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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. I was wondering about font's.  I have been using the same 4, but aren't font's specifically set up under families. serif", "sans-serif", "cursive", "fantasy", "monospace" Those are the families right, then any sub-font's are fonts within that font family. Are there any font families other than those. See I am trying to get a general idea on what all options are actuallya vailable with css font-family.  Does anyone know of a huge list of all the font families, what fonts are in those font families, atleast all the one's that are used in the browser's by default.  I am trying to get an idea of what all can be safely used, and what can be partially used, but you should have a backup for.
  2. http://wiki.novemberborn.net/sifr Do any of you have experience working with this, what do you think about it, is it trustworthy? Or are there still limitations on the font's
  3. Mark, I wanted to check back on this post, I was starting to build a framework now, and was having a hell of a fun time doing it.  I wanted to find out if you ever found of a good, solid, trustworthy(legal) way to protect your framework, and if you wouldn't mind passing on the information to me, so I could use it to do the same with mine, just wondering if you had figured out anything yet.
  4. This is the idea I used for that In the table storing file information have approved field. set it to 0 to default, when they come to view the file, or a chance to view the file, check approved, if it's 0 don't show the file.  If the person approves it, it goes to one, then the file can be shown on the website. Very simply and all, in all only takes one more field in the database, the advice was given to me by someone on these boards.
  5. You can have as many in one table as you want, or split up throughout as many table's as you want.  Eventually you run into problem's if it's not organized, but keep it organized, use common sense.  And you should be fine.
  6. [quote] =====================================================================                       An iEntry.com Mailing =====================================================================           WebProNews - Google, Microsoft Surrender To Belgians                           October 21, 2006                       http://www.WebProNews.com ==================================================================== Turn Key Reseller Web Hosting - Host UNLIMITED sites! ==================================================================== http://aj.600z.com/aj/17750/0/cc?z=1&b=17748&c=17747 Reseller plans come with a free billing manager by whmautopilot, free merchant account, free optional hosting templates to use, and a free eNom domain reseller account. This combo provides you with a completed web site that allows visitors to signup from your website, pay you instantly, and automatically have their account created within minutes. http://aj.600z.com/aj/17750/0/cc?z=1&b=17748&c=17747 ==================================================================== ==================================================================== Google, Microsoft Surrender To Belgians David A. Utter | Staff Writer Microsoft and Google have agreed to remove content managed by Copiepresse of Belgium from their indexes, with Google further being requested to pay nearly $43 million in fines. Instead of battling with Copiepresse on its home turf in Belgium's Court of First Instance, Microsoft chose to comply with the firm's requests to remove German and French language articles managed by Copiepresse from its websites. A Forbes report cited Sylvie Irzi, from Microsoft Belgium, who said, "Microsoft does not, for the moment, wish to enter into legal debates with Copiepresse, and is provisionally complying with their requests." Despite the compliance, Microsoft does not necessarily believe Copiepresse is in the right on this issue. But considering how poorly Google fared in court against Copiepresse, Microsoft may be taking the easy road out of this mess. Microsoft also may wish to stay away from negative headlines in Europe. The company has been fighting antitrust officials in the EU, and their case will be heard eventually in the Court of First Instance in Belgium, which is where its appeals will be heard eventually. Google already had to display a copy of the court's decision against it on its Belgian home page for five days. The company fought the requirement, but finally posted the judgment at Google.be, in very small print. [/quote] Ok this is an email I got on there it mentions about google, and microsoft, and some other company I never heard of.  And some legal disputes over a website, what exactly does all of this related too?
  7. on contacts, you could put a redirect to go to the login page, it would save an extra click, people normally like things happening quicker. Your site itself also doesn't signify anywhere on there what it's actually for. It seem's like a personal site, but without saying that ,people could be lost with interest as to what the site is even there for, the purpose of it's existence. 
  8. Latest Forum Stuf That section was annoying because it was moving, and very unsteadilly.  The color for the nav, maybe you could get a better color for that. Atleast lighter reds, they seem to be heavy on the eyes. I like the logo and the top part, the rollover's add a nice effect to the overall site, if of course the nav was a little lighter red. http://www.osministries.com/index.php?module=News&catid=&topic=6 The part that say's view all topic's for this article, was annoying and hard to read, you might want to change that link color when it's with a white background. The forum doesn't look good compared to the site you could have done better with that But overall it's not bad
  9. Actually thanks.  All of these ideas will help, I will keep them in mind, and thanks for the link as well.
  10. You mean like redesigning the concept behind CSS.  if that's what you mean, I guess your right.  There is a time and place for everything.  On the other hand I might go with sometimes commenting out some stuff in a global.css file that will allow me to uncomment needed style's on stuff I find myself using quite regularly or something.
  11. Even if it does, it's about custom programming. I have to rebuild a total css file everytime I recreate a website, I was thinking about a way to have that time cut.  Maybe instead just having the css, and commenting out certain ones.  Like have all the styles in body, one set to center, one set to right align, and left align. THen i cna uncomment the one's I want, just little things like that to speed up time sometimes.
  12. I have been working on a framework of my own for a little while now.  I actually loved building it, I am working to improve it everytime I get itme, and I try to deploy it everytime I build a new site. Now i have come to the anme,a nd call it master framework.  That is what I call my framework.  What I am doing now, is using it with pre-made javascript, ajax, css, files.  So far I just have blank global.css, and global.js in the ajax, javascript, css folder.  I am going to be building on these, eventually adding functions I can reuse(I also have a php config.php file in there, that handles a lot of things.  What I am thinking  now, most people might think this is a stupid idea. If it was used for browser detection or to pick a style based on the brower I would think so as well.  but the more I think of the idea behind a framework, it's meant to make it easier, and faster on me to be able to create sites faster. A lot of things with php is repeating the same stuff. If I made a css file using a lot of php functions I would be able to create entire css pages in less than a few minutes just by calling a few functions.  Like for instance have 1 function for each basic page layout.  For instance to be able to center the page, I have a function called center.  I specify a height and widht, to decide that.  Then I call the function in the php page later when I am building it. I just call the function in the middle of the body tag, that automatically make's it center. THen I might notice that I sometimes have a specific style, like for isntance a 2 column centered with header and footer.  With this, I can have a specific folder for each layout type. I can input 2 pages. I can have my html page, and just call a function to get the basic layout. THen on the css just call a function to get hte basic css setup.  Then put in an external stylesheet to make further modifications to the file.  I can set the content area's up as variabels and just call those where needed. Any ideas on this?
  13. That'll work, that helped, thanks.
  14. I was wondering, with xhtml, I was trying to use nested lists, to get a different affect. Like [code]<ul> <li>Master Category</li>   <ul>   <li>Sub 1</li>   <li>Sub 2</li>   <li>Sub 3</li>   </ul> <li>Master Category 2</li>   <ul>   <li>Sub 1</li>   <li>Sub 2</li>   <li>Sub 3</li>   <li>Sub 4</li>   </ul> <li>Master Category 3</li>   <ul>   <li>Sub 1</li>   <li>Sub 2</li>   </ul> </ul>[/code] When I do this however I get validation errors, but this is a good way to make it seem like i have category subcategory setup, why the validation errors?
  15. Yes I am working on these now, I have the guy I mentioned in my site(the one that does graphic design ideas, and layout ideas(he is a graphic, layout designer). I have him restyling the form's, working over all the content, making my page look 100% like the layout he originally created, then I am going to get feedback and make further adjustments from there, that's what I am working on now, I am adding a homepage on there also, as soon as some of it get's situated.
  16. I see people posting here all the time.  Not about full websites allways, sometimes about advice on a design, or presite construction.  Sometimes about just a logo, or piece of content, and there is nothing against the rule's about it.
  17. Ok that's what I was wondering, so there really is no point in getting into that other than just basic knowledge, thanks.
  18. I might be setting up one on my computer here soon, I am thinking about it. I might just go with a dedicated IP, or datacenter.  Or a company where I can have multiple different server's so I always have access to a language testing ground when needed.
  19. Are there any stand alone processor's for asp that you can get, that actual process it like an asp processor. See the host I use, they have a lot of programming langauges that they support.  This allows me to test, and learn some of the languages, I have been messing with it gives me a testing ground for Perl, Python, Ruby / Ruby On Rails, and a few other's so I don't have to run around getting different server's to test those out on.  Right now though, I had to write up some program's in asp, and I basically had to program them blindly for someone, because he couldn't show me server info.  The thing is, I got them finished, got them working, but it would have been easier with a place to test it on.  If I can find a standalone asp processor, even if it only works in a specific directory on my server, then I can just test them out in the directory, and make sure they work before passing them along. I don't want to totally change server's to asp, because it's just a testing ground, or learning area, it's not my primary langauge, I will always work in php, a lot more.
  20. I was refiniing my css abilities a little, and trying to learn more techniques, and I ran across something that I have heard of a few time's, but have never been clear on.  At this point, I don't want to know so much as what it is, because I primarily know that already, but more of what's it for.  Is there ever a logical or good reason to use quirks mode, whether temporarily or permanently, or is it useless.
  21. I am not totally done with it yet. I am still doing a lot with it. All the content is still getting rewritten, proofread, editing, rewritten again. The css is all getting rewritten to make it look 90% like the original layout I showed you, but with some improvements.  Also I am restyling the form's and doing a little witht eh color scheme, I will reshow it again next week.
  22. infinite loop. Or if you want a permanent refresh(totally pointless) <?php header('Location: page.php'); ?> it will redirect over to the same page over and over and over again, but there is absolutely no point, unless you wnat to piss people off.
  23. http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/the-mbstring-php-extension-and-phpmyadmin-error-issue.html
  24. It's best to alway's just code with <?php Look throughout each page with search and replace. Or find and replace. <? with <?php or just do it with php itself using str_replace() It's not good practice getting in that habit, as you can see, you will encounter problems.
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