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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. well technically, about the includes not outputting anything, do you mean for navigation, I always use includes for header/footer/nave, other elements that are widely changes, or did you mean something else.
  2. It is time, I have seen it enough, and wanted to do it, and now I think I am at that level.  One level after this, I will be classes/object(oop), but for now, I recently got heavy into files and learnt how to handle files better.  There are 2 more things I need to learn to do, before I am happy, this phase, and oop. For now it's this phase.  Now, I have decided(I have seen a lot of friends do this. I am not wanting to create an entire custom templating system yet, I am just wanting to build a function manager, I have seen a lot of people doing it, but I have a really good dea on how to make it work, but I have some questions. 1. I see people generally call them config files, I guess that is what I am going to call it, what do you call yours. 2. Define, I already know what it does but on a basic level, it just defines a value, as permanent.  Is there a point, what is it used for, when I see people's system files, or config file, a lot of times they define  a bunch of stuff, what does it do, and is it safe. 3. Serialize, and unserialize, I understand then b ut they make no sense.  I don't get the point in ever having to serialize or unserialize, can someone show me an example. 4. Ok, I have seen a lot of people do this, and htis is the mail reason I want to set this up.  I want to make a config file, but I think people create a basic copy, and end up replicating it. So I would just create everything I need, then when I need to use it for a project, I just copy all my files over to where I am working, and that's it. 5. I want to make a huge page, with includes to different pages with functions, but then have the names saved as variables, I don't know what it's called, I have seen people have a php page, with a bunch of includes(comments above each include), then on other pages, all those includes are disabled. Ok like this, they have there config page, I see at the top they have there mysql connection, session_start, and some other stuff.  Then below that they end up having whatever they have, like error reporting or something, then below that, they have a huge list of includes, to different pages for functions.  Like an include called files, which has all the functions they use pertaining to files, then some people even have the files include page, listed with other includes splitting up files into various sections.  or something.  I don't know how I am going to do it, but when they finally get to the page where they include the config file, all the includes start off disabled, and htey have to put a line of code, for each function page they want to be included, how do I do that, is that have to do with define or something. 6. I have seen in php.ini where it set's foo to an empty string, does this mean in situations where I have php.ini access, that I can create variables within the php.ini to have access to them anywhere, is this safe if it does work like that. 7. I noticed people could get into my includes folder, so I restricted it with htaccess, but then it didn't even include them on the pages, how can I prevent people from getting into it, when I also restrict my css files, I was hoping to cut them off, so people couldn't upload them in some situations, but it cut's it off from the browser as well. Thanks for the help.
  3. ah yes, paypal, the epitome of all evil.  This was my biggest challenge, there are a few way's to do this. One way I started doing, was using sessions, I simply register a bunch of sessions on the last page before payment, then do all my data work on the thankyou page, and leave a note they have to come back to the site, or they don't get what they pay for.  WHen it comes to the actual ipn, I couldn't get it to work, It was easy setting up ipn, but fighting with there optional parameters, really isn't worth it.
  4. Live chat can be programming in php a little but not like your thinking, it's going to be something else, like java, perl, c languages, or something a cgi bin or plugin. http://www.boutell.com/newfaq/creating/support.html
  5. [quote]Someone told me the more pages the less the abilities or something. That's complete rubbish.[/quote] That, I asked [quote]Also when it comes down to the thing he told me so if I can have a program done, and I end up doing it in 17 pages, I redo it in 2 pages, it's no better than the one on 17 pages??[/quote] I am confused now, so it isn't true that the lower number of pages taken to do something the better. Can someone explain this some, I was always trying to fit as much programming as humanly possible on one page, instead of multiple pages, what is a good medium, this is somethign I really wondering about now.
  6. Ok, I will take care of that then, thanks.
  7. That is not good, because I have been doing it that way for a long time, on all my older projects, what problems can that pose later on down the road. Also when it comes down to the thing he told me so if I can have a program done, and I end up doing it in 17 pages, I redo it in 2 pages, it's no better than the one on 17 pages??
  8. is if (isset($_GET['status']) { $status = $_GET['status']; }elseif (isset($_POST['status']) { $status = $_POST['status']) { } Is that the same as if ($_GET['status']) { $status = $_GET['status']; }elseif ($_POST['status']) { $status = $_POST['status']; } Are those 2 things, the same thing actually. Meaning do they function the same, and I will keep in mind about what you said as far as checking for the hacking attempt.
  9. I normally do like that, but I am starting to try to build a larger cms, without as many pages. Someone told me the more pages the less the abilities or something. I wanted to try to use programming logic to do as much as I can on one page, using a status variable and other stuff but when I have a lot of different get's coming it's hard to keep up with. EDIT What about this if ($_GET['status']) { $status = $_GET['status']; }elseif ($_POST['status']) { $status = $_POST['status']; } I have seen even other programmers do things like this, in a tightly packed program. Is this going to be safe.
  10. I have been trying to think of a way to create a function, where at the beginning of the pages, where I am doing compact programs, with a lot of stuff, where variables can be get, or post, or a combination.  I am trying to setup something to take all post, adn get variables and change them to regular variables. If I do this is it going to work the way I need, with out any issues, I just thought of it. If I go to the top of the page, that I need it done at, and put <?php session_start(); // I use sessions some so I have to have this extract($_POST); extract($_GET); extract($_SESSION); extract($_ENVIROMENT); extract($_SERVER); ?> this wasn't very realistic, I wouldn't have a need to do this all the time, or use all of these at once, but I was wondering, for instance, if I had a lot of post's and get's coming to the page, along with some sessions, and I wanted to make all of them regular variables.  Would this work For instance if I have 2 sessions $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $_SESSION['password'] = $password; for instance and they are registered, then on the page, that has the active sessions, in comes 3 get variables $_GET['hello']; $_GET['what']; $_GET['decide']; Those 3 are coming in for instance, then if I put <?php session_start(); extract($_SESSION); extract($_GET); ?> Would I then be able to get to sessions and other variables directly, is this safe. The last, and main question, if it's safe, why haven't I ever seen anyone else do this before?
  11. nevermind I just got it, it had something else wrong, I was pointing the query to look for the userid, instead of the id, thanks.
  12. It didn't work, I changed the test within the template pages to hold instead of id, and I am trying to get it to take the value of id, and insert it where hold is on hte template page, but it's not working. I am also sure my id variable has the right contents, I don't get why it's not working, any advice.
  13. Everything on the other pages are the same, I redid the stuff on the thankyou page, and there I used a function I found on php.net Now I have a question. Here is my new altered code. [code]<?php session_start(); function read_file($file) {   if(!function_exists("file_get_contents"))return file_get_contents($file);   $ifile = fopen($file,"r");   $contents = false;   if($ifile) while (!feof($ifile)) $contents .= fgets($ifile);   fclose($ifile);   return $contents; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Thank You</title> </head> <body> <?php if ($_SESSION['controller'] == true) { mysql_connect("localhost", "#####", "######"); mysql_select_db("hasbadse_hbservice"); // create user account. $errorhandler = ""; $insert = "INSERT INTO userinfo SET username = '$_SESSION[username]', password = '$_SESSION[password]', email = '$_SESSION[email]', subdomainname = '$_SESSION[subdomain]';"; mysql_query($insert); $select = "SELECT * FROM userinfo WHERE username = '$_SESSION[username]';"; $query = mysql_query($select); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { // retrieve userid with user account. $id = $row['id']; } // end getting userid. $header = $_SESSION['header']; $text = $_SESSION['text']; $insertcms = "INSERT INTO usercms (header, text, userid) VALUES ('$header', '$text', '$id');"; if (!mysql_query($insertcms)) { $errorhandler .= "There was a problem inserting the Content Management Information.<br />"; $errorhandler .= "Please contact support about this problem.<br />"; } // VERY IMPORTANT, everything below is used for directory creation. $var = preg_replace('/[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7F]/e', '"&#".ord($0).";"', $_SESSION['subdomain']); $dir = "userpages/$var"; mkdir("$dir", 0700); if (!mkdir) { $errorhandler .= "unable to create the directory. Please contact support or try again.<br />"; } $buffer = read_file($_SESSION['template']); $buffer = str_replace("$id", $id, $buffer); // here I can do all my changes to the buffer variable(which contains the file information) $outfile = fopen("userpages/{$var}/index.php", "w"); // open writeable fwrite($outfile, $buffer); fclose ($outfile); // VERY IMPORTANT, everything above here is used for directory creation. $insertdn = "INSERT INTO subdomain (path, subdomainname, userid) VALUES ('$dir', '$_SESSION[subdomain]', '$id');"; if (!mysql_query($insertdn)) { $errorhandler .= "There was a problem, please contact support immediately.<br />"; } // start check for error handler if ($errorhandler != "") { echo "<span style=\"color:red;\">"; echo $errorhandler; echo "</span>"; } if ($errorhandler == "") { ?> <h4>Thank You</h4> <p>Thank you for your purchase, you can go over to the administration page, and login there.</p> <a href="/useradmin.php" title="User Admin">User Admin</a> <?php } }else { echo "You have to go through the entire signup process, before coming to this page, in order <br />"; echo "for your account to be able to be created.<br />"; } ?> </body> </html> [/code] Ok everything here now works but one thing, at first a lot was wrong with it, but now it's moving it to the directory, properly copying the file contents as needed.  Everything is so far working, but the string replace isn't doing what it's suppose it.  It's suppose to find the occurence of $id and change $id to the number of the user id, so it can find those entries in the database.
  14. Thanks I will try look at those, study them awhile, look through google some, try the code again with different variations, adn if I keep running into a brick wall I will ask again, thanks for the help.
  15. I have taken care of it, I got aboard a graphic design(logo's, layouts), and he also does flash(actionscript), and content writing, those are most of his skills.  I have someone I can pass some stuff off to, if I need those elements done on something.  I am redoing my whole career goals, and ideas currently.
  16. Where should I use that at, I mean what should I replace with that?
  17. Ok. I am going to get my graphic design to make some changes to this, and get him to do some work on the layout some, then work up a few more. I decided to take everyone's advice, I am playing with photoshop, but I ahve someone that I have hired to do 3 things permanently. 1. Logo's, layouts(just an img of the logo/layout combination), 2. Writing up all the content, he did professional content writing for 6 years, and he excels at flash/actionscript, and does good work, his design abilities, mixed with my abilities, it should round everything off, and leav eme concentrating on what I want.  In the long run, I am still doing everything with website construction, I will just send him some specs to get a logo and design idea, and the content, then I can do all the rest, I think my career is finally looking up.
  18. What do you think about this layout, and logo combination.  Am I in the right direction. I heavily modified the logo that koolaid man sent me, and ran with the idea of the layout. Any advice. [attachment deleted by admin]
  19. I moved closing it down right above closing the other, and it still didn't work?
  20. I have been fighting with this for months.  I can't decide. Below is a link to a post I made where I was having the same issue this whole time deciding. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,110739.0.html
  21. The code does everything it's suppose to but one thing.  It takes the template page, and put's it int eh right directory as index.php, but it's blank it's not 1. Copying the info from the specified template page, 2. Updating the content?? [code]<?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Thank You</title> </head> <body> <?php if ($_SESSION['controller'] == true) { mysql_connect("localhost", "#####", "#####"); mysql_select_db("hasbadse_hbservice"); // create user account. $errorhandler = ""; $insert = "INSERT INTO userinfo SET username = '$_SESSION[username]', password = '$_SESSION[password]', email = '$_SESSION[email]', subdomainname = '$_SESSION[subdomain]';"; mysql_query($insert); $select = "SELECT * FROM userinfo WHERE username = '$_SESSION[username]';"; $query = mysql_query($select); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { // retrieve userid with user account. $id = $row['id']; } // end getting userid. $header = $_SESSION['header']; $text = $_SESSION['text']; $insertcms = "INSERT INTO usercms (header, text, userid) VALUES ('$header', '$text', '$id');"; if (!mysql_query($insertcms)) { $errorhandler .= "There was a problem inserting the Content Management Information.<br />"; $errorhandler .= "Please contact support about this problem.<br />"; } // VERY IMPORTANT, everything below is used for directory creation. $var = preg_replace('/[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7F]/e', '"&#".ord($0).";"', $_SESSION['subdomain']); $dir = "userpages/$var"; mkdir("$dir", 0700); if (!mkdir) { $errorhandler .= "unable to create the directory. Please contact support or try again.<br />"; } $infile = fopen($_SESSION['template'], "r"); // as readonly while (!feof($infile)) { $buffer = fread($infile, filesize($_SESSION['template'])); } fclose($infile); $buffer = str_replace("$id", $id, $buffer); // here I can do all my changes to the buffer variable(which contains the file information) $outfile = fopen("userpages/{$var}/index.php", "w"); // open writeable fwrite($outfile, $buffer); fclose ($outfile); // VERY IMPORTANT, everything above here is used for directory creation. $insertdn = "INSERT INTO subdomain (path, subdomainname, userid) VALUES ('$dir', '$_SESSION[subdomain]', '$id');"; if (!mysql_query($insertdn)) { $errorhandler .= "There was a problem, please contact support immediately.<br />"; } // start check for error handler if ($errorhandler != "") { echo "<span style=\"color:red;\">"; echo $errorhandler; echo "</span>"; } if ($errorhandler == "") { ?> <h4>Thank You</h4> <p>Thank you for your purchase, you can go over to the administration page, and login there.</p> <a href="/useradmin.php" title="User Admin">User Admin</a> <?php } }else { echo "You have to go through the entire signup process, before coming to this page, in order <br />"; echo "for your account to be able to be created.<br />"; } ?> </body> </html>[/code]
  22. Ok, if you get the general flow of the site, then what should I do.  The client doesn't care "how" it's done he just want's it done. If there is a better logic I can put behind it, or a better idea of how I can program it tell me, even if I have to rewrite the whole thing. I am tired of sitting here like I know everything. I want advice, if you give me something, that I understnad, and makes sense, even if I have to rewrite the whole thing, then so-be-it. Let me know what you think, what can I do differently to be more effective, easier to mantain, if you understand the idea. THe template pages are pages tthat the person can choose from, ad design will be added behind each tempalte, and more templates added, so they can choose what design they want.  Let me know what you think, and I will do whatever you suggest.
  23. I don't know I am just unhappy right now with my career. I can't decide on a lot of things, here is hte jist of it. [quote]To give you an idea of where I am coming from in total, what I really need advice on, read this post, quoted from somewhere, where I explained my issue.  I will also say something specific below that I am really having a hard time with something.  I want to build my own, I am redoing my entire web development site, I am building a contact management system, link management system, and code management all custom for my site.  I was going to build a project management system custom too, but I see way to many things in here, that would take me awhile to get together.  Especially in my spare time, and one thing I am still have some issues with after all this time, is file handling. I wanted to ask a few questions about further releases of active collab to decide if I should still with it, or custom build one, if someone could answer these questions I Would greatly appreciate it. 1. I now have version 0.7, are you going to be developing on this permanently.  Meaning is it something you are going to constantly be developing on, from now, until a specific time, or permanently. 2. When is the release date idea for version 0.8, and 0.9, and 1.0 3. Do you have any plans at all for anything after version 1.0 4. Ok, there is something you called plugins, plugins can be considered different things, what do you mean, do you mean being able to hook it to other third party applications, or something else.  If you mean something else, then what does it have to do with. 5. IF the plugins end up being for various components of the same program, are we still gogin to be able to download the entire activecollab program with the plugins and all, or are the plugs all something we have to get seperately, or am I thinking about plugins the wrong way? 6. If I just created a few other custom applications, and simply put one link on the administration page, where all the links are, just add a link to my other application then   a. Is that going to be something that would ever be overwritten in newer versions, or would it be easy to keep adding it back in here.   b. What do I need to do, to make sure I am the only one who can see it.  I am a programmer, have been for a long time now, and I was just wondering, because this is a huge system, I don't want to mess something up.  Especially when the owner is always here to ask. 7.  Now for some more of personal advice.   a.  I can't decide what to base my career around.  I want to say 100% custom programming, and 90% of the time I do everything custom from the ground up.  But when it comes to forum's I always end up using simple machines(smf), if it's a shopping cart, so far it's been third party, but no-one so far needed a e-commerce site, and chances are if they had a fair deadline, and good budget, I would build those from scratch.  I am trying to decide is a project management system any harder to build than a full e-commerce system.   b. I want to still say 100% custom programming, is it still custom programming if it's a third party app that still matches there needs, like something big, I can still do custom programming to make it what they need.   c. What do you base it off of, iilja don't remember your name  right off, have you ever used third party apps, I just can't decide.  I want to do everything custom I can, but if I swear 100% custom programming, meaning never third party, then I will end up having triple development time for things like forum's and stuff like that.  I really wanted to program my own project management system but I don't think I would ever be able too. Any advice. 8. What directions are this software going to go, I mean is it always going to be open source.  What other features are you putting in, someone said you shouldn't keep going in and putting in features, but setup to allow people to have there own features, what do you mean, I am confused about that specific part.  Does that mean there's a time when you won't be adding in new features over and over again, and instead you will decide to allow users to create there own module's with no set version releases.  I am confused, just looking to try and hear some input on everything, so I can help solidy my delima in either created one from scratch or sticking to this one?[/quote] See that is pretty much it, I am unhappy with my own site. I have the logo, that koolaid man helped me with, and another friend of mine doing the layout idea for me, then I am going to code everything.  THe site will then look good, my friend has done graphic/layoutdesign/content writing for well over 15 years.  He is doing me a favor in exchange for programming. That will get me satisfied with my website as far as the logo, design, layout, and other elements. Now it comes to programming. THis activecollab I am not sure if I am going to use it or not, but I am not sure the reason.  He said he started it in january, and it has come this far, but I needed sometihng faster, so I used activcollab instead of building my own.  Most of it though is that my friend aaron the programmer tells me how everything he does is custom programming.  I look up to him more than anything, and he gives me advice, I try to follow him on everything.  He says he builds everything from scratch except for forum's.  HE even has one of those partially constructed, once he is done he is using it.  He said he does that because he can, it's easy for him.  I know enough about php to do almost anything, some things with a little work.  I am having a hard time deciding whether I want to go permanent custom programming, on everything or pick and choose and then on what.  Like my site I have 4 different set's of options I have laid out and I can't decide no matter what(just for the backend programming only I am definitely having the following systems built in project management system personal management system link management system code management system just a note, I am 100% sure I am building the lower 3 systems from scratch.  Just linking them with activcollab, that is my idea so far, but I am trying to decide on what to do with activecollab specifically. Option 1- Use activcollab project management system, and hope the new versions are good enough to make me totally happy.  I almost am now, but I have this feeling I didn't build it, that bother's me, but maybe once I build my actual website itself where I am happy, and get those other system's built that problem will go away, and I Will loko at things differently. Option 2- Try and keep activcollab for awhile.  Go ahead and get everything else on my site up and runnign, and see how good/well off activcollab is at that point and decide if I want to build one.  If so keep activecollab while I build a skeleton and the features I want. option 3- try to build the whole project management system from scratch,. This is where my main problem with my decision lies. THe other thing that is bothering me, from now on, in general, I am thinking I know if it's anything small or intermediate, I am custom building it. Actually anything except for maybe forum's, shopping carts(depends), and this project management system.  Anything else I would build from scratch, but should I modify my career goals, and try to even do some of the other 3 from scratch as well, this is the hardest career goal, choice I ever was faced with. I have ideas on my other 3 systems, those are easy especially my code management system, to allow me to keep track of the libraries I create, and search functions, that is going to take me awhile, but it'll be fine, it'll be after my website front end, is up and running fully, and out of the way, as far as content. The only other problem/issue I am dealing with currently is ocming up with a general system for work. I am wanting to start releasing websites I create for people in versions.  Starting at version 0.1  THen eventually upgrading versions based on functionality.  Then I can have the information in activcolab to help me keep up with the versioning number, and milestones of new versions. Just so much running through my head, I don't know where to go, or which direction to turn to right now.
  24. Ok, let me explain like this. I have sitting in the root directory a file named template1.php it contains the following code. template1.php [code]<?php session_start(); mysql_connect("localhost", "#####", "#####"); mysql_select_db("hasbadse_hbservice"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Template 1</title> </head> <body> <div class="content"> <?php $select = "SELECT * FROM usercms WHERE id = '$id';"; $query = mysql_query($select); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo "<h4>" . stripslashes($row['header']) . "</h4>"; echo "<p>" . stripslashes($row['text']) . "</p>"; } ?> </div> </body> </html>[/code] As you can see, this is it, there is a database connection, to keep it with a live connection, a session_start() to make sure sessions are there(for future versions of the website), Now you can see there is a query there, it has 1 variable that you are not sure where the information is coming from.  It is coming you another page.  Ok, imagine this file template1.php is sitting on the server. Now I have my signup script, this is where they come back to, after paying through paypl, where everything happens, that is below. thankyou.php (everything that comes back from paypal, comes to here) [code]<?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Thank You</title> </head> <body> <?php if ($_SESSION['controller'] == true) { mysql_connect("localhost", "#####", "####"); mysql_select_db("hasbadse_hbservice"); // create user account. $errorhandler = ""; $insert = "INSERT INTO userinfo SET username = '$_SESSION[username]', password = '$_SESSION[password]', email = '$_SESSION[email]', subdomainname = '$_SESSION[subdomain]';"; mysql_query($insert); $select = "SELECT * FROM userinfo WHERE username = '$_SESSION[username]';"; $query = mysql_query($select); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { // retrieve userid with user account. $id = $row['id']; } // end getting userid. $insertdn = "INSERT INTO subdomain (path, subdomainname, userid) VALUES ('test', '$_SESSION[subdomain]', '$id');"; if (!mysql_query($insertdn)) { $errorhandler .= "There was a problem, please contact support immediately.<br />"; } // VERY IMPORTANT, everything below is used for directory creation. $var = preg_replace('/[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7F]/e', '"&#".ord($0).";"', $_SESSION['subdomain']); $dir = "userpages/$var"; mkdir("$dir", 0700); if (!mkdir) { $errorhandler .= "unable to create the directory. Please contact support or try again.<br />"; } $infile = fopen("$_SESSION[template]", "r") // as readonly while (!feof($infile)) { $buffer = fread($infile, filesize("$_SESSION[template]")); } fclose($infile); // here I can do all my changes to the buffer variable(which contains the file information) $outfile = fopen("index.php", "w") // open writeable fwrite($outfile, $buffer) fclose ($outfile); // VERY IMPORTANT, everything above here is used for directory creation. if ($errorhandler != "") { echo "<span style=\"color:red;\">"; echo $errorhandler; echo "</span>"; } if ($errorhandler == "") { ?> <h4>Thank You</h4> <p>Thank you for your purchase, you can go over to the administration page, and login there.</p> <a href="/useradmin.php" title="User Admin">User Admin</a> <?php } }else { echo "You have to go through the entire signup process, before coming to this page, in order <br />"; echo "for your account to be able to be created.<br />"; } ?> </body> </html>[/code] Ok, this will explain where the id is suppose to come from. I create the person a user account, then immediately go back to the database to retrieve the id the db associated with that user. THen I database the information on the subdomain that is to be created soon, along with the userid of the person that is creating it. Then I database the information I had brought to another form that contained a header/text for a cms.  I database the header, text, and userid of the person putting int he cms info.  Each entry is one section of text.  Now I need to create a directory named the name they choose for the subdomain, I need to open template1.php with the data it currently holds, trap the contents in a variable, and close the file.  I did all of that, NOW I need to modify the value in that file $id, to hold the value of the id of the user.  This will allow the system to retrieve that user id when the page goes live, so it shows the right information. THat part I need to do, I have already set up to save the new file to the right directory, adn close it when finished.  The only thing is getting that id, to be replaced by the other id??
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