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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. ok, so from now on, I will name them without spaces, thanks.
  2. I don't use strict, when I have a link going to any "External" page, meaning a website that is not the one they are currently on, I open it in a new window.  So that target="_blank" only works in transitional, and not in strict.  That stopped me from using it right there.
  3. I have noticed that i end up using table names with spaces Terms Of Service or whatever, is this right, i remember something about them not suppose to have spaces, and I never see anyone else with spaces, but they still work fine???
  4. just something you might want to think about, on the 3 colored boxed, have some kind of css, with hover, that relates to that color, I don't know if it would be better or worse, but it's something I was thinking might look good?  Everything on it looks good though.
  5. So now everything is back to square one, for some people it's good, and for some people it's bad?
  6. ah, so I "shouldn't" just throw text out in the middle of the page like that?
  7. [quote author=ober link=topic=109425.msg441074#msg441074 date=1159202609] No.  There is no reason text has to be enclosed in tags within the browser and this is no reason the validator would give an error because of that. [/quote] It probably does, or ober would have said something about it.
  8. No I mean, I am adding hte dollar sign when the information is pulled from the database.  I was hoping to use is_numeric to check and see if they put in a dollar sign, and return an error message.  When I first tested it, with a dollar sign it returned the error, but now it's just changing it over to a $0 instead.
  9. Ok good, then that is something I can start doing instead of using those p tags all the time, sometimes i need to get text to the browser, without anything but the text.  Like without the extra spacing, margin, padding that comes with p tags, so this might help me a lot at specific times, I was just encasing everything in span tags.  So I can start doing that instead, thanks for the help. actually that's why I was asking, I would take a whole notepad, with special formating, and try to use like p tags and everything, so instead I could just copy and paste the whole notepad onto a webpage, within the content area. Then just use a non-breaking space to get the indenting, that will be a lot faster.
  10. I have had w3schools.com return some errors before along the lines of text not enclosed with a block or inline element or something similar, I was thinking it could have had to do with something like this?
  11. [code] <?php if (isset($price)) { if (!is_numeric($price)) { $errorhandler .= "The Price value has to be Numbers only.<br />"; } } } ?> [/code] [b]Intended Code Function[/b] [list] [*]Check to see if they filled out the price field. [*]If they did make sure it was numeric value only. [*]If not return an error indicating so. [/list] [b]Current Script Function[/b] [list] [*]Checks to see if they put in a price [*]Check to see if it's numeric only, but fails in it's purpose. It misses the $ symbol, so when someone puts in a price with  a $ then it returns the value always to $0 instead.  Also I have it automatically putting in a dollar sign on display, so I needed to keep them from it here. [/list]
  12. I will keep that in mind, I have heard a lot of good, and especially bad things about phpbb, so I will look into simple machines and see, but if phpbb has so many exploits why don't they just work towards preventing them and fixing htem, most of it is probably due to register_globals being set to on.
  13. Ok, I see sometimes, most of the time, people put text in p tags. Like <p>Hello</p> or something, or they use span, or something else.  But sometimes I see someone just put text straight to the browser, Hello instead like have a word document, inside the content div, they have like Hello, my name is dave, I watch tv a lot and each chips. <br /> sometimes I don't care though like that.
  14. I sometimes see inside the html text dropped there, with no span, p, or pre tags.  Just put straight out to the browser, is this bad, if so why.
  15. No, I never get offended with anything barand says, he has helped me so many times, I always love hearing his suggestions, I was just saying, I would never get offended by anything he said with how many times he helped me.  As for programming, yes javascript I would consider a scripting language, but if you look at some major javascript applications, it can get really heavy after awhile. Some javascript programming can be harder for me than php programming, and I have done javascript for longer than php.  I thought ajax came out in 2005, if that's the case, when I update my site I will update that with the time period, when i first started with ajax, the first place I checked was wikipedia, it said 2005, since then I stated since it's creation, I am going to change that on the next website change.  as what redbullmarky is saying, I don't really know anythign at all about web 2.0 itself because everything I look at web 2.0 it seems affiliated with .net and asp, and i don't like those languages much, I see ajax associated with web 2.0 but the thing with that, is it always seems to be associated with .net as well.
  16. One of these might be somethign I was looking for, I will also be watching for shark'sbait url, and see how that works, if not one of these might be just what I am looking for, thanks andy
  17. I will try installing phpbb a little later and give that a try, and see if it works out the way I want, but I have to get something specific and last time I tried to carry over session for a website over to php bb, it didn't work.  I have to run off of them already being logged in on the website.
  18. [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AJAX_%28programming%29]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AJAX_%28programming%29[/url] Just because I carry that opinion doesn't mean I don't know how to do it.  Also just because I don't use ajax all the time doesn't mean that I don't know how to do it.  I started looking up ajax quite a long time ago.  Which would be about 8 months, it's been out since 2005, so maybe not since it's creation I think I need to change that.  I guess your right, I shouldn't have put since it's creation, that doesn't really match the truth, it was more of about 6-8 months ago, it wasn't long after it came out, but I still need to specify that.  However about teh term Ajax, if I did ajax as a concept, then it's just putting multiple languages together, but I get annoyed when I hear terms like AHAH, asynchronious html, and http.  Or other like terms, because I feel that ajax itself is a very special form of programming, it is very powerful, but when they come up with all these otehr terms, ajax itself starts loosing it's powerful philisophically as a language.  I feel it's a very good term to use "programming language" with javascript because of it's nature.  WIthout the proper elements it doesn't work, and it's not called ajax. 
  19. I need help with a discussion board, I started building almost everything from scratch, but even the person who taught me this said that was an exception even with him.  I don't think phpbb or something similar will help me with this, I have to have like a multi-board.  Ok here is hte thing. www.thecampussource.com here there is a place for discussions for each school, easy a's and hard classes.  A discussion board sort of like what is found at www.thecraigslist.com I need to be able to have it different for each school, like upenn would have 2 boards, one for a's and one for tough classes, and have them each be different for each school.  Right now I have restrictions, if you sign up under one school, you are restricted a lot to doing things for only that one school, it has to be that way for the discussion board, you have to be within that school, to use that forum.
  20. [quote]How about a marquee? http://www.funky-chickens.com/marqs2.shtml[/quote] actually marquee is regular xhtml.  But for one I think it's deprecated, and another it ONLY works in internet explorer, that was my first option, but I decided not too, because it was suppose to reach businesses, I think that only in ie, wouldn't work for this situation. [quote]I have been trying to make this work for 2 weeks, I couldn't get one built, and I couldn't find one.  I tried using javascript/php and nothing I tried to do worked.  I am simply trying to get it to scroll horizontally.  I need to get the information from the database, put it in a javascript array, and then get it to scroll, but I couldn't get anything to work for some reason, any advice on a third party script somewhere.[/quote] THis would be a great idea, I have a bunch of flash books, and I was thinking about trying to get better with it(enough to do this), but with my current project load, there is no way I would have the time right now, so that would be greatly appreciated.
  21. I have been trying to make this work for 2 weeks, I couldn't get one built, and I couldn't find one.  I tried using javascript/php and nothing I tried to do worked.  I am simply trying to get it to scroll horizontally.  I need to get the information from the database, put it in a javascript array, and then get it to scroll, but I couldn't get anything to work for some reason, any advice on a third party script somewhere.
  22. yes after fighting with it for like 3-5 hours I realized I needed it set to int, it was a big waste of time over something that wouldn't have happened, if I had of known that, I just didn't think about it having anything to do with db types, until at the end.
  23. $select = "SELECT * FROM $postset WHERE categoryname = '$category' AND subcategoryname = '$subcategory' AND schoolname = '$school' AND price > '$searchpricemin' AND price < '$searchpricemax';"; ok this was the search query, I have one in the db, with price of 80 just for a test When I put in minimum of 70 maximum of 85 or 90 then it works but when I put in, minimum of 70 maximum of 100 or higher, it doesn't bring search results, I need it to get everything within that minimum maximum range, what's going on. EDIT see I also just tried usin $select = "SELECT * FROM $postset WHERE categoryname = '$category' AND subcategoryname = '$subcategory' AND schoolname = '$school' AND price BETWEEN '$searchpricemin' AND '$searchpricemax';" and it's not working right.  The min number and max numbers are also recieving the right values, it's just neither one seem to be working.
  24. ah perfect, that made it work, and I also just saw that parenthesis thing in w3schools, that was something I didn't know but I am glad to know.
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