img.css:hover       Property opacity doesn't exist : 0.1     * Line: 112 Context : img.css:hover       Parse Error - opacity=100)     * Line: 113 Context : img.css:hover       Parse Error - -moz-opacity: 1.0;     * Line: 114 Context : img.css:hover       Parse error - Unrecognized : }     * Line: 117 Context : div.bartitles       Property text-size doesn't exist : 10px[/quote] Why have a validation link when it's not valid. 2. The xhtml is valid that's good. Good things about it- I like the logo/banner(color combination), the whole thing looks nice. Nice overall color combination to the website itself I think it might be a little bland, if there was something you could do to "spruce" it up, I don't think it would hurt at all, but overall pretty good.
  13. I was wondering, which layout do you like the most.  I am trying to find out which one is the best. http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/temp/ I already had opinions on one of these here, I was hoping to get an idea of which of these layout/logo combinations would be the best to go with, or should I get a few more ideas together.
  14. I got that one finished finally, I didn't use curvy corners on that, one, but I got it working. I am doing another layout now, and I am using curvy corner's with it, as you suggested, whenever possible i iwll be using curvy corners, thanks again. I do have a general question however. On this other layout I have a footer, I need it at the bottom right, but it is staying right below the content, if there's little content then it is up further. Is there a way to make sure it stay's below the content, no matter what.
  15. actually that will help a lot, I appreciate it. Thanks again.
  16. Can someone tell me some stuff about directories, directory structures, and accessing files within a directory. Or show me a good tutorial on it, I looked everywhere for something pretty good. I need to know stuff like how to access them. When to put ./, when to put / or ../ I had someone help me with it some, but I don't really understand. I know a little, but that's one of my weak spots, any advice?
  17. Is this really, causing aproblem with my current layout. I am all up for learning something, I loved the idea, I will definitely do that in the future, with the images, or with the javascript, or css, to get rounded corners. But as it is now, I am running out of time, I have less than 1-1/2 weeks, to get 5 more layouts coded aftert his one, is there a hack, or a way you can show me how to get this problem fixed and out of the way. The layout will get rewritten when his site goes up another version later, but atleast for now, I need it working, so the site goes live.
  18. I will give that a try and see if it fixes my problem, I didn't know how to just use that part of the image earlier, that's why I must have been having problems, thanks again.
  19. I will look into that but can I ask why, just for knowledge purposes. Is there a reason why it's better, I thought there were 3 ways to get rounded corners. 1. Images 2. Javascript w css 3. css I thought each option was just as valid as the other's I trust you though so I will probably do that, is that what is actually causing my problem though?
  20. I have it looking perfect now in firefox, it's just messing up in ie, and opera, any advice.
  21. [code]<?php $select = "SELECT * FROM pictures LIMIT 12;"; $query = mysql_query($select); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo "<img src=\"{$row[imagepath]}{$row[imagename]}\" alt=\"{$row[imagename]}\" />"; } ?>[/code]
  22. [code]<?php $select = "SELECT * FROM pictures;"; $query = mysql_query($select); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo "<img src=\"{$row[imagepath]}{$row[imagename]}\" alt=\"{$row[imagename]}\" />"; } ?>[/code]
  23. I finally got this entire layout coded, but it has a few problems. It took quite awhile to get it this far. Here is a link to the website. http://www.hasbadservice.com/admintemplate.php Now there are a few problems 1. In all 3 browsers, it's making my text appear WAY off, it's suppose to be in the top div 2. In firefox other than that 1 thing it looks ok, in ie, it's misaligned too the right, and in opera, it's misaligned up and down, along with the text problem also, if anyone can see what is causing these problems and help me fix it would be greatly appreciated.
  24. Ok, which measurements, should be used for which types of elements.
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